The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Your votes make a difference! Here are the results.

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Thank you all for participating! Our winner appears to be Skyrim, with Broforce at a close 2nd and Crash Bandicoot in 3rd somehow. Then of course we have a three way tie for 4th between Okami, Shantae and Serious Sam; also there seems to be no love for Borderlands the Presequel or Deadpool… DaFuq? You guys could have had Yutram and I plotting to do something unspeakable to Claptrap and you mates fucking blew it! But regardless your votes are always appreciated, that info will keep me busy for quite awhile. :melon:

In fact here’s how I’m going to do things; I will work on one of my Skyrim sessions first, work one one of the Broforce sessions, and then the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy. Somewhere down the line I’ll hold another vote to try and pinpoint what to do next… something tells me Skyrim will be on that list for all eternity. :trollface:

Right, back to work then.

Getting Closer

I have two more SFM renders to do and I’ll be finished with all animations for Part 2. Then comes rendering the image sequences and then arranging them appropriately for the final product. I already have Part 1 in the can, and there’s a good chance I’ll be able to finish it tomorrow, or at the very least come close. Tomorrow will be the last day of vacation, already having to take deep breaths to mentally prepare myself for what hell lies in my wake. I’ll have to remind myself to prepare my work clothes (which are pretty much a random and some jeans), a meal bar and to brew my work tea… I’m thinking something with red berries, or maybe an island fruit spiced one.

Meanwhile… somewhere in the Overlord’s imagination

I had a late sleep in for the first time in what feels like an eternity. It stormed a bit today,  which for me is natures’ white noise machine. I stayed in my imagination and got some work done. I compiled some animated clips, and I’m getting ready to add some finishing polish to another scene before exporting an image sequence, and I am in need of some warmth at the moment… who needs heating when you have a super computer? :trollface: I might even have SFM export another sequence while I sleep… just to get some extra work done.

I’m baaaack!

I had a wonderful time. It was wonderful to see new parts of the country, visit family that I’ve never met, or even seen in years, and overall it was just really nice to get the hell out of town and do something different for a change.

The first day of the journey was pretty hard on the cats, but every day that followed they were naturals… especially Morty, despite what his face may imply.


We’ll be taking them everywhere now. I even walked Morty on a leash yesterday and he’s a natural… I swear he’s seems more puppy than cat.

We’re going to have to make another trip to Yellowstone; road work and time constraints prevented us from going through the whole experience, but what little we saw was enough to whet the appetite until we go back again.

For the most part I found Utah to be boring, but this spot was beautiful. I found it to be too harsh and salty otherwise… kinda like one of my bosses, who happens to hail from Utah oddly enough…

Overall I had a good time, and I even have a few days to muck about before going back to work! I’m mostly spending my first day back drinking some tea, going through my photos, getting caught up on what’s happened since I’ve been away. I still have some catching up to do. :melon:

Mountains with weird letters on them and other random things

The last couple days of travel have been long, mostly desert sand. Beautiful in its own way, but not much else to really look at. You definitely learn to appreciate the greenery, it isn’t quite the same in Nevada or Utah. We passed the Salt Flats yesterday, that was pretty cool. Unfortunately we were moving the entire time and I couldn’t snap a proper picture.While leaving Nevada yesterday I had a laugh at a mountain that only had two letters on it… Bong, why are you going around tagging mountains in the states? and why Nevada of all places?

The first day of travel was not very kind to our kitties, day one was pretty hard for them. Day two though yielded more relaxed cats.

We’re taking off in a bit, hopefully I’ll have more pictures to share. :v:

I also notice that the poll I made is currently at a tie between Skyrim and Broforce. :zorak: If you haven’t voted yet the poll goes through October 2nd. :melon:


Your vote matters somewhat

As some of you may or may not know I’ve been working on a two part video for quite awhile now. I’m drawing closer and closer each day to finishing, but now I’m on vacation and plan to take a break even from animating. So, for the time being I’d like to host a poll for what game you’d like to see me do weird video magic to:

[democracy id=”2″]

I’ll begin working on the winning title after finishing up Super Bomberman R the two part series. :v:

Hopefully next month before Christmas.

Let The Gaycation Begin!

I did a couple Skyrim livestreams to kick off my vacation today! Might do some more tomorrow, tonight was fun playing with Melons in front of a larger than usual audience.

I’ve been packing my gaming laptop with fun stuff to do during the trip. The first two days are going to be a long stretch and I want to make sure I can keep myself occupied. I’ve even installed some multiplayer games on the chance Bro and I have time to play a game together at a hotel or something. I have a power inverter that is strong enough for my portable gaming rig, so I’ll have plenty to do assuming the movement of the car combined with whatever is on screen at the time causes me motion sickness.