The Mind Of OverlordTomala

I Fell Into Deadfall Adventures Over The Weekend

Picked back up on Deadfall Adventures. If you like games with a mix of action, guns, and puzzles this game has a good mix. You play as James Lee Quatermain, an adventurer that can’t hold onto money to save his life. He helps another adventurer by the name of Jennifer Goodwin to retrieve the Heart Of Atlantis, which is actually scattered into different pieces (like a certain Scion of Atlantis 😛 ) and spread across different countries. This game has everything from adventure, to weapons, to puzzles and LOTS of Nazis to kill. If you ignore the bad voice acting and the occasional bug, it really has been fun to explore.

I’ve made it to the Arctic, and have just made it outside the wasteland. This is pretty much where my adventure ends for now, until I get to pick up this title again at least. I am happy that I made some progress on it though, despite certain bugs getting in the way. Next weekend I have other ideas for game time.

Sunday Evening Open Thread

I kinda tired myself out yesterday, work was an emotional and physical drain (moreso than usual), and I just wanted to enjoy some fun times in Serious Sam 4 with Yutram. Seemed like a good way to start the weekend. Today I relaxed indoors, enjoyed a couple games. I was in a puzzle mood, picked up again on Deadfall Adventures as well as a little bit of Melissa K And The Heart Of Gold, and then I took a TF2 Halloween break.

Open Thread!

Silent Hill 4: The Room Appears On GOG

Konami seems to still be on a kick releasing older titles on GOG, like Silent Hill 4: The Room. I didn’t know there was a Silent Hill game on PC, but then again I wasn’t aware of the first two Metal Gear Solid games having a PC presence either until a few years ago. I heard this particular Silent Hill title is one of the Black Sheep in the series. Still, might have to consider checking it out if only for the lulz.

More Of The Same

Managed to get some smoothing done on the latest victim project. I have an earlier morning than usual tomorrow, so I can’t get as much done as I’d like, but I will have a longer evening tomorrow. I played a bit of Okami during lunch, thought it paired nicely with some sushi and blood orange yogurt. Been awhile since I’ve had any sushi so I figured I’d spoil myself a bit. It was a rock n roll… roll. Filled with tempura shrimp, avacado, carrot, cucumber, seaweed of course and cream cheese. I’m thinking of trying a pre-made rice bowl tomorrow, and playing either Skyrim or modded DMC5 depending on the mood. Never did get to play that on Tuesday, something about playing as retarded Kylo Ren is funny.

Evening Open Thread

I didn’t get to play anything today, but I did animate an entire scene this evening. Progress! I’ll have to go back and refine it when I come back around to render it, but all in all I’m happy with it. Nothing that I can really share yet, perhaps after some more refinement. If I have time tomorrow I’ll start preparing the next scene, might be busy doing other things.

I’m here if you need to mouthwords. Open Thread!

My Weekend Of Zen Comes To A Close

Despite the heatwave I managed to have fun today in Okami, grabbed the gaming laptop and played outdoors in fresh air! Something about the aroma of grass, a gentle breeze from the fan and the music and visuals of the game made for a peaceful day and a peaceful weekend overall. I stopped in Kusa Village for now, until I pick it up again anyway. I’m thinking of doing some DMC5 during lunch tomorrow, with mods of course. :v I’ll be jumping back into working in SFM tomorrow night, after finishing some other obligations of course. :v

Wolves, Lillypads And Blossoms Oh My

We had a nice warm summer like day today. No aroma of fire (though the fire situation is still pretty bad). Had a good breakfast, tidied up a bit, did a little shopping, and a little tea and gaming. I’ve played what I could of Bright Memory. Then pretty much played Okami for the rest of the evening, wanted something zen today to counterbalance the suck. I made quite a bit of progress already, it’s amazing how fast you can move when you know where a lot of the stuff actually is.

Hopefully everyone else is having a good weekend, stay safe!

In Which I Became A Sourcerer

It’s been awhile since I tried tackling Thinking With Time Machine, but I was in something to wake my brain up a little. If you’ve never played it’s a Free Portal 2 mod that you can download through Steam, and I recommend it! I mean it is free so… why not? I’ve also been watching my TF2 and L4D1 and L4D2 servers getting traffic. left 4 Dead 2 had a content update recently and that one has been especially busy. I had to run an update on the server yesterday and I couldn’t because people were still connecting on their client.

There was also some Source Filmmaker today. Yesterday I actually rendered something to incorporate into the video, and now I’ve been working on the main scene where we’re all chillaxin’ in our new digs.

This was probably one of the more Source related evenings I’ve had in awhile, not that I’m complaining or anything.

OMG Metal Gear! Is On GOG

Dummy Blocc

Metal Gear Solids 1 2 and classic Metal Gear were released on GOG today, so if anyone wants to get a digital copy it appears to be available. From what I’ve read it isn’t a remaster, just the original PC releases. I’m not sure if they have been patched or not, but if needed I do know of a fan made MGS2 patch. Still, it would be nice to have a remastered edition just like Capcom did with their games. Konami is just letting Fox Engine is go to waste on pachinko machine animations…

I’m going to wait and see if it releases on Steam, if push comes to shove I’ll buy it on GOG. I’m getting them one way or the other.