The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The First Time In Infinity

After cycling through my library to see what my brain would fancy I stopped on Infinity Runner. One of the many games in my library that went unplayed… until tonight.

A large monitor showing an even larger space ship called The Infinity.
The Infinity.

You awaken aboard a spaceship that you’ll later on learn is called The Infinity, and your job is to go streaking throughout the spaceship without dying in an attempt to escape. The only time you’re able to control your character is when you need to jump, slide or press left and right to get over certain obstacles or pick up data packets. So far I’ve only played it with a keyboard and mouse, next time I’ll see how a controller performs.

A large display with a woman on the left explaining that you're a werewolf, with a rotating picture of a werewolf on the right side of the screen.

Once you have a basic rundown of how the controls work, you’ll start to learn that you’re actually a werewolf. Anytime you come in contact with a syringe gun you’ll automatically transform. This doesn’t really mean much though, other than you no longer have to press buttons during cutscenes, at least until you revert back to your human form.

Overall the story is pretty basic, but has a certain charm about it. Every time I’ve glanced at the store page on Steam it always has a status of mixed reviews. I bought it during a sale for about how much it goes now, so I can’t really complain about what I’ve experienced so far. One of the commonly reoccurring complaints I’ve noticed is how short the game is. We’ll see how long I can drag this one out!

Come Chill By Da Fountain

It’s Oct 1st, and you know what that means? IT’S SPOOKTOBER!!! The month where I knock the cobwebs off of the spookier titles in my library in an attempt to finish them., or at the very least put a dent in some progression. I spent the final hour of my evening immersing myself in Amnesia: The Dark Descent, where I’ve managed to successfully outrun the invisible Water Creature and arrive in some unexplored territory.

Found multiple journal entries and notes, helping to further along the story. I’m currently trying to get some sort of elevator working, just found a key to the machinery room before calling it a night. I found a few cogs, but there are a few other parts of the machine that will require another evening of proper investigation. There’s a reality awaiting me in the morning that I must return to, the Derp Descent awaits.

I Kan Haz New Fruit Skin

If earning enough watermelon seeds to unlock a fruit cat skin in My Suika – Watermelon game is a sign that I’m addicted, then at least I’m willing to grind away at it instead of spending real world dollars on it. 😛 We had another random scorcher day where one minute we were in the 17C range, and then within an hour we were getting close to 30C. This weather becomes more and more unusual all the time. It did at least give me an excuse to play more on my Steam Deck today at least. Before vacation the poor thing was lucky to get used on the weekends. My lunches at work have either been too short or non-existent, leaving me with no time to even get a survival match in Serious Sam down.

It’s looking like we might have a repeat of the same weather tomorrow. Already charging up my Steam Deck in anticipation!

Light Up My World

We had another nice summer like day. I got through some footage, played a bit of Castlevania in between renders thanks to my trusty Steam Deck, and partied it up in Resonite when the evening hit. I still have a couple more days of freedom before I return to the hell hole, but I’m enjoying all the free time I can get, and it’s looking like there will be more of it in the future. Already scheduled a couple weeks off at the end of October, so the pain won’t be too intense when I head back to work… hopefully.

Tales From Behind The Blog

My search for the perfect template marches forward. I spent most of today venturing through and the four corners of the internet to find a template that doesn’t completely piss me off. When searching I get bombarded with e-commerce, portfolio, business, and anything NOT A BLOG. The current one would be fine if I could get the YouTube links to display properly on smaller devices, but no matter what settings I play with it’s never the proper aspect ratio. Of course, most of the templates I’ve been looking at don’t display YouTube videos on the front page. Why not? Another irritating trend I’m seeing is AI being built into some of the themes… Jesus Butt Fucking Christ, I don’t want AI in my theme suggesting to me how to write a post!

There are still multiple search terms I haven’t tried yet, but I’m getting tired of just searching for “Blog Theme” and having it also pull up business templates. It would be ideal if they added an option to uncheck options like e-commerce and the others just so I can find something that doesn’t make me look like a business corporation. This is a personal blog that shares videos… how is that so hard to accommodate for?

Let The Good Times Roll

On tonight’s Resonite exploration, we went frolicking in a forest, went to a world where we could watch shitty VHS tapes, and ended the evening in a couple of party worlds.

Also worked on some more Resonite footage, since that seems to have become the latest behemoth in my game footage collection since Skyrim. I’ve already come close to piecing another video together, though I probably won’t release it until November since it lacks anything spookworthy. In fact, most of the video work I’ll be putting in between now through October probably won’t be released until November or early next year. Unless I happen to come across some video footage befitting for the season…

This Is My Final Form?

Every night before I go to bed. I’ve been playing some form of Castlevania, or Shantae. There’s just something about playing these games at night, during the witching hour that brings out the perfect mood in me to commence the grinding. I even got an achievement/trophy the other night for destroying a druid at midnight! I didn’t even know that was a thing! Now that I’ve achieved Shantae’s final form for this game (that I know of) I’ve been circling back and looking for all additional items that can only be received with the proper abilities and power-ups.

If I finish this before they release Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution I’ll probably have to shell over a few schmeckles on launch day.  The release date has yet to be announced, so who knows? If I finish the game and it still hasn’t been released I still have plenty of other Metroidvanias to tie me over. 😛

More Reso Adventures On The Horizon

It was another lovely evening of exploring the four corners of Resonite. We transitioned from summer like isles, into autumn, and eventually hell and a couple Halloween themed places. One of these nights we’ll do something other than Resonite, but we keep finding so many different things it’s hard to really get bored of it. I was telling my friends that I’m up to 450 GB in footage now. Also went through one of the sessions today in Shotcut – already have a video planned this weekend that kinda sorta fits with the upcoming spooky season. It does involve a visit to the spirit realm, so I hope that counts. It also involves a cat, making it perfect for Caturday!

We Are Taking a Rescation!

Vacation has been going great! Guaranteed to have over a week of amazing breakfasts, and waking up to new adventures with friends! Today we flew planes and helicopters (depending on your definition of “flying”), visited some Japanese Gardens, went to a Roman Bathhouse, and even did some meditation and watched YouTube videos together. All but the latter documented later for future possible viewing potential. :v