The Mind Of OverlordTomala

It’s Poll O’ Clock!

The poll has returned and it’s bigger than ever! The last time we had a poll it was fun getting all of your feedback! So much in fact that I’m bringing it back with MORE OPTIONS!!!

From now until the 9th of March you can vote for up to five different options! With the limit of one IP per household. No account required etc, etc.

[democracy id=”2″]

Looking forward to your results!… for science! 😛

Oatmeal Weekend

A Bowl Of Sunshine

I decided this weekend would be an oatmeal weekend. I haven’t had any in awhile, and had plenty of fruit in the freezer to make a couple good bowls. Yesterday was a blueberry peach dragonfruit bowl; and today was a orange pineapple mango banana bowl. When I used to visit my grandma she always had some orange pineapple banana juice for me to drink. The taste brought back some fond memories.

If you want to make this, all you need is 1 1/2 cups of orange juice, chopped banana, mango and pineapple, small oranges (like mandarins or clementines), honey and pecans. I didn’t have any banana, so I substituted Nesquik Banana. It was all the right bits of sweet and tangy, and most importantly filling. 😛

We’re Goin’ To Party Church

I’ve been so dead set on finishing this that I pretty much fixated all of my spare time on wrapping up this final animation. I just need to piece it into the final project and I’ll have a full video, all canned and ready to go! All that’s left is to design a video thumbnail and I’ll be done. From there I can figure out when to release this abomination upon the world.

I’m already mentally mapping out the next project. It will be holiday themed, so there won’t be much openly posted about it as a result. Dammit! That means I’ll have to find other things to blog about! 😛

Dr Breen Is Trendy

I’m a little confused. I made this video back in 2009:

Now, all of a sudden, a little over a decade from when I originally made it, I’m getting a bunch of comments. I’m not complaining, but wtf?! This was one of my earlier experiments with animation using Garry’s Mod and Source SDK. I always thought George Carlin’s voice was a good match for Breen, and apparently there are a few others who feel the same; with just as many wondering how in the hell they ended up on the weirdness that is my street of the YouTube universe.

Who knows? I might have to try recreating comedy performances in SFM. I just need the proper inspiration.

Back To Chaos

It’s been a nice couple of days off; but it’s time to get back into the swing of things for another funtastic round of hell. In other news I did get more project work done:

I’m in the process of animating each of these characters, with only about 6 of them done for the most part. I’m not sure how long it’ll take me to finish it, but my goal is to wrap things up by the end of the week… accomplishing that is a whole other story though. 😛

My (slightly) EPIC Gaming Day

I was going to do a livestream tonight, but ran into a nasty crash. After further diagnosis I found out my webcam was the culprit, at least when used in junction with my streamdeck and OBS. By the time I finished troubleshooting it was too late for me to want to stream, but that didn’t stop us from playing a little BL3. I also did a little achievement hunting earlier in AMID EVIL for the fun of it. I finished a level without killing anyone and found the hidden EVIL difficulty. It was a little challenging corralling the enemies around the map without killing myself or accidentally triggering friendly fire, but after some trial and error I managed to traverse all the hurdles without getting stuck in any thin corridors with an entire army of douchecanoes.

Late Night Open Thread

I accidentally had a nap earlier, and now I’ve been up for awhile drinking tea and sciencing my new lighting setup I acquired from The Amazing Zon. This week has been like electronic Christmas for me; between my new Monitor, Roku, Keyboard, the greenscreen lights, and the the sakura swag I think I’m going to have a fun weekend. 😀

Decompression Thread

My Brother was in need of a Roku upgrade, and I was already contemplating getting a new model. So I sold him my Premiere Plus model and proceeded to purchase a Roku Ultra LT model. I mainly used the previous Roku for listening to Pandora while doing other stuff, but have decided this time around to start actually using it as a proper TV. I proceeded to watch a little Hulu while warming up with some Ramen and Green Jasmine tea on a cold rainy day, and proceeded to do something I haven’t done in years; sit down and watch some classic anime that I’ll attempt to finish watching this year. 😛 I might have to do a repeat of this routine tomorrow. 😀