The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Serious Sam: The Friendly Encounter

Hai guys

One of my favorite things to do at the start of Second Encounter (Fusion Beta 2017) is to lure enemies into the lake. They don’t know how to swim, and eventually they’ll explode into blood or pretty flowers and fruit depending on how you have the game set… that’s usually how it goes anyway, with the exception of this fellow.

Dat ass

I tried to entice him to go after me, but all he wanted to do was stand around,. I did manage to knock him into the water thanks to another Gnaar and strategic placement.

Of course, the Gnaar wasn’t the only one being friendly with me. I made my way through the canyon and ran across this guy, standing around not doing his fucking job of trying to kill me!


Resident Evil 2 Plays Peachy Under Linux

I played RE2 a little bit under Linux last night, and surprisingly it runs almost as if it was natively released for the platform. I turned up everything I could, making sure to utilize as much of the GPU as possible, and it didn’t crash once. I always like seeing newer titles with few flaws working under Proton/Linux.

I’ve been experimenting with OBS recordings, as it appears that unlike the Windows version of OBS I’m able to record games that use the Vulkan API. I tested it earlier with DOOM, and while it did record it did also overload the encoder. I didn’t have time to test Resident Evil 2 and other games running through Vulkan, but now that I have a fully loaded OBS to record with under Linux I’ll have to do some more science.

Goodbye Mint, Hello Manjaro

With the new PC build in place I felt it was a good excuse to upgrade my Linux install, though I couldn’t decide between upgrading to a newer version of Mint or venturing out to try another distro. I contemplated trying Solus OS, but found it to be a little too heavy for my liking. I’ve heard Fedora is getting better on the gaming front, but that distro still leaves a sour taste in my mouth… CentOS for gaming is also too much of a pain to setup for gaming (but it is excellent for running this website!), so I finally settled on the latest version of Manjaro Linux.

This was surprisingly easy to setup. Usually when I setup Linux there are at least two different repositories that I have to install in order to get some of my favorite programs (or having to compile them from source myself). But right out of the box this came installed with the latest open source mesa drivers, Vulkan, controller drivers, and Steam is even preinstalled! I still recommend updating your software/drivers after any OS installation.

I couldn’t find OBS on the package manager, but it was easy to grab via snapd. This version of OBS comes with all kinds of plugins already pre-installed, most of which are handy for livestreaming, and my personal favorite; the VAAPI plugin for recording with AMD GPU’s. Now I record my gameplay directly from the GPU just as I can under Windows. I’ve known about this plugin for quite awhile, but never got around to compiling it for OBS under Mint or CentOS. I did some test recordings with Sonic Mania and Crash Bandicoot using Proton, and the quality is on par with my Windows install. This will make it easier for me to do comparison recordings between Win 10 and Manjaro.

I’m happy to finally see Linux get this kind of attention! This has definitely come a long way since the days of having to gather up like 12 different repos and getting stuck in dependency hell in order to get half of these things to work properly. Now 97% of the stuff I use everyday runs outside of Windows… stunning.

I Basically Have A New Desktop Now

I’ve been busy getting my system put back together. Finally have the 3900x installed onto the new motherboard (ASRock x570 Taichi). Now I’m rocking two NVMe drives, two SSD’s and six 7200rpm server grade mechanical drives. I still have some things to refine under Windows 10, but I’m pretty much all setup under Linux (Manjaro this time).

Should have everything back up to 100% by tomorrow!

Konami Is Building Gaming PC’s?

I shit you not:

In a nutshell: Konami, the one-time video gaming giant behind the likes of Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid, has entered the PC manufacturing business. Konami Amusements, a subsidiary of Konami Holdings Corporation, is now accepting orders for the first three Arespear gaming PCs.

I guess my only remaining question would be if they come with a free pachinko game?

Late Evening Open Thread

I did something I haven’t done in a long time… I took a nap. I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night due to loud and obnoxious neighbors being even more loud and obnoxious than usual. There’s this couple somewhere in the neighborhood that fights almost every fucking night, and last night the guy kept yelling “I’M TRYING TO SLEEP!!!” I almost felt like joining in, but other people sleeping in the house made me hold back. Then when they finally fucked and went to sleep or whatever one of the many dogs that get left out all night started barking. I came home, had a small Japanese breakfast and napped a little longer than I wanted to.

On the bright side U have four working hard drives inside of my laptop! I transferred games to it while I was sleeping, so at least I accomplished a couple things on my list. I currently have 3 512 NVMe drives and one 1TB SSD in the SATA slot. I was talking to my co-worker about my new laptop configuration and now he wants to look into getting a gaming laptop when he can afford it, especially now knowing you can pack some decent lightning fast internal storage in them these days. I’m going to be retiring my OS SSD for an NVMe drive in my desktop, and I’m thinking of re purposing it for games like Skyrim to increase load time. If I’m doing it on my laptop I should be able to do it on my desktop. Gotta go fast!

Something Something Zombies

You brought me all the way here to show me a chair?

I did a little co-op RE6 with Yutram this evening. I was surprised at how easy it was for connect together to have a proper game. We made it through the first chapter together,and played a bit of No Mercy mode, almost made it to the end but the both of us got gang raped by a bunch of zombies..I advanced further in single player while he was away too. I watched Ada be reborn on a video tape… or something. O_o

I forgot my fucking eyeliner…

Strange how the graphics look about on par with the Left 4 Dead series, and yet they managed to find the time to get mirrors working. I guess this is what happens when game developers don’t have a sub sandwich budget.