The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Took A Game Break

Another game I acquired during the summer sale was Vampyr. A few of my Steam buddies have the game, and pretty much everyone told me it was a fun one to check out, even some of my co-workers have said the same, so it only made sense for me to get it and give it a try. I’m not far into the game, as I’ve only just found the pub, asked all kinds of questions, and became a level 4 vampire. Sadly that’s a mystery that will have to stop for the evening… 5am comes waaaaaay too early.

Adding AMID EVIL To My Finished Game Roster

AMID EVIL goes on the list of games that I either pre-ordered or supported early on before an official final release, and I’m happy to say I finished it with flying colors, as in colorful weapons killing monsters left and right.

We’ve seen Doom inspire many shooters over these last couple decades (and even re-imagine itself), but when it came to successors to games like Hexen or Heretic that seemed to be a niche no one ever really thought to fill. I’m not sure why other than maybe the lack of guns… but who needs guns when you have a trident that strikes lightning upon your enemies? Or an ice wand that shoves icy dildos into your opponents torso? How about a really fabulous weapons that looks like purple ribbons, but is actually one of the most chaotic weapons in the entire fucking game?

On top of the amazing weapon selection there is also the level design. Some levels had you jump from floating giant droplets of water, to floors appearing under your feet as you walk.There are also tons of secrets throughout these worlds, meaning it gives me some replay value. This is one of those games I’ve played quite a bit between home and work, it feels just right on the Steam Controller.

This game was a delight from start to finish. I would love to see workshop support, and maybe even a sequel. 24/10 will probably play over and over again.

Gorgonzola Cheese And The World’s Finest Wine

I spent the first part of my weekend enjoying a good breakfast, taking care of some stuff around the house, and patching up a shirt that was starting to show some wear and tear. Been spending the evening drinking wine and enjoying some gorgonzola cheese and some white wine. I finished AMID EVIL last night, and played a bit of Pac-Man and Rochard… not sure why I’ve been on such an indie kick these last couple of weekends.

Two Steps Forward… Two Steps Back

I’ve been editing the final Skyrim video these last couple days, and found that I’m missing a scene that I’ll have to animate, though it won’t take too long to animate jaw flapping, hopefully. Other than that work has been wearing me down to zombie level energy at the end of the day. I think I spent more time looking at the computer screen in a daze than anything last night. I did manage to nail a solid night’s sleep for once, on a work night even! Maybe tonight I’ll have similar luck.

There’s plenty of stuff I’ve been wanting to blog about, but I haven’t even had time to write about the things I’ve been reading these days.

A Story About The Game A Story About My Uncle (Try Saying That Three Times Fast)

I obtained this as a freebie awhile back, and like many I collect freebies for my own amusement. I remember watching some YouTubers play this game, and it looked like a lot of fun but I could never to look for it on Steam when I found the time, not that it matters now… it was free!

It all starts out with the protagonist telling his child a bedtime story inside a black void. He tells her about his own childhood adventure about the search to find his Uncle Fred who loved to travel to infinity and beyond:

No, really.

Even in the beginning of the game there are all kinds of details scattered around in the form of notes and books, some giving you a heads up on the narration, and even some deep meta:

You can’t see much of it, but there are some pages that even detail information for the player to follow. I like little touches like these in games, it gives you something extra to look for.

Salamander Elsa

The search for your Uncle leads you to a village in what looks like a cavernous alien world with a decent amount of glowing plants, floating rocks and strange glowing writings on the walls that your Salamander Elsa friend (her name is Maddie, but I’ve decided she’s Elsa of the Salamanders) helps you decode along on your journey. She is one of the many salamander people who happen to know your uncle, but alas even they have no idea where he is either. You are at least pointed in a dark and scary direction, of which you’ll most likely find your uncle if you can traverse these dark caverns in your new found suit of course.


You are armed only what is called an adventure suit, which you obtained back at your Uncle’s house. The Adventure Suit gives you the ability to power jump and grapple your way from point to point. You obtain crystals or “power cores” along your journey, and for each one you obtain you can throw an extra grapple before touching the ground. I can currently grapple three times before having to land on the ground to recharge for example.

I accidentally glitched an area of the cave where you meet a one eyed purple people eating worm, and whenever it has its eye open you have to stand perfectly still until it goes back to sleep. I decided to drop off at this point last night, and upon returning to it today the purple cockworm was stuck asleep.

Lazy Bastard

Oops? At least I made it through the cave, and the worm managed to get a good night’s sleep.

Each world seems to be more abstract than the last. You go from caves, to a skyworld, and currently I’m making my way through some icy mountain caves.

Foxy Boxes

I’m not entirely sure how far I’m into the game, but so far I really like it. You might consider it if you’re into first person platformers, the level design is really something else.

Devolver Digital Continues To Impress

Due to E3 being cancelled, game companies and publishers have pretty much had to announce everything online for obvious reasons. Out of all of them each year I always anticipate Devolver Digital’s ridiculous shows. as that has been a tradition since 2017 when they made what I would consider the best E3 presentation in history. If you’ve never seen it go check a look:

This year Devolver kicked things in a different direction, and not only released their “Devolver Direct” stream but also release Devolverland Expo on Steam; An E3 Booth Simulator built on Unreal Engine 4.


If you’re familiar with Devolver’s yearly shenanigans you’ll pretty much expect what’s to come when you wander through the convention center. Each booth you visit has a game trailer you can watch, and you can even obtain secret objects to unlock unannounced game trailers. It’s a pretty cool concept, and actually should have been done sooner just to give those who are unable to go a chance to experience their games in a simulated personal matter.

There’s even a boss battle at the end! After making your way to the end you obtain a power glove. This will come in handy (no pun intended) when the boss starts throwing giant sawblade like CD’s and bombs at you. This was a blast from start to finish, and I still need to go back and find the secret items. 😛 I was impressed by all the additional details at each booth, and the overall humor.

Haven’t had this kind of fun since The Stanley Parable and Jazzpunk. I hope we get something like this again next year. It was a fun experience! Of course, if you’re not into the first person shooter experience involved in traversing this simulator you can always enjoy the Devolver Direct Livestream:

It’s Starting To Look Like A Thing

I was going to post something about this last night, but ended up collapsing in a bed instead after a hard day of work and a little bit of film editing. If all goes well I should have it wrapped up in a day or two. All the clips are in place… however there are other tweaks that need to be made before a proper export can be done.

So, about that bed…