The Mind Of OverlordTomala

If It Weren’t For My Store Sanctioned P95 I Wouldn’t Have Angered Store Management

A few years ago we had a fire that was 6 about miles out of town as the crow flies; transforming the air into a dark, hellish sky that would only allow us visuals of a red sun or moon every so often, in what was otherwise a smoky unforgiving abyss. There were days where I would go to work and you couldn’t see 20ft in front of you because of all the smoke. In order to make my job easier (read: not pass out on the floor) the company that I work for issued me a P95 mask (I originally wanted to pay for it myself but my boss offered on behalf of the company, which was a kind gesture), with COVID-19 becoming more and more serious, plus having to work and live around people (and pets) that could be susceptible to it if I drug it home somehow, I figured it was time to ride with the mask again.. that was until I found out that I can’t anymore. :zorak: Why you may ask?

I’ve been pulled aside and told by the main store manager, that the store sanctioned P95 mask I received is against store policy… Let me repeat that for some of you that may have missed that the first time. I’ve been pulled aside… by the head honcho who is in charge of micromanaging all of the micromanagers, to tell me that the store sanctioned P95 mask that was given to me… IS AGAINST STORE POLICY. HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN WORK?!?!?!?!?!

In case you haven’t noticed lately, or haven’t read my posts in awhile… I’ve been under a lot of stress to the point of wanting a throw a 65″ television at someone’s face while plugged into power. My work partner is out on stress leave because of how much management is slow walking safety procedures such as using masks and not even paying attention to social distancing guidelines, and he takes care of his elderly parents and brother with COPD. Another manager is out due to being a high risk (medical problems and medication that leaves her with a vulnerable immune system). Those were the only two people higher up in the chain that had… any form of sanity in them. To everyone else you wouldn’t know we were having a pandemic.

Tomorrow morning when I go in I’ll be handing my mask back to the manager who gave it to me and thank him.  It just pisses me off that I’ve sacrificed things like my time off to work while someone else is on stress leave doing what used to be the work of three separate people, while also being pulled wherever they want me to be, and working to the best of my ability and even going as far as changing my schedule to help more and get things done faster, just to be forced to jump through these stupid assed hoops provided to me by who I would otherwise consider a walking tumor of a human being. as someone who might have a network of tumors in his head.

I’m getting to a point where I might have to contemplate getting a hold of my doctor to get a note to go out on stress leave. I really don’t want to, I’ve never been in a situation where I would even THINK I would have to take a break… but these people are sucking the life out of me while also wanting me to sacrifice my well being and personal time just so they can get shit done and make sales… because that’s totally worth sacrificing people and pets over. It would be really unfortunate though given that I’m the only other person who knows how to run the department and where things are kept, or what keys to use to access what products.

If anyone gets COVID-19 at work I really hope the upper brass gets a taste… If you’re going to put my livelihood at risk or possibly becoming a carrier (if I’m not already) or catching it myself then you’ve earned a permanent spot on my shit list, and karma has a really bad habit of coming back around… and these people, much like a lot of people in this town and throughout the country are about to get some serious karma.

ASUS Tech Support Says The Darndest Things

One of the key things I’m looking for in a laptop right now is a minimum of three hard drive bays. My current laptop has two NVMe slots and one SATA. I’m looking at a couple of good candidates for upgrading to, but the problem is the online documentation for these models isn’t exactly clear on how many drive bays come with each laptop, as there are different revisions of a particular model out there that have different things like screen size, the amount of RAM it comes with by default, etc. If I look up any motherboard I can immediately find information on its home website (even ASUS), but when it comes to their laptops you really have to dig on these newer models to figure out which revision comes with what, and nothing of what I read online in their manuals or in disassembly videos has given me an idea of a drive layout. I contacted ASUS via email to inquire about upgrading…


I am interested in upgrading from a G752VT to a GL702VS, and I currently have two NVMe drives and an SSD that I would like to move over to a new laptop. How many m2 slots does the GL702VS have?

Thank you.

Over 24 hours had buzzed by, and I get this gem as a response (Note: I changed the reference number):


Hello ***********,

Thank you for your response. My name is David S. I appreciate the time out you have taken to notify us of your concern and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I’m grateful to be able to further address this matter with you. I have escalated your query to our senior engineers for more information. Please allow 1 – 2 business days for feedback.

Thank you for the opportunity to address this matter with you. We value you as an important ASUS customer, and we want to ensure your experience with us is fulfilling.

If you have any other questions, comments or concerns please feel free to reach out to us again. Thanks for contacting ASUS support.

Please make note of your case number for future reference: XXX666XXXX

David S.

ASUS Product Support

Concern? The only concern I have is in this overall response… did they even bother to read what I wrote? Why are they responding to me as if I have a broken laptop? All I wanted to know was how many drives that laptop could hold in its fucking badonkadonk case.

What’s even more concerning is getting this exact same email again this afternoon… wtf?

I’m either a psychic or a psycho… or both

As predicted I was asked to put my vacation off for a week or two… imagine that. Guess this means I’ll be spending my birthday at work. Not that it matters, since most places are closed anyway due to the pandemic; having to do the job of three people for the price of one is probably the best birthday gift you can get in America. /sarcasm

I’m going to play things by ear, but I may end up having to postpone the site move until I know I can set some time aside. I want at least two days off in a row to pull the plug, setup the email server, do evil things on it, and then focus on WordPresses.

I’m thinking I’ll try to put back in for my time off again for early May. My muscles really need a break, and my sanity meter is running near E from the amount of stupidity I’m forced to endure everyday so that I can continue existing.

I’m sorry if this has all been more depressing lately, but  it’s been difficult to find time to really enjoy things lately. I’ll try to make something a little more lighthearted tomorrow, but no promises.

Apocalyptic Open Thread

My plans for time off might have to be put on hold, we have more and more people at work dropping out. Not from COVID 19 thankfully, but due to colds  or wanting to social distance. One of my co-workers is taking a couple weeks off as of today to protect his family. I’m going to be playing it by ear, but this is going to have a bit of an impact on my schedule, and my time off might be cancelled unless I either become ill, or conditions become hazardous enough for me to get a doctor’s note.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because this might have to delay the website move until this shit gets sorted. I want to make sure I have a decent amount of time set aside to migrate things accordingly without having to rush on a work night. I’ll be installing the wiki as well as setting up the email server, which looks straight forward on paper but with Linux you never know. :trollface: I’ve already read a few tutorials for other things that lacked certain details.

I’m also looking into getting a new gaming laptop. My brother has finally entered the workforce and obviously needs to have a laptop with swagger, so I’ll be selling him mine and giving myself an upgraded laptop. I’m still researching what I want to go with. Probably ROG, nothing lower than a GTX 1070, and I also need to make sure it has at least three drive bays like my current portable rig. I haven’t decided if I’ll stay with Skylake or go with a newer generation, Ryzen on the laptop front isn’t quite there yet for me unfortunately… so for now I’ll have to continue using Intel and NVidia on the laptop side while I’m pure red on the desktop side. Ah well, on the brightside having two different chipsets and graphics cards gives me something to write about from both sides of the hardware rainbow.

Speaking of hardware; has anyone seen the new controller for the PS5? They’re no longer calling it a Dualshock, but rather a DualSense controller. The design looks like the zombie corpse of Steve Jobs came back from the dead and flogged 50% of the design. I’m not saying it’s a bad controller, for all I know it is probably just as good as any of Sony’s previous lineup if not more so, but that design looks quite… plain.

Apocalyptic Blogging

Over the last few weeks I’ve been nothing but tired. Too tired to write, as I feel like I would have written something that was nothing but angry froth. If I’m going to angrily froth I need to sort out what I’m frothing about. From what I’ve seen most people who get upset tend to point their fingers at the one thing they think is causing said problem, when often there are multiple things at hand that can inevitably lead to what caused said problem.. Most people don’t want to understand why things happen, they just want them to go away… problem is in order to solve a problem you need to understand it, and when you have a bunch of pig ignorant fucks who don’t want to understand anything that presents one hell of a hurdle that even the dummy thiccest of thighs will have issues jumping over.

I’ve been watching people buy toilet paper in masses, why? The US is #2 in the world for TP manufacturing… oddly fitting given we are a big #2 to the world, and I’m sure there are quite a few people out there that would like to wipe us away with TP in these current times, so why is everyone panicking? I’ve even pointed this out to people and they use that just as an excuse to say “Cool! I can go buy another pack tomorrow! and the next day!”. As if that wasn’t pathetic enough we’ve also had people stealing it from each other; a friend of mine who is basically like a sweet grandma had a pack she purchased stolen from her shopping cart by someone in their mid to early thirties. Or worse, we’ve also had people bringing concealed guns to make sure no one steals their toilet paper. Damn… imagine someone making an attempt to steal someone’s toilet paper just to end up not only being shot by the owner, but the owner potentially hitting someone else if trying to aim at them. Day in and day out its like Black Friday for toilet paper, fucking toilet paper! What is wrong with people!?!

Why do people act like this? I’ve been asked this quite a bit as of late, and sadly this can’t be answered without people taking offense, fortunately this is my blog and frankly I don’t give a shit what any of you lot think. Generally, most people are inherently selfish; there are some exceptions to the rule but by and large for the most part, people are just plain selfish and can’t think past their own nose. I’ve been listening to people at work who don’t give a fuck if people die from COVID 19, saying things like “everyone has to go at some point” which I dare them to say 30 or 40 years down the line when their ass falls into a more vulnerable age group, assuming they don’t already have some underlying issue they haven’t discovered yet. As the numbers increase this isn’t just targeting old people and infants, but people with compromised immune systems and underlying medical issues they may or may not know about. Such as this guy who died from COVID19 after also finding out he had leukemia, or this case in the UK where a woman died with no underlying conditions, and now we have confirmation that tigers can get it too; meaning cats (and possibly other pets too such as dogs) are in danger as well. It isn’t everyday that you see a virus transfer itself from a human to an animal. :morty: Though I’m waiting for someone to come along with some manufactured excuse.

Another thing we don’t like admitting to is that we are stupid people, plain and simple. We praise stupidity, we encourage stupidity, we are represented by stupidity, we wear our stupidity as a retarded gold starred badge of honor and I’m rather certain we have contests to see who can out-stupid who. People are fighting over toilet paper because most places don’t even try to discourage it. As long as they make money what are a few bruises or broken ribs? Oh, and if you yell loudly and rudely enough after not getting what you want you’ll also be rewarded with gift cards and other essential items that are popular, and could have gone to someone else who actually would have deserved it.

People (and the people who are supposed to be leading) should be taking this shit more seriously… The people who don’t, or refuse to believe that its real deserve whatever happens to them. I hate saying that as that means innocent people will die because of this, but innocent people are already dying, and if people are going to refuse to take initiative or believe this could kill them they are either too stupid to exist or are waiting for a lesson in how their respiratory system works. I’ve had a relative go through something similar to COVID 19 (if not the virus itself) where they had issues breathing for several days, and had it not been for their inhaler they would have gone to ER… the only thing preventing them from going to the hospital in the first place was their shitty insurance. I doubt I’ll get it, but on the off chance that I did I wouldn’t be able to afford to survive it. This situation is really fucked up.

I could go on, but I’m sure there will be more fodder and commentary as the beatings ensue. Plus this post is already past the point of the average attention span. :zorak:

Face Full Of Melons

I spent the evening toiling away in SFM. I’m getting closer to seeing the finish line; unfortunately it’s at the bottom of a cliff that I still need to scale down. This ending has been a pain in the ass to work on, but I’m finally at a point where I mainly have to clean up the backgrounds, lighting, particles and just general animation cleanup. I’ll try and tackle it some more tomorrow.

On another note I won’t be posting much (if at all) to the new beta blog until after the move. So if you wish to leave comments feel free to do so here. There’s a slight chance I might have to reinstall wordpress after switching the domain over to the new webserver and I’ll be backing off all of my installs before nuking everything from orbit.

Just a heads up on the site move

On April 18th I will be taking this website, as well as any other website running on this server down to prepare for moving over to Digital Ocean. There will most likely be some downtime while transferring my domain name as well as pointing everything at the right addresses. I’m planning to take vacation from work that week, so I should have plenty of time to get things sorted out. I’ve tried setting up what I can, but I’m going to need it all pointing to a domain to continue any further. This will give me more than enough time to get things together, and enough time for enough people to see what’s going on.

All your asses have been warned, yo.



I’m hoping to achieve moving things over in May.

Overlord May Die

I took a break from website work this evening to chillax and play some modded DMC5 in front of a live studio audience. I’m playing on Son Of Sparda and I’m doing waaaaaaaay better than I thought I would. So far it’s just extra demons it throws at you, and I’ve been able to carry myself for the most part. I’ve only used one Gold Orb so far… I have a feeling when I get to Urizen and Virgil I’ll be gobbling them up like candy. I even got to play with another player in co-op! I heard rumor from Bayonetta man that there was a mod to allow for proper co-op play, but apparently I didn’t look hard enough for it on the nexus. It looks like someone else had it installed while I happened to be playing tonight… it was cool! I’ll definitely have to obtain it now! Killing demons is much more fun with a buddy anyways.

Hope everyone is staying safe with their hobbies, and not stealing toilet paper from each other. :zorak: