The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The Swag Fairy Did Not Disappoint

Today was a busy day. My deliveries arrived today, except they didn’t… I had to collect five packages from the post office, not sure why they couldn’t have been delivered to my door but… meh. At least they all arrived in one piece! My lights arrived for the green screen, and my new monitor is plugged in and making my eyes happy. 8) It was nice to do some animation tonight on a large screen that doesn’t randomly cut out on me.

I also played with lighting my greenscreen a bit, and I can tell I’m on the right track. If I have the time and the energy I’ll have to try and stream something this weekend to take full advantage of it!

If I do I wonder what it’ll be…

Evening Open Thread

I’ve been feeling unwell for most of the day, only managing to get by on painkillers and some special oils. :v On the bright side I’m not hungover by yesterday’s Mimosa binge, probably due to drinking ALL OF THE TEA.

Now to go to sleep while pondering what game to play during lunch tomorrow… do I do more Spyro or think of something something Portals?

Decisions, decisions…

Happy Valenginas Day!

I celebrated by drinking orange peach mimosas, eating a fancy breakfast in bed on a rainy day, and playing a game or two. Yutram and I finished conquering Pandora, and are now blasting off to Promethia. I contemplated doing another stream tonight, but figured I would wait for my new equipment to arrive. I have the monitor arriving Wednesday, and I also ordered some lighting equipment for my greenscreen setup. I bought three a ring light as well as two regular lights.

Mandatory Morty Post

Spoiled Boi

I’ve been meaning to take more cat photos with the new DSLR, but it’s kinda hard to practice on targets that mostly like to move with Morty being one of said targets. I’ve been trying for a couple days to get good kitty shots of him or Stewie, and today I finally got one good shot in using manual exposure. I caught Morty chillin’ atop a blanket he regularly uses as a kitty tent. It was cold and rainy today, and despite being Scottish he just wasn’t wanting to go out in the rain today (he doesn’t mind playing out in the rain, but it was to cold and windy for him to handle). On cold days like these he becomes a couch potato. He only got up when he detected that the steak was ready for human dinner, and he haaaaad to beg for some (as is tradition).

That cat has eyes that can pierce your soul.

Week Of The Dragon

Throughout the work week I made my lunch time gaming about one game, and one game only. Spyro, modded to be as colourful as my gaming hardware. I’ve been trying to 100% each level and homeworld, and I’ve finally made it to Beast Makers! I’ve decided to leave off to venture into other worlds. I’ve made enough progress to be happy for now, and I always savor a game more when I take my time… unless it’s good enough to play over and over again! 😀

I should pay a visit to the Nexus again to see if there are more entertaining mods.

Spoke Too Soon

After having the desktop on for about 15 minutes today my Samsung started randomly committing seppuku again. I’ve swapped out with another cable and so far it seems to be behaving, but I figured I’d just say fuck it and buy a new toy. I’ll be trading my Samsung for an LG of all things believe it or not. It seems to check off everything I need on a monitor. I’ll try to make due on the current one, and if it keeps giving me trouble I’ll just torture myself with one of the other spares around the house; They’re smaller but better than nothing, especially if I’m contemplating doing another livestream.

Crisis Averted: The Monitor Lives

I did more tinkering with the Samsung today, and I think I’ve solved the problem… at least for now. For some reason doing a driver update seemed to fix the issue, at least under Windows. I haven’t updated the drivers under Manjaro yet, but now after thinking about it I’m wondering if I had the problem in Linux at all… I was jumping around between the two OS’s quite a bit more than usual last weekend, and I have pretty much an identical set of programs under each one. I might have crossed a mental wire somewhere.

On the bright side I won’t need to upgrade my monitor for awhile longer. 😛 Meaning I’ll just have to continue saving my money. It’s kinda sad…. I’ve accumulated a lot of money by not getting my hair cut (none of the shops around here are enforcing masks, so I’m waiting for a vaccine), not traveling, and not being able to buy a graphics card! I’m fucking rolling in savings right now and there’s nowhere for it to go! It’s kinda cool actually, seeing all of that money I can’t use because assholes exist.

Forced Upgrades: Gaming Monitor Edition

As of yesterday I’ve been experiencing random blackouts on my secondary monitor, and not a typical black screen but a full power off. I’ve tried plugging it into another computer, and for some reason it doesn’t repeat the same result, even after leaving it on for hours. I thought maybe it was a cable issue, but it dies even with all cables replaced with different ones. I also tried swapping Display Ports, but again that was fruitless. I have my older Acer plugged in as a second monitor to test, and so far that seems to be working perfectly. Meanwhile I’ve let my Dad borrow the defective monitor to see if he can get it to die on his computer. This problem is quite bizarre; every time it shuts off the monitor goes completely dead, you can’t even power it back on again. Like a zombie though it eventually wakes back up again.

I’m thinking it might be time to upgrade my secondary monitor…