I’ve been having fun for the last week trying to get switched over, but after constant pushing and research (and remembering to turn selinux off the fuck) I finally have website(s) again! I still have quite a bit of tweaking to do, but for the most part it can all be done at a leisurely pace. I’m just glad I got it figured out…
We settled on livestreaming some Borderlands Pre-Sequel this evening.I’m not sure why I’m having such an issue streaming and recording at the same time. My GPU isn’t lagging, and my framerate stays above the 100’s usually. The only lag and choppiness I see is on livestream, and if I record or stream separately it seems to do fine. I have more than enough processing and GPU power to handle this older title, the only thing I can think of is this is an NVidia title, and it doesn’t want to comply with my hardware. I’ll have to make sure my OBS settings are fine for recording on the laptop next time…
Other than that I enjoyed a good breakfast, did some overdue tidying, and cleaned my sheets for a good night’s rest.
Last night I had fun losing myself in Skyrim, and tonight I had fun on another lesbian gaycation with best lesbian friend Yutram. We’ve decided to tackle the Commander Lillith DLC again, but with our Sirens instead of Mechronancers. It was either this or Bayonetta for the stream, and co-op sounded more fun.
My first day of vacation couldn’t be better. I pretty much stayed in bed half the day, hung out with friends in the Gmod cinema with bed and breakfast, and even had time to do a livestream tonight! I’ve been wanting to play Dam It for so long, and now I can say that I’ve tried it. Dam It is a campaign that was originally made by Turtle Rock Studios (creators of the original Left 4 Dead) and it was supposed to take place in between Dead Air and Blood Harvest. While playing through this it is quite evident by the amount of developer textures, empty spaces and invisible models. We were also going to check out a completed fan version afterwards but ran into technical difficulties. Still, I had fun. Then again I’m the kind of person that likes looking at the development and hidden things in games, like with Skyrim’s secret worlds and the craziness that was the Half Life 2 leak.
Sometime during my time off I will be looking at moving the websites(s) over to Digital Ocean, but first the private email server will be a top priority. I plan to tear into that in a few days… my body is currently in relax mode.
Here’s to a week and a half of not having to worry about selfish asshats!
Had time to do another livestream tonight. I figured I would save video work for tomorrow after I get home. I wanted to run more stream tests, and found that 6000 kbps wasn’t enough for what I was wanting to do. I’ve since up’d it to 10000 and that seems sufficient for 1080p 60fps. I’ll probably stream some more during my vacation, possibly even new things I haven’t tried before… at least out in the open.
Sorry I haven’t posted much lately. I’m finally having a day off, and my head feels much clearer. I even celebrated by having a livestream with friends. I wanted to do something a little more sociable rather than Skyrim this evening, and goofing around in Sandbox with some buddies sounded like a good romp. We visited a couple custom maps, one is a near perfect recreation of Dragonsreach from Skyrim, and we also visited an extended version an abstract map. We also did some watermelon science during our stay in Dragonsreach. I managed to get myself infected with a watermelon virus (and no, that’s not why I have amazing melons in the thumbnail). I thought only NPC’s could catch it, but apparently once you contract the watermelon virus it will either cause you to shit out watermelons, or cause you to explode into watermelons. :rick:
It was nice to have a calm day where nothing went wrong… and hopefully I’ll have one more day just like that. :melon: Perhaps if I’m feeling good I’ll finish that one video I’ve been working on for fucking ever too! Perhaps after some other form of fucking about. :zorak:
To celebrate 4/20 I did a couple long overdue livestreams today:
Today felt like a good day to explore and blow things up with good friends and company. I’ve been pretty much disappearing into my own world after reading and enduring my daily allowance of depression lately… there is something about being surrounded by people who think this whole thing is fake or overblown, and wanting to open the country again just to get your hair dyed canary yellow just boggles my mind. It’s also one of the reasons why I haven’t been posting much. I’ve pretty much been taking it leisurely today, because I know the next work week for me is going to be hell. They want me to work 6 days in a row, but at least I’ll have two days off in a row at the end of it. I’ve put in for my vacation (again) and hopefully I’ll stand a better chance of getting it. I’m really getting sick of that place.
I felt like trying out a semi-english breakfast. Here we have bacon, sausage, toast, a fried egg hiding under some toast, and tomatoes and mushrooms that were fried in the leftover bacon and sausage fat, and of course we have some British style beans that I picked up the other day. I wanted to try beans on toast and it actually isn’t that bad. I used to think they used baked beans, but they just use a tomato sauce instead, and they taste quite good on toast. I’ve made up enough to have for work tomorrow too, so that kills two birds with one stone on my to-do list.
On April 8, 2020 Rick May, who voiced the Soldier from TF2 as well as Peppy Hare from Star Fox 64 (among other roles he’s played) passed away at the age of 79 due to COVID-19. I love each character from the TF2 series, while the game is nonsensical and might not seem like much to someone who hasn’t looked into it or played it much (if at all), there is so much lore and story than you could possibly imagine, and it is really, really ridiculous. The Soldier was the only other American character out of all 9 classes (that we know of) and easily the craziest American of the two… I mean this is taken directly form the official site:
Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War 2, the Soldier was rejected from every branch of the U.S. military. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to load and fire a variety of weapons before embarking on a Nazi killing spree for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself. His rampage ended immediately upon hearing about the end of the war in 1949.
The Soldier is actually my 4th most played class (from when I actively played TF2). I think my proudest moment using him was during one of the Halloween events. I was playing on a public server with my Dad and Bro with a bunch of random people, and the opposing team had these soldiers that liked to rocket jump in the air using the practice rocket launcher (the rockets don’t harm you or anyone else, they just make it easy to jump), then parachute back down and try to either shoot you with a shotgun or hit you with a shovel. I used my Disciplinary Action to outrun them, and Direct Hit to not only rocket jump up to the payload (Helltower) but to also shoot at anyone around me (the Direct Hit is basically a Rocket Launcher that requires the accuracy of a sniper rifle, you have to be dead on in order to get a hit which in most cases is deadly) and sending us all to hell to race for the Bombinomicon, the two soldiers on the other team were both pissed and confused that I got past them, and inevitably my team won the round.
Rest In Peace, and thank you for voicing such an amazing character. If it hadn’t been for COVID-19 he would have still been working to this day. You can argue that he was old, and that he would have probably died from something else, but that isn’t the point. Him, like many people, are dying from something that could have been better handled if we actually had a government and people that could take it seriously… but that’s for a whole other post entirely.