The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The Bluehost Blues

Last August I began having issues with my website provider Bluehost, when they “upgraded” my service by taking away my ability to open a process manager, and also made it impossible for me to run a murmur server due to their ridiculously low file descriptor count. In the old days I could just submit a support ticket to get a config changed, or open certain server ports for example. Now you have to either sit down and chat with them on the phone, or have an online chat with them. I’ve complained to them numerous times about my issues with no success, in fact at one point they made it even worse for me by changing my PHP version from 7.2 to 5.0, which is the equivalent of ordering a cheeseburger at a restaurant and instead having a toaster served to you on a platter with maple syrup and a hobo’s flaming scarf. What part of “Follow this wiki link and increase my file descriptors” even remotely translates into “Downgrade my PHP version plz”? PHP and Murmur don’t even have anything to do with each other!

They also managed to lock me out of FTP. Two tech support sessions and about a month later I eventually get my FTP access back… However I’m still at square one. I’ve been telling them from the beginning that I needed my file descriptors increased in order to run murmur, and I even linked instructions to them on a wiki page! After about another month I got word back basically stating what I already knew; My old server they migrated me from had a larger file descriptor count, and since I’m on shared hosting I would most likely have to pay for a dedicated server to do what I basically did before… They were going to look into things further, and said they would get back in contact with me sometime after thanksgiving… I still haven’t heard from them, at this point I decided take a friend’s advice and just go to Digital Ocean.

Now that the holidays are over and I’ve had a chance to breathe I’m proceeding with my server migration plan. I’m copying my files off of bluehost and getting ready to copy website databases, email addresses and the whole shebang to prepare for the move. I have until July to get things switched over, so while I’m not in too big of a hurry I do want to use the time to be through. It will give me plenty of time to test things properly before pulling the plug on bluehost.

It’s a shame that I have to do this after almost a decade :zorak: , but the service I got was anything but impressive. One thing I’m noticing across businesses is the lack of quality in staffing, or rather just lack of staffing in general. I wouldn’t be surprised if bluehost got rid of a bunch of their staff and only hired and trained people just enough to work with WordPress installs. As a result my questions about my Murmur server alluded them… I’ve seen a lot of companies try to take Wal-Mart’s leading business examples beyond the retail front, and it looks like Bluehost Wal-Marted their quality.

Evening Open Thread

Nothing to really write about tonight. I’ve been doing some SFM and photoshop work the past week in my spare time, and unfortunately I don’t have anything to really produce visually at this time, however if you’ve seen my real world metal jaw mask you might have a rough idea. :melon:  I’m currently working on the ending for the third Skyrim video which is going to take some time.. I’m animating a little over two minutes worth for the ending, and that shit takes awhile when this is only a hobby.

The weather is going to suck again this weekend. I’ll probably have a cozy introverted couple of days… I think I’ve earned it after the last few weekends not quite panning out as planned. I’m thinking of doing something creative tomorrow, but not quite sure what… I think I’ll take a hint from the two accidental naps that I’ve had and get a full night’s sleep before I let my brain think of anything else.

Until then… Open Thread!

My New Melon Bags

Morty Approves Of The New Bag Law…

As of January 1st plastic bags have been outlawed in Oregon, we now charge 5 cents per paper bag. I already had quite a few reusable bags from when they were first becoming a thing, so it didn’t really bother me when the ban took place. I actually think it’s a good idea. I’ve seen a couple documentaries and have read plenty about plastic in the ocean to know that some things need to change for this to stop. With each change comes growing pains, and if things didn’t change we would still be in castles and villages. I mainly see older people complain about the new law, and the common complaint I hear now is “I keep leaving my bags in the car!” like somehow this was the fault of everyone else. How hard is it to keep these in a purse or something? You can get your bags to fit into tinier bags, or roll them up to fit in your pocket. I take my gaming laptop to work everyday for lunch and have decided to leave a few of these bags in my backpack just in case I need to get a few groceries.

If a stoned gamer can remember to be prepared for a shopping trip after a full day of work then you really have no excuse.

Private Streaming Returns!

I’m happy to say that for whatever reason I’m able to stream on Steam again! I tested it while playing AMID EVIL the other day and it worked perfectly. I think I might do some private-ish streams for quick goof off sessions and one shots, or streaming Audiosurf 2 without the worry of copyright bullshit. :trollface:

Something for a more comfortable atmosphere.

i kan haz taro mochi

One of my Christmas Presents last year from my best princess friend was a box of taro mochi. I’ve had green tea mochi before, but never tried it with taro, which is a root vegetable. I’ve had taro chips before but I’ve never had it in mochi form. I saved opening these up for a special day, and last Saturday was that day. Nothing like starting your weekend with something sweet after all.

Like most mochi, it was nice, delicious and soft. It wasn’t quite as purple as it was shown on the box. Not a big deal or anything, it already looks good enough to eat.

If I were to describe the flavor I’d say it kind of tastes like a pale sweet potato with caramel. I still think I prefer the matcha ones, but this does have a nice caramel like after taste. It would be funny to make thanksgiving mochi! Perhaps take the recipe for this and use pumpkin spice, although I wouldn’t be surprised to find that it exists.

All of the breakfast

I pretty much have breakfast mapped out for the week. I made some eggs and sausage today with a spicy tomato three pepper sauce, sadly I was too hungry to take a picture. Then later on in the day I made some raspberry and cherry sauces to mix with the parfaits. I have two of them dressed with nutella, a thick, sweet and kind of tart cherry sauce and a crunchy mix of cocoa granola and caramel cashews, the other nutella one has a tangy raspberry sauce, cocoa granola and a three nut mix of praline pecans, honey roasted peanuts and caramel cashews. The parfait in the middle is probably the most innocent. It has a mix of matcha (sweetened with monkfruit), honey, pineapple, mango, strawberries, freshly grated ginger and a mix of honey and fruit granola with my three nut mix leftover from the other parfait.

On the left I made a homemade cherry sauce with frozen cherries, sugar, lime juice, cornstarch and vanilla extract. While the raspberry sauce is runnier and mainly consists of raspberry, sugar and lime juice. These also go nice on ice cream, or if you want to strain the seeds out you could serve the raspberry sauce in some soda, tea or a cocktail. I think the raspberry sauce might even be good for milkshakes or smoothies.

This Sunday Breakfast Was A Little… Different

It’s 2020 now. Most of us are recooperating from the hectic holidays, trying to lose all of that festive food we’ve packed on over the last couple months. Obviously it makes sense to make a chocolate shake for breakfast. :trollface:

Of course, at first glance it doesn’t look very healthy. But this actually has greek vanilla yogurt, pulverized oats and caramel cashews, one banana, a couple tablespoons of nutella spread, a tablespoon of cocoa powder and almond milk. It did a good job of keeping me full till the afternoon once pizza o clock hit. It was a good way of starting the morning, especially since cleaning was involved. Had to sweeten the morning in some way, and I’ve heard cocoa can help relieve depression symptoms, so I might as well enjoy some cocoa while doing something depressing. :v:

I’ve been reading all kinds of recipes for homemade meal shakes, and wanted to do something different for my special weekend breakfast instead of the usual bacon and eggs combo. I’m also thinking of replacing my lunch shakes with homemade ones. The same chocolate shake mix becomes quite dull after awhile.

I haven’t decided if I’ll have another breakfast shake tomorrow, or if I’ll do something with bacon involved.

No, I’m not making a bacon smoothie. Anyone who suggests that has to go eat a bag of salted dicks.

First Open Thread Of 2020

I don’t have much to write. Work has been keeping me busy, even at home with various projects. This weekend I’m planning to do some dusting, go through my closet and see if I can purge anything, or at the very least find a garment to repair. I already know one of my Hawaiian shirts is missing a button, and  lately I’ve been getting an itch to do something creative with some of my clothes. I just need the right inspiration to hit me. I just finished formulating a plan for a possible yogurt parfait next week, something healthy with a touch of devilish delights.

If possible I might livestream tomorrow. I’ll sleep on what game I want to do, waaaaay past my bedtimeu.

Anyways, feel free to contribute to the first Open Thread of the year!

Ok, how many of you pissed on Conan O Brien’s house?

Ladies and Gentlemen I now have a reason to preorder Death Stranding! :zorak:

If you play Death Stranding online and approach the Cosplayer’s shelter, you’ll likely find large mushroom patches littering its entryway. This means that other players have recently piloted their Normans Reedus (correct plural) to that region and given them the command to whip out their own tiny Reeduses to fire defiant blasts of urine onto Conan O’Brien’s doorstep. This has been a tradition since shortly after Death Stranding came out in November, based on Reddit posts on the subject. Impressively, it persists to this day.

Such strange rituals always seem to happen under the House Of Kojima.:rick:  As for Conan there has been no response yet, though I have a feeling if there is it will probably be hilarious. Perhaps once Death Stranding arrives on PC someone will make a mod to replace Conan with The Flaming C. :morty: