The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Memorial Day Open Thread

Did more prepping in SFM tonight; I even exported a scene! I also went through and cut down the audio down a bit, now it’s about a minute and a half of animation. Maybe more with another scene idea I’ve been kicking around… at this rate I probably won’t release these videos until Christmas. O_o

I also played Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night a little this evening. I was disappointed to find my saves were corrupted somehow, it wasn’t too big of a deal though considering I didn’t even get past the first hentai boss. I figured it was a holiday, and I had to work today… so I might as well enjoy myself a little. I deserve that much.

On another note the world really is coming to an end, we now have emoji support in the comments… EVIL!

Update to the comment form

I’ve updated the plugin for the comments section, so it’s a little more swank than before. We now have a rich text editor! Feel free to test it out!

Also, emails are working again! They’re still on the Bluehost side though while the sites remain on Digital Ocean, at least until the email transfer to Spectrum is completed. Slowly but surely I’m understanding how the internet works.

Obligatory Food Post

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to make a food post… I must change that.

My brother was kind and decided to buy me an entire watermelon yesterday, and I wanted to have it with a fruit themed breakfast. Over my holiday I started working on a recipe for creamsicle oatmeal, and pretty much have the ingredients down. I use milk mixed with vanilla extract, orange juice, a nut of some sort (walnuts and/or pecans do nicely), and for added sweetness I’ve been using homemade golden syrup, but honey or regular sugar would also work. I’ve made creamsicle oatmeal three times now, and I’ve really been enjoying the blend of cream with actual orange juice. Some people might think it strange to use juice with oatmeal, but this isn’t my first time.

This is a tropical blueberry oatmeal bowl I made awhile back, and instead of using water or milk as the base I used blueberry lemonade and added my blend of fruits and nuts. I didn’t need to add any sugar, it was already provided in the lemonade.

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a handcrafted lunch smoothie, and so I decided to whip up a peanut butter and apple smoothie using greek yogurt, milk, peanut butter, cinnamon, frozen apple cubes, and a small bit of golden syrup. It was good, but I’m thinking of using less milk next time… too runny for my liking.

Evening Open Thread

Played Soul Calibur VI with Yutram tonight, with me hosting it over Remote Play. Other than some controller spazzing on Yutram’s side (either that or the overall latency between the two of us) it went rather well. It was nice to do something a little different this evening, laughing at different characters and their death/orgasm screams. I think next time we might have to play with custom made monstrosities.

Managing a fire of irons

Now that I have the sites transferred over to digital ocean I can start focusing on getting back into animating. I finished a video over my holiday, but I won’t be publishing it until I finish part 4, only because I don’t want anymore cliffhangers. That said I extracted the audio I intend to animate and hoo-boy… it’s like almost two minutes worth; this’ll take awhile. I’ll be sure to post project pictures in der Discord. I already have stuff in there from a couple past projects. I also built a Discord for The Guild Of Slackers if you’d like to check a look. I’ll get around to finishing it eventually.

Oh, and if you’re having issues reaching me by email I’ve had the webmail servers down… having issues getting those transferred over to our ISP, so if you’re trying to email something to me I won’t be able to get it at the moment. I’ll look into possibly having the bluehost one accessible tomorrow hopefully while I try to get this resolved.

One More Time… With Feeling!


I’ve been having fun for the last week trying to get switched over, but after constant pushing and research (and remembering to turn selinux off the fuck) I finally have website(s) again! I still have quite a bit of tweaking to do, but for the most part it can all be done at a leisurely pace. I’m just glad I got it figured out…

Just in time to go back to work…

In Space No One Can Hear You Shooting Badasses!

We settled on livestreaming some Borderlands Pre-Sequel this evening.I’m not sure why I’m having such an issue streaming and recording at the same time. My GPU isn’t lagging, and my framerate stays above the 100’s usually. The only lag and choppiness I see is on livestream, and if I record or stream separately it seems to do fine. I have more than enough processing and GPU power to handle this older title, the only thing I can think of is this is an NVidia title, and it doesn’t want to comply with my hardware. I’ll have to make sure my OBS settings are fine for recording on the laptop next time…

Other than that I enjoyed a good breakfast, did some overdue tidying, and cleaned my sheets for a good night’s rest.