The Mind Of OverlordTomala

I’ve got a letter for you…

Went into Skyrim today for project reasons. I installed a greenscreen and I need it for an upcoming video project. On my short trek into Whiterun I was reunited with the courier.

I was actually thrown off my guard a bit. I should be reminded everyday given his mug adorns one of my many random banners. But something about him changing his outfit was a small surprise. Given with what he had the last time I saw him.

Not that it matters… we all know Jarl Balgruuf has all the swag.

Goodbye Zen, Hello Reality

I have to say it has been a pretty productive weekend. I finally gained access to the new email server, and I added a few new website features to the main Slacker Site. I’ve also made a few tweaks here, such as removing the text over the banner… on mobile it looked weird, and overall it looked too repetitive. Instead enjoy my unobstructed misadventures.

I’ve packed a helping of breakfast rice (sounds weird but who cares) for tomorrow along with some herbal tea. After three days of being antisocial I can return to listening to asshats yell at us for having to wear masks, make fun of us for wearing them, and the increase of racial dialogue. Ever since COVID broke out I’ve been having to listen to my not as pale co-workers get yelled at by customers for their country mass producing this virus… even though not a fucking one of them is of Chinese descent. Then there’s also one of my co-workers pointing at a crying child and in a sarcastic tone telling me “he’s probably sick with the covid…” all because the kid was Chinese looking enough to merit a poor attempt at humor. If anything the poor kid was showing as much enthusiasm for being there as I mentally was.

Another thing I’ve had to think about lately is my daily attire. We can pretty much wear anything to work, and from time to time I like to wear some of my Oriental or Asian wear to work among the gaming T-Shirts and other stuff I have at my disposal, and with the amount of toxicity going on lately I’ve had to mentally walk down the alleyway of worst case scenarios for the days I decide to wear them. Never thought I would live in a day and age where I’d have to ponder these thoughts… then again I never thought toilet paper would be the first thing to go during an apocalypse.

Yay Bacon!

I slept in a bit too long this morning, and I was at that halfway point between breakfast and lunch. I was in a bit of a Chinese themed mood and opted to make some bacon and egg fried rice. Unfortunately I didn’t have any peas or spring onion, but I did chop and fry some yellow onion in the bacon along with the egg. I used brown Jasmine rice, but you can use any kind that you want. I have quite a bit leftover for tomorrow and a couple work trips methinks.

We Did A Stream!

Last night we decided to finish the Commander Lillith DLC for Borderlands 2. I opted to stream only to Twitch due to copyright bots. So far this has been my most successful BL2 livestream despite some audio issues early on. You can even watch this at up to 1440p! I think I finally found my recording/streaming sweet spot. Now I’ll have to see what other games I can pull off.

Weekend Morning Feast

The weather has been stormy outside (even got to see some lightning early this morning!), and what better way than to start my 3 day weekend with some homemade waffles with maple syrup, a cheese omelette, some bacon and a bowl each of watermelon and strawberry greek yogurt topped with strawberry dark chocolate granola?! I haven’t had anything of the egg/bacon variety in awhile, and my breakfasts have mostly been meal bars and one yogurt parfait here or there. The tea of choice this morning was some cocoa puerh with a splash of milk. It tastes like hot chocolate and it gives you a swift kick in the ass to start your day out right. If you ever want to try it out for yourself this is the stuff I’m talking about. I have a couple of their other teas such as Maple Puerh Chai and Watermelon Mint Aqua.

No, this is not a paid product endorsement… I just really like tea.

Current Mood: Retro-ish

With all of the website tweaking and email server shenanigans I’ve been wrapped up in I haven’t had much time to really play anything lately. I finally managed to play a few games today to take the edge off. I did Okami at lunch on the new laptop, AMID EVIL in the afternoon, and finished off with Quake 3 with Yutram and a bunch of bots. I want to add more content to the main Quake 3 server, and maybe check out some other mods, maps and gamemodes.

By the way; I recently fixed the email server. For some reason I only had outgoing working but managed to science it out with some proper DNS sorting. We’re not on the new one yet, for some reason my ISP and domain don’t seem to be getting along and I think it might have something to do with the recent domain transfer from Bluehost to Network Solutions.

Anyways… you can all email an ear full now if needed (you know who you peeps are).

I Have A Chimera!

My new portable monster arrived today. Unlike my recent return I’m really impressed with it! I already tested a few games on it this evening just to make sure it’s road ready. Didn’t even need to do an OS-Reinstall, at least on the Windows side (the Mint side has already been on my list for a reinstall to try a newer version).

This particular model (the G703GS) sports some serious RGB on both the front and the back.

I tested Crash Bandicoot among other games, and the only one that gave me any grief was Skyrim… but I’m pretty sure that’s because of my new refresh rate. The G703GS has a 144hz 1080p display (previous laptop only did 75hz) with G-Sync enabled. Skyrim is notoriously known for breaking at framerates far above 60fps thanks to the physics engine being tied to your refresh rate (at least for Oldrim, not sure about Special Edition). My version has a Coffee Lake i7-8750H 2.2 ghz hexacore processor and a GTX 1070. Packs enough of a wallop to most likely last me a few years, and by then maybe I’ll luck out and get a gaming laptop with a Ryzen. 😛

Now I just have to figure out what my lunch time game for tomorrow will be…

Memorial Day Open Thread

Did more prepping in SFM tonight; I even exported a scene! I also went through and cut down the audio down a bit, now it’s about a minute and a half of animation. Maybe more with another scene idea I’ve been kicking around… at this rate I probably won’t release these videos until Christmas. O_o

I also played Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night a little this evening. I was disappointed to find my saves were corrupted somehow, it wasn’t too big of a deal though considering I didn’t even get past the first hentai boss. I figured it was a holiday, and I had to work today… so I might as well enjoy myself a little. I deserve that much.

On another note the world really is coming to an end, we now have emoji support in the comments… EVIL!

Update to the comment form

I’ve updated the plugin for the comments section, so it’s a little more swank than before. We now have a rich text editor! Feel free to test it out!

Also, emails are working again! They’re still on the Bluehost side though while the sites remain on Digital Ocean, at least until the email transfer to Spectrum is completed. Slowly but surely I’m understanding how the internet works.