This was another treasure I found while surfing the nerdier parts of YouTube awhile back, and I thought about it again today while playing Crash during my lunch break. Just think; Somewhere in an alternate universe this would have been the intro and outro for the original Crash Bandicoot game… The production quality is actually quite good, to the grade of even being a Saturday Morning cartoon, and they even got Jim Cummings to sing it! But it wouldn’t have meshed well with the game being a 3D platformer.
Such Alpha Much Wow
I always like seeing the development process and background stuff that goes into crafting a game. This video displays every alpha for DOOM; which you can download here from this website if you want an up close and personal glimpse of the past.
It’s always interesting seeing how they pieced things together, what didn’t make the cut, etc.
Sunday Night Open Thread
I’ve been keeping myself preoccupied between SFM, cooking a kick ass breakfast this morning, and finally getting things together for the Digital Ocean transition. The first project is setting up the mumble server, which is pretty much done other than having to tweak a few settings and manually putting in a startup service to auto launch the server after a reboot. I setup a droplet with the latest version of CentOS. Once I have that completely setup I’ll look into moving the websites and additional files I plan to fast host for Quake 3 and TF2.
I’ll go over it again with a fresh set of eyes tomorrow.
Miso Hungry

I was craving a bowl of Miso Soup today. Something nice to slurp on after another long day of throwing cardboard boxes and lifting televisions and other shit. I made a basic Miso Soup with the addition of some baby bella mushrooms and a shredded carrot with some ginger. I poured it over some soba noodles, it was quite earthy. I also prepared some more overnight oats for tomorrow, doing matcha strawberry yogurt, blueberries and coconut milk.
Yes this is still going on

I didn’t really touch SFM much last week… however I did manage to make it up a little over the weekend, and these last few days I’ve made more progress on animation. Tonight I mainly focused on refining some of the already existing project animation and played with camera placement, something that I still think I need to work on for my material in general. I’ve been paying closer attention to camera work in commercials, movies, you name it. Just to get ideas for how to handle certain scenes on the off chance I need something a little more cinematic.
I’ll be happy when I finally get this finished.
Adventures in modding DMC5
On and off these last few weeks I’ve been tinkering with loading DMC5 through Vortex Mod Manager. Everything was going soooooo well until it deletes my save data every time I launch DMC5 through it. My NG+ stuff is gone and everything. I’m not entirely butthurt though because I didn’t get too far into my 2nd playthrough, that and I’ve been having fun with mods. Here are a few that I can recommend starting with the Ichigo reskin featured above:
I gave V a Saint’s Row type of reskin, and also gave him a Death Note book, after all this is basically Kylo Ren in his more upbeat years (this is my universe and I can deem it as such dammit).
I also replaced the Style Announcer with Solid Snake, and they actually got David Hayter to record custom lines for this mod! How cool is that?!?! When I first downloaded the mod I thought it was just audio ripped from other games (as that tends to be the trend with these announcer mods) but was surprised when Snake said my style was “Dummy Thicc”. That is just too awesome for words. I could almost picture Snake sitting on the couch next to me just randomly yelling these lines while I play… almost.
Oats n Grains
Since I indulged myself on caramel with my breakfast I went with ALL OF THE FRUIT!!! plus some maple syrup and brown sugar. This and some toast held me over til lunch, which I actually made today!
I had some kielbasa and peppers with onion and garlic mixed with quinoa. It was so good that I had to have seconds. Should have enough for some after work munch tomorrow too. My stomach is feeling much better, just in time for me to go back to work I guess. :assy:
I have made another attempt to have portable oatmeal for my work adventure tomorrow… This week I’ve decided will mostly be overnight oats in the morning. Aside from Caramel Banana Mach II I’ve also made a cherry vanilla matcha and mexicocoa cherry oatmeals to enjoy!
Repairing my stomach with warm sweetness
I wasn’t feeling too well last night. Around lunch time yesterday I couldn’t find my overnight oatmeal breakfast. At first I thought I left it in my backpack but it wasn’t there, and I doubled checked the fridge at work but couldn’t find it either. I automatically assumed that I left it at home by mistake and decided to buy some sushi for myself and figured I would have my breakfast lunch for actual lunch when I get home… but at the end of the work day when I got my groceries out of the fridge I noticed it was in there at the forefront ready to be consumed :morty: . I know I didn’t miss it at lunch, there was hardly anything in the fridge taking up residence. My first thought was that maybe I left it on the ground in the locker room by mistake (not that it would matter since it was insulated) or one of the asshats at work tried to pull some form of prank (as is tradition among asshats at work they refuse to fire due to poor hiring rates). I reluctantly disposed of it… always hate seeing food go to waste but I didn’t want to take any chances.
My meal choices weren’t really that… great yesterday. The sushi tasted good, but it was too spicy for my work morning, lunch was homemade nachos from the night before, and for dinner we were too tired to make anything and ordered Burger King. That was enough for my stomach to flip me off this morning; sleeping was terrible… I got about 6 hours on and off due to waking up with stomach pain constantly. I finally got over it after making myself some caramel banana oatmeal to make myself feel better after losing out on trying the overnight version. That cured my belly and caused me to go into a two hour coma to make up for lost sleep. I started my day later than I wanted to, but hey at least I felt better. Not so much now though. :zorak: I might have to do more oatmeal therapy in the morning.
Spending The Leap Year In Gmod

Decided to chill in the cinema tonight. We usually have a small “after party” after we finish watching videos with activities; such as riding a crazy couch from the lobby. It was nice just to chill tonight after a rough week of dealing with mental and physical agony. I look forward to being unconscious for as long as possible. :zorak:
Hope everyone else is having a good weekend.