The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The Darkness II Has An Air Vent Issue

There’s an air vent that you have your Darkling buddy climb into, and he uses his powers so you can see from his perspective. You use his tiny body to traverse through the vents, but the game won’t let you walk past an invisible wall. This is caused by a similar issue that I found in the PC version of Killer Is Dead, an issue tied with framerate. If your game is getting more than 60 frames per second you’ll be stuck until you enable V Sync. I tried enabling it in game but it only seems to work when running in windowed mode, and setting V Sync through my Radeon Software (Windows) doesn’t seem to help. But switching it to Windowed, getting through that area of the level, and switching back to full screen seems to have worked. I’ll have to try this on Linux to see if Proton will make it run any better, just as an experiment. I might also try tweaking the configs to see if I can get it to enable V Sync in fullscreen mode by changing some convars in one of the ini files, or running a borderless window program. If you’re reading this and have had similar issues check out this link.

Other than that particular snag I’m really enjoying the game! I survived the interrogation scene and have chosen that as my stopping point until I pick up the game again; Hopefully I don’t run into anymore issues.


Sorry for not posting. It’s been a rough week between work and home, and I don’t want to go into detail on it right now. I’ve contemplated making a thread inspired by current events, but I’m not the mood to put it into words right now. I’ve been in my own world pretty much since I got home from work yesterday, even had the longest stream of over five hours so far. As soon as I’m in a better mood I’ll come out of my Cardboard Box and become a semi-regular member of society again.

I’ve spent today playing some different games. Like Bayonetta, a bit of Dark Souls and picked up Darkness II again. I managed to get a couple achievements, basically an FPS type game where you can not only kill people with guns but you can also kill them with your dark hentai powers and improve them with various skill trees. If I keep playing it I might have to do a write up about it.

The Forest Of Zombie Ghosts + Open Thread

We did another livestream last night, this time a co-op of a Left 4 Dead 2 campaign. It was fun despite what Left 4 Dead 2 wanted to throw at us.

I spent today tidying up my desk area, giving myself a good breakfast for today and probably the rest of the week (do ahead breakfasts are my favorite lifehack), and I did a little shopping on Amazon. I’m putting together a new ensemble for my Red Raidenhood Costume. I have other shopping plans for after work as well, and possibly maybe even during my lunch break.

Other than that I’ve relaxed for most of the evening, just finished playing a bit of Dreamfall The Longest Journey… I had to start over for whatever reason, this time I made sure there was a save in place. I also played a tiny bit of Duke Nukem and Commander Keen… emphasis on the tiny. I guess I just wasn’t in the mood for whatever reason. :melon:

I’ll be starting up again on the animated SFM intro for one of the Skyrim videos sometime after work if nothing else crops up. I probably won’t be showing much in the way of WIP photos until sometime late next month.

I’m ending the evening by drinking a nice homemade infusion of white tea and the watermelon tea I got for my birthday; that has been my all day elixir. It will most likely help fuel my imagination for future nightmares to come. :melon:

My Spyro Is Simple Fabulous

I played around a bit in Spyro today, and figured why not look into some mods? Sure enough the nexus already has 4 pages worth to choose from, though most of them are texture swaps. I figured I’d go for a gay pride look, maybe even check out the dark reskins for a Halloween vibe, I found out it even has support in the Nexus’s latest mod manger; Vortex. It’s pretty easy to use, though the interface still takes a bit of getting used to compared to Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer. If anyone else wants to have a look at modding their game there are quite a few selections to choose from.

Saturday Evening Open Thread

Sorry for vanishing off the face of the earth, here is a stream I did last night:

It was a pretty successful stream. I had three people each between YouTube and Twitch, meaning six people total were entertained by my own twisted absent minded adventures. Other than that work has been tiring me already, and I’ve also been distracted with an SFM intro that I’ve been working on, it has almost 800 watermelons in it. I’m already a good chunk of the way through the scene, maybe about another day or two before I can move onto another. But for now it’s the weekend, time to focus my energies on other things.

I upgraded my tablet by buying another $1 store demo of our Amazon Fire HD8 not that long ago, and I finally decided to set it up today and give off my HD7 to my parents. I’ve been using my Fire Tablet for watching the restream chat (allowing me to watch Twitch, YouTube and Discord chats at the same time in one place) and I think the slightly larger display and resolution will be easier on my eyes…  if I’m lucky I might break it in tomorrow. 😛

Elgato Streamdeck Support Under Linux Is Now A Thing Thanks To Open Source Project

I have an Elgato Streamdeck that I use for my livestreams, and for what I use it for it can be quite useful. Unfortunately I mostly use linux now, and devices like this don’t really have much support, that is until now.

  • Linux Compatible: Enables usage of all Stream Deck devices on Linux without needing to code.
  • Multi-device: Enables connecting and configuring multiple Stream Deck devices on one computer.
  • Brightness Control: Supports controlling the brightness from both the configuration UI and buttons on the device itself.
  • Configurable Button Display: Icons + Text, Icon Only, and Text Only configurable per button on the Stream Deck.
  • Multi-Action Support: Run commands, write text and press hotkey combinations at the press of a single button on your Stream Deck.
  • Button Pages: streamdeck_ui supports multiple pages of buttons and dynamically setting up buttons to switch between those pages.
  • Auto Reconnect: Automatically and gracefully reconnects, in the case the device is unplugged and replugged in.
  • Import/Export: Supports saving and restoring Stream Deck configuration.

Even the features are friggen stellar. Between this and vaapi making it possible to record directly from my GPU in OBS I’ll have to look into doing some linux livestreams. I’ve been waiting for something like this to materialize for quite awhile now, and it’ll be nice to have programmable macro device under Linux again.


Tonight’s Aesthetic: Old School

I made today a check out some new-ish games day today, and figured with all the awesome news I’ve heard about DUSK lately that I’d finally give it a go, after all I do like AMID EVIL and old school style FPS.

In this game you can dual wield not only pistols, but dual shotguns as well. I’ve already found a reference to Evil Dead in it, and the game doesn’t seem to disappoint with the amount of secrets I somehow keep missing… giving me all the more incentive to go back and try it all again. There is an option to go online and play with other people, unfortunately when I looked no one was on.

I mainly stuck with singleplayer, and even finished off the first boss. I might consider playing it next weekend, or possibly bring it with me to work for a lunch break game. I can say much like AMID EVIL that if you like old school FPS games like Quake or Unreal this is one to consider for your collection.

Things that segfault in the night

Forgive the thumbnail, it’s actually Left 4 Dead that we were playing. See, we had plans to livestream one of the Castlevania games tonight, but instead opted to play a game of L4D together instead, and it was fun! We played a custom campaign together, and were actually impressed by it despite some of its flaws. It was still faaaar better than Nostalgia Critic’s The Wall tribute, that’s fo sho.

I also played a couple of other games today, Anonymous ME being one of those. It’s a side scrolling hack n slash that feels very similar to ICEY, and my god the translation they did for this is worthy of a livestream at some point methinks, it’s as bad as the combat is good. I did have to take a break after approaching the first boss though, sooooo much thumb mashing.

This was taken from AaAaAa a reckless disregard for gravity, from the same indie company that brought us Drunken Robot Pornography, an indie company that I’m sure runs on weed 24/7 when in the development process. This game is basically a stylish falling simulator with other bits of weirdness in it, such as the ability to flip people off or give a thumbs up while falling, unlocking good and bad meditation, and the news that gets reported at midnight every few minutes when it isn’t midnight. Another one I need to add to the list of games I need to stream/finish, though there appears to be not much to it other than to earn teeth (game currency) and unlock different levels.

These are great things to think of before bed…

Late Night Weekend Open Thread

I got together with Yutram today and we hit the Gmod Cinema together to watch a few things, that would normally be too shameful to take outside of the basement, but we wanted to sit some place comfy. I also worked on some SFM posters:

I made a few posters in SFM afterwards. This one is going to be the thumbnail for the upcoming videos, those will be released in late November and early December… so I wasn’t lying when I said it would be before Christmas! In the meanwhile I’ve been readying myself for the upcoming Skyrim project. All my animation ideas have been jotted down, and I’ve already done a small bit of scene prep.

I’m long overdue for calling it a night, damn imagination…

Cool the engines

I’ve officially finished up my videos! I will be releasing them next month, in the meantime I’ll start prepping for the first portion of the Skyrim saga. The first livestream session I’m picking through merits about four separate videos worth, already went through and wrote down a list of goofy things to animate for each one.

Tomorrow I’ll do a tiny bit of SFM, but I think I’ve earned a game break. I’ve been working on these videos ever since getting back from the trip, and I think I’ve earned some playtime. For now I’m just doing a little rearranging of some of my recordings before hitting the sack, making room for possibly more tomorrow. :trollface: On the off chance that I do stream I’ll try and pick something Halloween themed, or at the very least mod a game into a Halloween utopia.