The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The First Weekend Breakfast Of 2021

Some bacon and eggs sounded nice this morning. I stuffed an omelette with some feta cheese, and made a tomato garlic sauce with the remaining bacon grease, a little cilantro and some lime chili seasoning. The jam is homemade strawberry pineapple, and the bacon is just bacon as bacon is perfect just the way it is. Twas good comfort food for a rainy day.

I have played a bit more with the Canon EOS T7i Rebel as a webcam, and it works quite nicely! It still runs at 30fps via USB, but if I ever wanted to I could plug it into my computer via HDMI to my Elgato HD60 Pro Capture Card for full 60FPS, but for now I think I’ll just experiment with the camera as is. It’s actually kinda cool having professonal looking DSLR features with the power of a webcam! Assuming I ever show my face to the world they would be able to see every single pore! O_o

New Years Day Evening Open Thread

Happy New Year!

I spent my first day of it at work, and for the most part it was pretty quiet. I’ve spent the evening researching webcams, a co-worker of mine is getting into livestreaming, and he needs a decent camera. I have a Logitech C920 that I’ve been using in private with select friends for a few years short of a decade, and it’s a good enough camera that I didn’t feel like getting a better one despite the 30FPS framerate limit and the inability to cheat my way around it. I was going to put  the money towards one of Logitech’s higher end streaming cameras, but after doing some research I’ve found my new EOS Rebel T7i  actually has the capability of being seen as a webcam! I think I’ll have to play around with that this weekend, because if that works properly I can have a super professional setup with a proper camera and microphone. I would just need to find a good mounting setup, this camera is designed to be DUMMY THICC, and I don’t want something that would crumble if you even so much as think of sneezing. It needs to be a robust mount for a robust setup. For fun I should also check out other lens filters, just to see what they have available.

Methinks I’ll be spending a little quality time with my new camera this weekend.

New Years Eve Open Thread

For the last few years I’ve tried to keep a theme for the final blog post of each year; Last year I posted my best bits from my YouTube collection in 2020, which I didn’t bother doing this year due to only putting out three videos. In the last couple of years prior I blogged about games that I’ve finished during the year. Sadly I can only say DMC 5 and AMID EVIL (Both are mad awesome games btw and both very Linux compatible via Proton), and for me that isn’t enough to end the year on.

With that being said; I think it’s a safe bet to assume that in one way or another, we can all agree, that 2020 was by far a burning dumpster fire of a year, if only we could agree on more. I learned a lot from 2020, saw so many things I never thought I could see in a lifetime; you know… like a global pandemic, a toilet paper shortage in a country that makes most of its toilet paper, idiots that are so afraid of masks that they have to attack people wearing them, fucktards refusing to understand science even if it’s literally at their fucking fingertips, a coin shortage that shit stains blamed on Bill Gates and the derp state, having to endure childish insults about wearing my “communist burka” or being referred to as a toilet paper nazi, or a derp state puppet, etc… the list could go on and on all night, and that energy was better spent on another project.

May 2021 not mean 2020 won.

The Return Of Food Porn: New Camera Edition

It was a semi lazy dinner night. I marinaded shaved steak in thai sweet chili sauce and cooked it with some sliced onion, and then placing my meet between two Hawaiian sweet buns with some pepper jack (though I laid out a spread of other cheeses for other flavour palates). I contemplated making some oven fries on the side, but opted for a salad instead:

Bought a mix of salads, chopped up some tomato, sliced an English cucumber, added some mediteranian vegetables some quinoa and a homemade honey sriracha dressing. I thought these would make a good couple of test subjects for my new Canon Rebel T7i (800D), tested on the built in food setting with the stock lens. I still need to practice more with background blurring, but I can tell I’m going to have a lot more fun having full control of my shot.

All Of The Things With None Of The Time

I’ve been enjoying the calm that comes with the end of a holiday season. Little to no Karens to endure, less holiday stress, other than I’m still waiting on a couple packages. I forgot a couple of them are coming from overseas, god I hope they don’t get lost on the way here… my new camera floated from state to state for a few days on it’s second attempted shipment. I played with it a little bit today, and so far this is easily the most versatile camera I’ve ever owned. I played with some of the features today, it has tons of built in filter options, and more options for filming that may make this both my filming and shooting cam. I’ve already ordered a remote and a flash for it for uber professional selfies, and other things to gauge your eyes out at. :v

Played a little DMC5 during lunch today; I’ve been seeing how far I can run it under Linux before it crashes, and so far it performs flawlessly with the exception of pixelated background blur. If I can get to the end of it under Linux I’ll post a recommended review on Steam. It was inevitable of course, but if I can get it to run under Proton with flying colors I’d like to recommend it to any Linux users in case they ever wanted to check a look.

I’m just relaxing a bit before bed with some cherry blossom green tea, and I’ve just finished up a bit of animating. I’m almost finished animating a couple bodies in the current scene I’m working on, and I’ll begin working on animating body 3 tomorrow. I also posed another scene the other night. I don’t know how I keep doing it, but it’s almost like I keep coming up with all of these weird ideas for scenes (with the help of a friend or two of course) that I now have a couple instances where a scene is interrupting another scene. DAMN MY IMAGINATION! DAMN IT TO HELL!

About That Poll You Probably Forgot About

Judging youuuuuu……

As much as I don’t want to do this, I’ll be withdrawing my polling idea for the end of the year. While scouting out how much content I have in particular recording folders, I stumbled across a couple somethings that I’d like to pull from the backburner to the forefront. The only downside is that I won’t be able to release these until near the end of 2021, and since these videos will be holiday themed I won’t really be talking about them. I will still release the Crash Bandicoot Livestream though once that’s completed, but afterwards I’ll be going radio silent on YouTube content for awhile unless it’s a tutorial or if my kitties do something adorable, or some other hairbrained idea… I do have that new DSLR after all.

Walk Softly And Carry A Big Bow (And Don’t Forget The Arrows)

I spent the day bouncing between feeling nauseated and feeling moderately neato. I was actually contemplating a livestream tonight since it’s been forever since I’ve attempted one, but since I’m not feeling well it’s kind of hard to get into the mind set. I played Betrayer a couple times today, figured a walk in 17th century Virginia would be calming enough, even with skeletons and Spaniards wandering about trying to murder my face.

One of these days I might actually complete the game. 😛 To my credit I did at least finish three games this year (AMID EVIL, Serious Sam 4, and Devil May Cry 5… twice) and I only have over 600 to go! And people wonder why I’m never bored…

Merry Christmakwanzakuh!

I hope everyone had a peaceful day, celebratory or not. I slept in due to sleep deprivation and the sound of rain. Enjoyed some holiday tea, opened presents, and even played one of them! Also caught up on a little Yakuza, figured it would be appropriate given the in game universe is set around Christmas season. I’m still waiting for packages to arrive, a couple of them go back to November. Fortunately I’m patient, and I’m double fortunate to have patient friends.

In Other News I Did Things

I did quite a bit today… Made a breakfast shake, baked muffins, animated more of the current nightmare fuel project, and even found a proper poll plugin that passes flying colors. All in all a productive way to end my weekend.

I’ll put the poll up as its own page, or possibly integrate it into the main page somehow if it doesn’t look too intrusive, and also make a post about it after Christmas. Just like last time no account is necessary, and the limit will still remain as one IP vote per household. I’m really interested in how this turns out! No matter how big or small the participation is. :v