The Mind Of OverlordTomala

MangoHUD is Sabrosa

One of my favorite websites to read is GamingOnLinux, and recently they had an article about MangoHUD. I compiled it to try today, and I have to say it’s pretty nifty.

MangoHUD lets you view your CPU/GPU stats on the fly, and it also reports what API your game is currently using.

This could come in handy for benchmarking purposes. There are more ways to configure it, including an optional GUI you can install separately called goverlay..

I might look into doing some comparison videos on Windows vs Linux performance as I continue to perfect my Linux Gaming studio. Given that I can record Vulkan (under certain conditions) things are looking on the up and up.

Okami Plays Nicely With Proton… Kinda

When Proton was brand new I remember Okami being among one of the first titles I tried to run, but never to any success. I’m happy to say that has changed, at least with Proton 5.0 hard at work. The only problem I’ve found with it is a random crash that can occur at anytime during any particular cutscene, and given that you have to manually save at certain locations this can be a little annoying if you’ve covered a lot of ground and barely made it to a save point before crashing. Still, it’s much further along than it was when Proton was in its infancy.

Now that I know how well it performs on my desktop I’ll have to install it on the laptop to see how Proton handles the game on an NVidia GPU… because science!

RIP New Monitor

After a couple days of use my new monitor developed a dead pixel near the center of the display. This was a refurb I directly purchased from Acer (via Ebay). I’ll have to go back to bumming it on a 60hz refresh rate until I get a replacement, but meh… first world problems in a new third world country and all that noise. :v

I’ll endure.

Giving Myself A Heart Attack

I did a big oops recently. I saved a good chunk of my Windows and Linux data folders, but somehow when I transferred my Home folders over to another drive my Shotcut projects didn’t make it. Fortunately I had an even older backup from when I did a Mint reinstall for the previous build. It’s a bit more raw but I won’t have to do nearly as much work. I still don’t know how I missed those fucking files, maaaan was I livid. I probably would have said fuck it, saved the assets for later and moved onto the next project out of frustration. My previous save is a little more raw compared to what I had back in Mint, but it’s all a matter of just piecing things together and playing with audio levels. At the very least I managed to save all of my assets.

On the plus side I rendered the above video clip (the “cold opening” to one of the Skyrim videos) at 1080p 60fps with Lossless settings using the h.265 codec, and had it complete in about 3:25 minutes; safe to say that  the 3900x is doing a good job.

In Need Of A Gaycation

As I’m writing this I’m finally rendering a small intro for one of the videos. I should have time tomorrow to finally wrap things up hopefully, then it will only be a matter of figuring out when to release them. It’s unfortunate that I’m late into the year without publishing anything, but it has been a busy year. I’m going to be taking some time off in a couple weeks to get away from work for awhile… I’m getting really tired of most of both customers and the employees, so many people around here still think it’s either a hoax or that it won’t harm them in anyway because of either Jesus or they’re awesome enough to be impervious to a pandemic.

Between constant assholes insulting me for wearing a mask (which we’re required to wear at work at this point regardless), threatening us with violence for wearing masks, and all these wretched fuckmuffins that have no qualms going out of their way to be over the top rude and using the excuse “I’ve been cooped up too long, please excuse my behavior” has really made me tired of a good chunk of the human race.

What’s interesting is that a good majority of them wear MAGA hats. You might get someone with a veteran hat to be a giant prick from time to time, but it’s consistently MAGATS that feel it necessary to go into full political tourette’s mode over how masks are evil and that by wearing them at my job I’m furthering the deep state and the illumimati, and anything else these twatwaffles were told to think at the time.

I was always told to treat others how you would like to be treated, and with having to endure being treated like shit by people everyday with knowledge that I will never earn respect from any of these people, or even be viewed as an actual human being then I might as well ready myself to return it when necessary.

Fall Guys: The E-Sport We Never Knew We Needed

I jumped on the Fall Guys bandwagon after watching the trailer and experiencing it at the virtual Devolver Digital Expo thing. Here’s a trailer in case you missed it:

In Fall Guys you play with a total of 60 people, and your goal is to make your way through all kinds of obstacle courses, and the last Fall Guy standing wins a crown! I need to git gud some more to obtain one, but at least I made it to a third round… granted I died 30 seconds in but I at least made it past the first round. I have a feeling that I’ll be coming back to this title, if only for one reason…

The melons, they never stop…

Sunday Summer Evening Open Thread

We’ve been experiencing a heatwave of sorts for the last couple of days. I’ve been taking my gaming laptop to that magical place called outside. Replaced the Mint partition with Manjaro, configured it to my liking. I have to say I was expecting a minor headache getting the NVidia proprietary drivers to run, but it was extremely painless thanks to instructions at their wiki and a simple duckduckgo search could offer. Then once it was ready enough for my liking I began plugging games into it. Mostly some of the old school Tomb Raiders, and for the hell of it I loaded a Linux native game… that was produced by Microsoft. O_o

I’ve progressed much further into Dust: An Elysian Tail, even managed to get a few achievements! I keep meaning to finish this game, but by the time I pick it up again the saves are far gone. Fortunately this looks like a game the Steam Cloud doesn’t completely screw over. I finished playing on my laptop when things cooled off enough and continued my adventure on my desktop from the exact same point. I love it when things work out like that.

Breakfast Quinoa

Ever have one of those mornings where you just throw everything and the kitchen sink into a pan and make a breakfast? (or any meal time). I came home from work yesterday morning and made some quinoa with some chicken broth, a scrambled egg, Italian spices and seasonings, a tomato, a clove of garlic and an onion. I also grated some Parmesan and sprinkled on some goat cheese I originally intended for something else. It made about two helpings, and I had no shame in eating all of it! I’ve been under-eating for the past week and things finally caught up with me.