The Mind Of OverlordTomala

I Fed My Inner Hipster This Morning

I wanted to do something healthy this weekend, but didn’t feel like doing any oatmeal. Instead I purchased a bunch of fruits, red and white quinoa, some pralines and caramel cashews and added milk, maple syrup and vanilla. I got the idea from this Taste Of Home Recipe, and I have to say I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did; it was kind of like a sweet cereal. I’ve only ever had quinoa in savory salads and entrees, so having some sweetness with these seeds has been quite the pleasant experience! I might have to look into making more quinoa breakfast dishes, both savory and sweet.

Mouthwords 2: The Open Threadening

Work has been a mental/physical drain even moreso lately, as a result I’ve been pretty much dead these last couple days. Today was friggin hot out, about 26C. I grabbed the gaming laptop after a shower and headed outside to play a little Trine and MK9 under Linux. I played a little Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero under Windows during lunch today, the last couple days I’ve been playing Skyrim (as is tradition), one of the games I’ll probably play all the way until Skyrim Grandma’s age. I’m thinking maybe some Spyro or Sanic tomorrow, something cartoonish.

Of course, it wasn’t all fun and games after the torture; I went into Source Filmmaker and planted corn, and then I rang a doorbell… or maybe I have it backwards. I’m tired and have only been operating on 4 hours of sleep with no caffeine. I’m not even sure how I’m still sitting up tbh… At this point I’m pretty much staring blankly at the cursor, and breaking in some new headphones.

SFM Diary: Still Doing Shit

I’ll have one more scene to work on in SFM tomorrow, not sure how long that will take to finish. My goal is to have a video out sometime in November, the earlier the better. I’ve only published two videos and I kind of have an itch to at least get one more out the door before the end of the year at the very least. 😛 Unfortunately I don’t have much to really share, the work I did  tonight will have to be saved for the final revealing, showing pictures of it would make even less sense than the other nonsense I’ve post in the past. 😛

I’ll try to post something slightly less boring tomorrow.


Got the new device in place today, and now next time I do a stream I have the option of deploying it! Maybe one of these weekends I’ll get lucky! I did do some private streaming of Quantum Break earlier. Yutram had fun watching me break time, nothing different there really. I didn’t get much else done today, felt worse than yesterday actually… Work is going to be fun tomorrow.

Sunday Open Thread: Doing Something While Doing Nothing

I’ve been feeling pretty under weather in and out throughout the day. I woke up feeling fine, had breakfast, and started doing the dishes when I started feeling queasy. I’ve been taking some stuff for it, but I’ve pretty much been relaxing a little more than what I wanted to… oh well. I sometimes think that’s my body’s way of telling me to sit the fuck down and relax for a minute.

I pretty much kicked back and played under Linux up until the evening to crack open Windoze to play Serious Sam 4, where surprisingly Yutram and I had a good time! I tried to get it to work under Linux, and for the most part it does!… but the textures flash in and out like crazy. I’ll have to double check to make sure but I’m pretty sure I’m running the latest Open Source drivers. I also played a little Quantum Break under Linux, and while that does work the game will crash when it tries to play a live action video, and since minor interactions can change how these scenes play it I’m going to have to exclusively play this under Windows unfortunately. Tried to get a couple Sonic games to work; All Stars Racing Transformed runs but I can’t configure the graphics, and Generations runs, but sound is completely broken and controller input is non existent. I did play a bit of Trine, as that does have a native client, only to find that the Linux version only goes up to 1080p while the Windows launcher allows me to use 1440p and also detects my proper refresh rate, whereas the Linux build does not. I’m thinking next time I fiddle with it I’ll see about configuring the text file for the Linux client to see if that makes any difference. I’d rather not run it under Proton unless I absolutely feel the need to.

I’ll see about being a little more productive tomorrow.:P

Playing Spyro To Keep Warm

I had a nice quiet evening to myself, a bit of a cold bite in the air, and managed to have a little fun with some Proton Powered Spyro to help heat up the room. Now if I could just figure out how to get a mod manager to work properly under Proton or Wine it would be perfect. I even managed to get a couple achievements/trophies at the same time! One funny thing that did happen was finding a sleeping sky bat; usually they hang from the ceiling in the ice cave.

Preemptive Weekend Brainstorming

Tomorrow is my Friday, and I pretty much have my weekend spread planned out. Got a new tool to install for future livestreams, also have some things to take care of around the house, emails to write, a little shopping to do, and of course take a break and pick a game to play (gotta have my decompression time). I’m not sure what that will be… I haven’t played anything since DOOM the other day. Might do some AMID EVIL under Manjaro tomorrow. That has been handling under Linux almost as if it were native, would be nice if they made a native client like they did for DUSK.

Anyone have a game lined up for the weekend? Or maybe you’ve played a game recently? I’d like to hear it plz.

Brunch In A Bun

I had a short work day this morning, got home and created this beautiful monstrosity; a roast beef breakfast sandwich with a sunny side up egg, bacon, smoked bleu cheese and caramelized onions in between some onion chewbacca bread. I’m even thinking of making another one tomorrow. I was happy with the results, given I didn’t even follow a recipe. It was just something that sounded good to sit down and enjoy before powering off onto other things on my to-do list.

Haven’t had a chance to post a good food post in awhile, usually due to my work schedule or just really shitty lighting when I go to actually make my breakfast. At least the planets aligned today so that I could take a snap of some premium slop.

Evening Open Thread

Not much to write about this evening. Long work day, had a lot to do after work, showered, ate, animated a little porn, and now I think I’m ready to pass out. I did play a little DOOM during lunch today. I’ve found if I play something gore-ish people tend to give me my own private space… unless they’re impressed by the graphics or something.

I wonder how the rest of the universe is doing…

SFM Animation Diary: Couch Of Extreme Comfort Edition

When Three Friends From Three Different Nations Unite Under One Digital Roof To Do Fuck All!

I’ve been accomplishing a lot of animation in a surprisingly short time span! I finished a scene today, and another yesterday. I’m looking back at my previous videos and trying to improve my animation, though I try to keep some jankiness to maintain a certain Gmod style I want to improve how fluid my animation is. It has worlds to go before it gets any better, but each time I work on one of these projects I seem to get a rhythm going. In the end the audience is the final judge, but there are still sections where I can tell I’m doing better. when compared to more recent works. I’ll have one more short scene to do tomorrow, and then I’ll have to record audio for the ending. The gameplay ends abruptly, which means that Yutram and I have to finish with something really stupid yet not completely regrettable. Perhaps we should talk about it over a pizza? :v