The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Evening Open Thread

I’m on the second part of my weekend as of now (split days off this week). I pretty much spent the afternoon/evening relaxing, updating the Left 4 Dead 2 server with the latest Sourcemod and Metamod after running the latest content update in for friggin’ ever. I have plans to check out all the new stuff they’ve added another time when I’m not alone. Tonight I played a little bit of Okami, and I found out that my save was overwritten from my Linux test via the Steam Cloud. Now I have to start over again, which I’m not really too upset about. Okami is a bigger game than it looks, and it’s nice to get a bit of a refresher. I would have played it under Linux tonight, but the last time I tried to run it the game would lock up at random points. I’m hoping that gets sorted in a future Proton release, as the game runs perfectly otherwise.

Now comes the part where I get to be unconscious on my own terms, probably my favorite time of the evening.

MGS1 And MGS2 Are Being Re-Released On PC!

I did a double take when going through my RSS feed this morning. After all these years the PC versions of MGS1 and MGS2 will finally reappear, along with other older classic titles from Konami’s catalog.

This ‘re-release’ is in all likelihood intended to make older Konami games playable on next-gen consoles. Given the somewhat limited backwards compatibility of the PS5, we can expect this practice of re-releasing to become more commonplace, and hopefully PC gamers can also reap the benefits!

The first PC releases for both games were pretty buggy (though thanks to a fan patch improves the port immensely). The cutscenes in MGS1 were broken, and MGS2 had some graphical issues when running vanilla. It would also be nice to have more modern resolutions, the highest resolution I could achieve in MGS1’s PC port to go was 1024×768 with no patches or tweaks like I can find for MGS2. Perhaps in the future we might even see MGS3 and 4 officially come to PC! Think of the possibilities!

I wonder what modding would be like, if at all.

Microsoft Purchases Todd Howard’s Soul For $7.5 Billion Dollars (pinky to the lip)

In case you haven’t heard… this happened.

Microsoft’s priciest video game acquisition, a $7.5 billion purchase of Bethesda Softworks parent company ZeniMax Media, shocked the industry on Monday. The deal puts Bethesda, one of the industry’s biggest publishers and owners of some of the most successful gaming series, under the Xbox brand.

Does this mean that all future Bethesda titles like Elder Scrolls, DOOM, Wolfenstein are going to be exclusive to only Windows and XBox? There would be a lot of franchises that would become exclusive under one platform… if I were a Playstation gamer I would be a little worried right about now. I know the article makes light of Microsoft not being interested in exclusivity anymore as they used to be… but this is Microsoft, and while I may use their products when needed, it doesn’t mean that I trust them.

Zune is all I have to say.

Let’s Try This Again… Hello World!

Today was a grab whatever the hell is around the house and make breakfast with it kind of weekend. I made strawberry banana oatmeal with dried cranberries, and tangerine chipotle cashews… it sounds weird but it was a nice sweet/zesty flavor combo, especially with the brown sugar and maple syrup.

Mainly focused on household stuff today; like clean bedding, sewing a garment that was losing a pocket, spending moneys on evil birthday things for two months worth of birthday friends (you know who you are 😛 ), etc.

Can We Make Half Life VR Canon?

These new Half Life VR videos have been making me think back to the old Gmod meme days. My current fave is Half Life VR but the AI is self aware:

I’m trying not to spoil myself too much. I want to have a weekend with some cinema time with this and maybe a few other things.It’s been awhile since the we’ve had a cinema day.

Hello World! (rv2)

Sorry for lack of posts; I’ve been feeling ill since Tuesday and I’m just feeling better enough to write something. Work has been keeping me busy as per usual, in fact I’ll be kind of all over the place next week. One of my co-workers is taking some time off, and I’ll be running the helm.

I’ll try to write more mouthwords tomorrow.

Sunday Evening Open Thread

Not much to write. Taking things easy, been fog and a little smoky outside. Played a few games, even did some multiplayer Serious Sam. I do have topics I would like to discuss, but with all the cleaning these last couple of days plus regular work it’s been a busy one. In the meantime here are some text words to read.