The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Therapeutic Anti Stress Melon?

Apparently I’ve built a reputation at work. Anytime a watermelon product comes in now random people that range from people I’ve worked with to people I barely know will pull me aside to show me watermelon related collectables. This little one was brought to my attention yesterday, and for about five bucks I decided a lavender scented melon wedge. I’ve never seen watermelon products in the winter… at least locally. Where the seven layers of party dip is this sudden trend of watermelon coming from? I’m still trying to figure out why it’s lavender scented. Then again there were alternative options that I could have purchased which include a cactus, avocado (fuck the avocado, but seriously don’t fuck the avocado) and french fries which carry the same scent of flowers.

I might try microwaving it a bit tonight before bed. The scent alone lulled me to sleep last night upon going horizontal, either that or the entire two hours of sleep I had before going to work at 3 AM to work may have had a slight influence.

The Stages Have Been Set

The stage has been set for the next video, and dialogue has been imported and chopped for proper animation. This time around we have another guest on our couch, and I can’t remember how but we settled on him being The Stig from Top Gear. I’ve also set the stage for a scene in another map too, but I ran out of time tonight to refine the model poses, so they’ll have to remain T-Posed until tomorrow. I’ve got a long early day tomorrow (3am) and I really need to think about doing the sleep thing.

All Aboard The Party Bus!

This is going to be a vehicle for a small scene I’m working on. I’m not finished building it up to satisfaction but this is supposed to be a party bus, kinda sorta based off of an adventure we had in Garry’s Mod years ago involving a party bus that would take us to a magical place called “party church”. back in the days when Yutram used to give guided tours in the party bus along the Quebec side of GMod.

This was basically a digital new year’s party we held back in 2015… hard to believe it’s been so long. We had Fireworks, dancing, party church, music that surprisingly didn’t get copyrighted. Such innocent…ish times.

Evening Open Thread

Not much to write. I forced myself to wake before 10am, made a good breakfast, did some housework and then exported some desired audio to begin animating! Also preparing an SFM holiday photo that will probably become an avatar when the time comes, just had an idea for an alternative pose but it will have to wait until tomorrow at the soonest. I’ll reveal it when the time comes. Hopefully everyone else is having a good day/night.

Open Thread!

If I Were Smart I’d Be Asleep

Buuuuuut I’m not. I overslept this morning due to a combination of rain, nausea and muscle pain. I’m feeling even better tonight as a result, but I should try to get my body dialed back into a proper sleep pattern for Tuesday. It’s been fun, but I have to get ready to face the real world. Make my final preparations tomorrow for work, project preparations for my next disasterpiece and maybe fool around a little in a game if I have the time.

I already began slicing up video footage taken from my one and only Crash Bandicoot livestream. Two hours cut down into almost seven minutes, and it will probably go down further as I remove unnecessary audio gaps. It looks like there will be quite a bit to animate in this project too, about two and a half minutes worth, though again I’m sure as I work through it the duration will decrease. With the lack of videos I’ve put out this year I’m probably not going to do anything special for New Years, and I’m uncertain if I’ll have anything done on time for Christmas (this part of the year is always so freaking busy). So I wouldn’t anticipate any videos anytime soon, unless I break down and do a different kind of video like a tutorial or something Linux related. I’ve been wanting to make a few Linux related things, but I’m not entirely sure how to go about dipping my toe into that end of the pool. I’ve been watching other Linux YouTubers just to get an idea of what to do/not do.

I did break a bit this evening for a couple games. Progressed a little in Dust: An Elysian Tail, and then played some Serious Sam 4 with Yutram with tons of destruction and achievements galore.

On a more random note (as if the rest of this post wasn’t enough) if anyone is interested in trying different tea blends I tried a combo of Sweet Watermelon Tea mixed with Jasmine Pearl Green Tea, it’ like drinking a blooming watermelon! Keeps it’s flavor for quite a few brews too. I’m sipping it before bed hoping for sweet melon dreams.


Today was an all work day. Still on vacation, but worked on my video and other things on a foggy/rainy evening. I’ve still been fighting on and off again nausea, in fact I didn’t feel inclined to play anything today. The good news at least is that I do have a video ready to go! I even got to play a little with some green screening!

One Trine To Bind Them All

Managed to get a some of video  and audio work done today, would have continued to plug at it but started feeling kinda queasy (even now it’s still coming and going). I’ve also been trying to swing past the post office to send some things off but it’s been hella busy even after election day. I’m hoping tomorrow or the next day things calm down, at least until Black Friday season hits.

As a change of pace I decided to tap into Trine, an extremely addicting physics puzzle adventure game that I received for free quite awhile ago. My thief can shoot three arrows as well as shoot fire arrows to burn enemies or light torches (at the cost of Mana of course), my knight can now charge through crowds of skeletons with a firey blade or a hammer of Knock Off Thor, and my wizard can summon the power of the Illuminati to make a floating platform.

I’ll admit I played longer than I had originally wanted to, but I have a habit of only stopping when I either get tired or finally hit a brick wall giving me the edge to take a break. I just kept on keeping on getting past challenges and tons of skeletons… oh and achievement/trophy hunting! Think I’ve had my fill of being awake for now though, need to see if I can sleep off this sour stomach.

Late Night Open Thread

Should go without saying at this point but there was more Yakuza Kiwami shenanigans this evening, as I went around finding more keys and collectables and completing quests/side quests. I think I might give myself a break from it for now though, it’s been a good binge but I can’t stay on the same game forever, plus it’s starting to get a little repetitive blogging about the same game over and over again as much as I’ve been immersed. I have to keep things melon fresh around here after all. 😛 Plus if I keep at it I’m going to have dreams about wandering the Streets Of Kamurocho, attracting unwanted attention and healing with ramen beef bowls and cocktails while saving a puppy like Yakuza are known for.

In non Yakuza related news I finally rendered the final SFM piece for my latest video project! I plan on piecing things together tomorrow after getting some other work done, and maybe even a bit of play in my ever expanding games library, so there’s a good possibility that I might have a video to release this weekend.

Another Night Of Interactive Japanese Soap Opera Comes To A Close

I think I’ve officially become almost addicted to this as I am to Skyrim. I couldn’t help but get roped into playing more Yakuza Kiwami. I made it to Chapter 4, saved a little girl and a puppy doge. Wandered the city for hours finding all kinds of keys and trading cards.

A little boy in a lab coat taught me how to play rock paper scissors with trading cards featuring “bug faeries”, and yes this is a children’s card game. 😛 You stick your main character card into a machine along with a card in the rock, paper, and scissor slots, and you battle another girl in bug cosplay for a totally wholesome game for Japanese youth, as usual waaaaay ahead of the curve compared to us westerners. 😛

This game is like a really good anime; it has an excellent story with added silliness here and there just to keep you on your toes… just ask this guy:


I also got curious about the original Yakuza for PS2, and decided to look it up last night. I didn’t know Kiwami was a remaster! I’m impressed how they stuck with most of the original character designs, and even recreating most of the game frame by frame!

Obviously the remake looks better, but for the era the PS2 actually looks pretty good. They did an excellent job keeping the original image and spirit in tact.