I found a nice photo subject to practice on today, but sadly it didn’t stick around long enough to get the colour balanced out properly… and I think I might be a couple F-STOPS off in this shot, but at least its nice and clear.
Borderlands 3 And Linux… Will It Blend?
I was feeling a little brave and tried to run Borderlands 3 under Linux just to see if I could get any sparks to fly, and to my surprise it actually ran… sorta.
I made a fresh character just to see how a first time run through of the intro would perform, and the answer is that… it didn’t. Any video that tried to run in game, pre-rendered cutscenes and Lillith sightings, didn’t display correctly.
I broke the game once I got to the part where you had to watch a bandit on a monitor, the game broke and wouldn’t let me progress beyond that point. I tried restarting the game later on to see if the problem fixed itself and it actually got worse, the game no longer wanted to launch. I’m thinking of experimenting with different Proton versions, and maybe switching to a different API.
I did livestream it a bit tonight with Yutram (under Windoze), but for some strange reason it wasn’t outputting any audio apart from my mic, and no one told me… I was getting audio through OBS, so I figured it was streaming properly. Oops. Fortunately I had no plans of keeping this stream locally, already have enough film to sort through. That said; I’ll be returning to animation duty tomorrow for the video. I got the editing done on the video, now I can begin on working on a proper ending and a tiny something for the start of the video. I can’t wait to release this!
My BloodRayne Of Terror Begins
To kick off the weekend I decided to try a new/old game. I played a tiny bit of the original BloodRayne a long time ago, and ended up shelving it due to control issues, like proper controller support. I recently discovered that I had the Remastered version given to me for free since I own the original copy! It has controller support! But I couldn’t get it to perform to my liking on the Steam Controller, and I opted to use a keyboard and mouse only to remember there were a lot of buttons I was probably not going to remember. I opted to make my own Steam Controller Config based on the game’s keyboard and mouse settings, that way I have the convenience of a controller with the precision of a keyboard and mouse. It isn’t too surprising that it runs perfectly under Proton, being this is an older game despite it being a remaster. I just hope I’ll actually be able to finish it; I’ve had a couple friends tell me they couldn’t progress a long time ago due to a certain game mechanic.
Hopefully I don’t run into that problem in this version.
Something Something Post
Well, it was only a matter of time before I fell off the face of the earth (again). I haven’t felt very talkative lately, there has been some stuff going on at work that has left me in a bit of a somber mood. I’ve been spending a lot of time in Shotcut trying my best to keep my mind off of things as much as possible. I’m also prepping my shopping list to cover me for the weekend; I want to try a new breakfast or two.
I’m Seeing A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Today was a good day! I pieced together footage, trimmed a little here and there, recorded a line with someone, etc. I might have something done by the end of the week (emphasis on might). 🙂 When I post it will be a whole other story.
I’ll start on audio cleanup tomorrow, then the credits, then one last SFM thing. 😛
Team RED Themed Breakfast
Today’s science experiment breakfast was a Quinoa Skillet Scramble with some eggs, red quinoa, red bell pepper, grape tomatoes, red onion, red potatoes, red pepper flakes, Parmesan, salt, pepper and Italian Parsley. I also used some chicken broth and balsamic vinegar. I wanted a red themed breakfast, for some reason I pondered the other day what TF2 characters would eat on each team? I collected a bunch of red themed foods for my weekend of decompression.Perhaps one of these weekends I’ll make a BLU team themed breakfast. 😀
I’m thinking RED Scout would eat this dish; it’s just enough gay hipster deliciousness to work.
Could Krita Be My Photoshop Replacement?
I’ve been striving for years to use more Open Source programs when applicable, especially when it comes to production purposes. I was happy when I could happily say that I no longer needed to install Premiere Pro when I stumbled onto Shotcut as a worthy free and Open Source alternative. Now I think I’ve possibly found an alternative for my Photoshopping needs.

I’ve been bouncing back and forth between GIMP and Krita for a number of years now, and I could never really get used to GIMP, and I preferred Krita in terms of layout and additional options that are very similar to Photoshop IMO (and in some cases even better). I’ve been using it for basic image resizing, playing with filter options, and tonight I did some slight retexturing to a model in SFM. I’ve also been meaning to set aside time to try playing around with Krita and my Wacom tablet. Linux has support for Wacom drawing peripherals, and Krita seems to have a good target focus on drawing; they even have options for comic panels!
Even when I’m in Windows I’m using it Krita in place of Adobe. In fact; under Windows I don’t even have Photoshop installed; kinda funny considering I have CS5 installed and working under Manjaro. I highly recommend checking it out if you’re looking for an Open Source alternative, or if you want to ween yourself off of Adobe’s overrated swag.
Evening Open Thread
Not much to write about tonight. Work has been productive, two days of breakfast has been made, SFM rendering can happen tomorrow, etc. It’s been a pretty productive week!
Open Thread!