The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Yogurt on a sandvich?

There was a sale on some cheesecake factory bread the other day. They had these nice baby baguettes, and I’ve been in a sandwich mood these last couple days for my after work lunch.

I made a tuna curry spread (though you can substitute cooked chicken and porn in place of the tuna) with a mix of plain greek yogurt, curry powder, cumin, green onion, garlic, shredded carrot and coconut, grated ginger, chopped serrano pepper, and some salt and pepper. Topped with some baby spinach and swiss cheese. This one probably won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but I liked the flavors, and its a versatile spread! You can have it on crackers, in wraps, or on a salad itself with some fruits. I already have it prepped as a salad for tomorrow morning to break up my parfait trend a little. I’ve made sure to include some orange wedges and pineapple to add some flavor and juiciness.

Video Project Status Update

It took us a couple weeks but we finally have Wheatley in the background!

I’ve still been plucking away at this scene… still on the same damned couch. This trip is going to take us awhile methinks, but I am getting a lot done, even though in my head I feel like I could do more. Even after completing this I won’t be releasing it until I finish Part 4. I was hoping to release a video sometime this month, but due to work, other hobbies, etc. I’m anticipating this at least taking a few more weeks to finish up. Animation by hand be it 2D or 3D takes time, though watching over some of my previous scenes you would probably think I just screwed off in SFM for a couple days.

Of course, even if I do finish this video within the same month the chances of me releasing it are highly unlikely. After consistently doing this last year, and starting around the same time, I’ve decided to make certain rules for myself. Firstly, if one livestream is going to span across more than one video, then I won’t release any of them until an entire set is done. I’m also contemplating changing that rule to a minimum of two sets. Say for example I finish up parts 3 and 4 for the current Skyrim “series” and I start to work on two Broforce videos. I won’t release the Skyrim videos until I have both Skyrim and the Broforce videos completed. I’d like to get enough videos canned up for a steady release schedule instead of having a couple ready, then having a long pause in between releases.

I also want to work on a new channel trailer to showcase the new video format. I’ll probably release one once I actively release videos again.

This thread is brought to you by several balanced breakfasts

I’ve more than fulfilled my promise this weekend for healthy breakfasts, and even managed to get over my fear of oatmeal. I grew up not really caring for it… and I think in part it might be in how it was prepared for me the few times I had to to try and stomach my way through a bowl. Now that I’m an adult with an overactive imagination and an appetite to apply a small amount of it to I think I’ve managed to actually make oatmeal to be proud of. The above is a mix of chopped frozen black cherries, whole recently frozen blueberries, dried cranberries, sliced fresh banana, pralines, maple syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon and just a touch of salt. It was the right amount of sweetness, and the addition of nuts and berries gave it additional flavor. I was so proud of myself that I decided to do a different variant today:

This one consists of brown sugar, vanilla extract, walnuts, frozen mangoes, strawberries and pineapple chunks, and another chopped banana. It felt nice to have something warm with the taste of the tropics on an otherwise cold morning. I’m thinking of next week of making some breakfast curry of some sort; until then I have these to look forward til hump day.

The one in the middle is a raspberry white chocolate parfait that I plan to bring to work tomorrow. The one on the left is a caramel banana oat parfait (though they all have oats in them), and the one on the right is basically the same thing as the one on the left but with maple syrup instead of caramel, and the addition of walnuts. Oh, and they all have cocoa granola because that just sounds good with any of these. :trollface:

If anyone has good breakfast or any other kind of food ideas you’ve tried recently I’d like to hear it!

Mastering The Zen Of Yogurt

Sorry, been a busy week and these have really been coming in handy. I never got to put together that caramel banana one I had envisioned; instead I decided to make all of the remaining yogurt parfaits for the week into matcha ones, not that you’d be able to tell or anything due to all of that fruitiness going on.

This mix consists of:

  • Greek Vanilla Yogurt (or your personal preference)
  • Honey or Agave (optional)
  • Blueberries
  • Black Cherries
  • Japanese Matcha sweetened with Monkfruit
  • Pulverized Oats
  • Topped with a fruit and nut granola mix

After eating one of these I was basically set for the rest of the day. I haven’t even had a proper after work lunch yet, and I ate this about 7 hours ago! The sweetness of the blueberry helps offset the tangy black cherries, and matcha mixed in yogurt with fruit not only adds a nice tea flavor but also offers helpful antioxidants alongside the blueberries. I’m not a health nut, but somehow I keep making these choices.

I’ll be bringing another parfait of the same make tomorrow, that one was good enough to have an encore.

Food Thoughts For Thought

I’ve been continuing to experiment with yogurt parfaits. While I like them they are still very liquid based, including the THICC Greek variants. Adding granola doesn’t seem to help absorb much, though adding pulverized oats to the parfaits thickens them up kinda like a pudding, and I feel even fuller for longer without having to piss like a race horse. The first two days are cocoa parfaits; one is a chocolate cinnamon crunch parfait and the other was chocolate raspberry.

I’m thinking Thursday I’ll make a caramel banana nut oat parfait, then Friday and Saturday will be matcha based. Start the week off with indulgence, and end it with some balance. I’ve also been formulating breakfast plans for the weekend. Last weekend was Japan, the week before was Curry, and I still want to keep it on the healthy side for another week (must… resist… bacon). I’ve been looking up a few ideas on both the sweet and savory side… I’ve even entertained the idea of a vegetable/tomato based yogurt parfait with peppers and quinoa. It would be based off of a Bulgarian yogurt soup recipe I found years ago; Consisting mainly of tomato, peppers, cucumber, walnuts, and a few other ingredients. I was also thinking of adding quinoa into the mix. Despite what you might think plain yogurt mixed with vegetables, tomatoes, herbs and nuts isn’t as bad as it sounds.

From Soul Calibur 6 To Yakuza 0

Even The Yakuza cannot resist the sweet taste of watermelon.

The rain convinced me to stay in pajamas today, and to play a game in bed for awhile. Leveled up a bit more in Soul Calibur IV, and I also decided to go back into Yakuza 0. I started a game of it almost a year ago and never got back to it! This ends today…. or tonight rather!

This is the first game I’ve played in the series, and while the cutscenes seem kind of long I do find them to be a nice break on my hand (all those combos); they also do a good job conveying what’s going on. Kiryu (the character you play) was hired to rough some dude up in an alley way, and you do exactly that… there’s just one problem. The guy you rough up gets shot, and you’re framed for it.

I won’t go into the story too much; other than to say that it’s one hell of a ride so far. I feel like I keep going further and further down a rabbit hole, pieces of the puzzle are in front of me, yet not enough to paint a full picture. I had to take a break from fisting an entire board room of Yakuza who wanted some of my sweet ass, as my right hand was starting to cramp up. But I had a hell of a fun time.

I found Canada!

My only complaint about the game so far is the minimap. I don’t know if its just me, but I have a difficult time following it to my destination. I keep making sure to try and stand in the right place, and looking over to the top right of the screen to make sure I can move forward. If anything I had a harder time with that than the actual gameplay.

It also dawned on me that there are a few minigames that I could play with another friend! Might have to have a Yakuza bowling night sometime!

Current Mood: Japan

Could you pass the wasabi?

I’ve been having a pretty zen weekend. Made some Miso soup, tamago, some rice with a rice seasoning I got for Christmas, and I also blended some yogurt and more of that monkfruit and matcha with some greek yogurt and added nuts and the homemade cherry sauce on top. It was so filling I was able to skip lunch, though that was also due to sleeping in. 😛 I had a really tiring week, and I have a feeling next week might be moreso.

I played a bit of Mark Of The Ninja (Remastered), and I have to say that I like it so far. Sadly I have no pictures of my own, but basically its a sidescrolling stealth platformer entirely in 2D with fairly decent animated 2D cutscenes. The voice acting isn’t what I would call great, but this is an indie title, and the gameplay so far makes up for it. I also progressed further into Soul Calibur VI, though I mainly did side fights. Came across someone jealous of my anal beads.

Other than that I did some online shopping for some new PJ’s and have always had a mug of green tea in one form or another, at my side the entire day. I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll make some more Japanese breakfast; followed by making tea and yogurt parfaits for the following work day(s). I actually made a nice cherry green tea one the other day but forgot to share it, had a nice color blend between the matcha and the cherry syrup.

Now if you’ll excuse me… I’m being lulled away by the scent of cherry blossoms and watermelons. :melon: Hopefully I’ll continue to come out the other side unscathed.