The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Current Mood: A Different Kind Of Hell

McDonalds is its own circle of hell.

I took some time out of my evening to continue working on this, so far so good. I probably won’t be able to get as much done on it as I’d like, as we are expecting the landlord to come and inspect the property on Sunday. Fortunately I already did a little cleaning towards the tail end of vacation. I mainly wandered around throwing away boxes I no longer needed, put away some USB cables that I haven’t used in awhile. I think tomorrow I’ll start doing some dusting after work, among other errands.

The wildfires are continuing to rage on, the town is packed with evacuees with quite a few of them having lost their homes; and for some reason we have fewer firefighters this fire season to fight these massive . I do see more people wearing masks now, if there is a god perhaps this is his method of telling worshipers of the Great Orange Scrotum to wear a fucking mask, and even then I still see people refusing to dawn one, even yesterday when the sky was as black as night with no shortage of smoke to breathe in.

Unlike the previous big fire we have, I no longer have my good mask. I gave it back to my boss back in the spring after being told it wasn’t within company guidelines (figure that one the fuck out). I have a couple cloth ones with a semi decent filter, but it doesn’t work nearly as well as the P95. I’ve been getting dizzy spells once in awhile at work, even at home it has been hard to breathe sometimes. I’ve only been cracking my window open a little at night to get rid of any mugginess, only to be greeted in the morning with ash. Perhaps I’ll wait to dust near the window til Saturday…

Evening Open Thread

The weather was just cool enough today for me to get some work done on the video. Working on Satan while living under the smell of smoke and fire is oddly immersive, and depressing…  It was so smoky this morning that I didn’t even see any form of light outside until 8:30am,. Eventually we were graced with what we theorize was the sun. the entire sky displayed many shades of Jaundice Jackass throughout the day.

2020 has been one dumpster fire of a year, and now I can honestly say that it even smells the part. I haven’t heard from some of you in awhile, and I hope you’re surviving whatever is out there; be it COVID, Hurricanes, Fire, a chipped tooth, overdone s’mores, etc.

You should always waste time when you don’t have any

My plans to work on one of my video projects kinda went up in smoke due to… well the overwhelming amount of fire smoke from California and my state of Oregon. The northwest of the US is on fucking fire right now, and it seems like it gets drier and drier every year with everyone treating this as the new norm. I miss having summers without smoke and elpresidente orange skies. As often as I’m having to use my laptop I really should consider putting SFM and Shotcut on here; the real question is how would I go about syncing my projects between systems.

Of course there is the old standby…

I’ve been piloting my TARDIS around. I’ve only flown it a couple times, but other than that I’ve hardly touched the mod due to… well other mods distracting me before I get around to it. :v I have it all figured out for the next stream… perhaps we can play Musical TARDIS and everyone watching can be my companion, almost anyone is better than Lydia, even a Teddy Bear.

Happy Labor Day!

To everyone that labored today; I hope you’re all staying safe at work or at home. I spent my last day off cleaning up the kitchen and building a new scene:

I have a yogurt cup waiting for me tomorrow. Vanilla Honey with some corn flakes and dried cranberries, nothing too fancy.

Now to see what hell unfolded during my time away…

Vacation Day 10: Knocking The Dust Off Of Streamin’

I did my first livestream in what feels like an eternity. There were some bumps along the way (a black screen on Twitch, still getting used to the new YouTube streaming layout, etc…). As is tradition we rolled with Skyrim, and midway through our journey my system crashed. The graphics driver couldn’t reset itself and I had to do a hard reset. My system reset itself yesterday while I had it idle. I did update the drivers under Windows recently, so it is possible that might be causing some problems. I’ve been gaming under Linux and Windows with games that are more intense than Skyrim and haven’t had anything strange. I might try doing a driver rollback if this continues.

I Learned A Lot About Borderlands 2 This Evening

Tonight I sat down and played a long overdue session of Borderlands 2. I wanted to do a recording as I do with a lot of things that I play, and as per tradition the encoder in OBS was overloaded, even on settings I usually use. Out of curiosity I decided to use the same settings under the Linux version, and while I’m happy to say that it worked perfectly out of the box with only a slightly lower framerate, the client itself seems to have become a time capsule of sorts of early adventures in Linux porting. I copied my Windows save over to the Linux side and found that my shield and certain weapons were missing, items that happened to be in the Commander Lilith DLC which they never ported outside of Windows (along with some other DLC packs).

Our content is in another castle

I did some further investigation and found that Aspyr is working on an update for the Linux and Mac clients, but until then if I want to play the Linux version it has to be with other Linux and Mac users on a much more ancient build of the game. I have to confess; finding that out after getting a successful recording under Linux was kind of a kick in the crotch to me. I have all of this power and capability now, squandered by missing content, alas… At least they’re working on it though, maybe if we’re lucky they’ll update the graphics a bit? (For the record D3D9 = DirectX 9 and OpenGL is OpenGL)


It isn’t a dealbreaker or anything, but if Valve can get their games running under Linux with little to no visual sacrifice, then Randy Bitchford should be able to part with some of his Bitchford Bucks to pay for a better Linux experience (though I do like the ad free experience in the old version.  :v ). That said, I was reading the Linux requirements and found that AMD and Intel GPU’s aren’t officially supported (Fuck NVidia). I wonder what an NVidia GPU under Linux would look like? Perhaps something for a future project on my gaming laptop.

Meanwhile, back in Windows; I researched that a bit as well and found some interesting tips that seem to get rid of the encoding problem, at least for my setup. Disabling Ambient Occlusion and switching from borderless window to fullscreen seemed to do the trick. I’m not sure why, but switching from borderless to fullscreen increased my framerate (the opposite if what I would expect), and disabling AO made the encoder overload error go away, at least for local recordings. The true test will be recording and livestreaming it at the same time. If I can do that then my soul will be at peace… until NVidia fucks it up again.

If you’re looking to make some tweaks to your install, no matter what OS platform you’re on I highly recommend the PC Gaming Wiki. They’ve helped me fix up a couple of games thanks to their community provided tips and tricks!

Vacation Day 8: Late Night Open Thread Edition

Not much to report. Did a little animating, gaming, reading, cleaning, plotting, etc. Had a blast in Q3A with Yutram earlier, and played DMC5 for the rest of the night. Might touch up on some animation while finishing off some wine (the drinkable kind) and hydrating with a bit of tea.

Open Thread!

Vacation Day 6: RIP Creepy Faced Geralt?

Got out of town earlier in what I can now call yesterday. It felt nice to get out of town, admiring the trees and wildlife as we drove along. Other than that the temperature was cool enough today that I focused a little on some SFM stuff, and ran into a small problem.

Years ago I made this picture of Geralt in SFM for a friend of mine, and ever since then we all (along with her) decided this was one of her “personas” so to speak in our small circle jerk of friends. Naturally I like to include whatever characters a person wants to be if their voice happens to end up in one of my videos, the only exceptions are asshats, and Bong (and Bong is not an asshat, we just choose for him). I was looking to add her favorite Geralt model into my project today only to have SFM crash instantly. I tried loading other models that were associated (it was a model pack) and they all crashed. I tested this on both Windows and Linux and the results were evenly matched. I’ve tried other Geralt models but each one I’ve run across seems better for posing rather than animating. I’ve tried the SFM Workshop, SFM Lab, and even looking on the Gmod workshop for something to extract but… nope. Unless we find some workaround to get the model(s) to load properly again, I’ll have to animate one of her other alter egos. I’m still puzzled as to why these models would crash the entire program, given that SFM hasn’t had any updates in years I can’t see what the general cause would be.