My choice of fire particles doesn’t seem to want to render properly under Proton, which means I’ll have to do my final render under Windows, oh well… at least I can do all the prep work under Linux beforehand.
My choice of fire particles doesn’t seem to want to render properly under Proton, which means I’ll have to do my final render under Windows, oh well… at least I can do all the prep work under Linux beforehand.
Soooo apparently this is an official game being put out by KFC…
Right then… I’m going to go to bed and try to wake up in a reality that actually makes sense.
Sorry for not writing, been stuck between busy and shiny objects. I brought home four computers the other day to be worked on and sent the last one out today. I’ve also done a couple livestreams over the weekend! I’ll link to those later…
I made breakfast curry yesterday with leftovers to spare. It consists of scrambled eggs, and a quick curry sauce that I made with coconut milk as the base. I simmered some red bell pepper, carrot and potato in it until the sauce was thick and the veggies were tender. I then took some onion and garlic and cooked them in oil, salt, pepper and curry powder (more curry!) and then I mixed it all together and served over some rice. It was very hearty, and lasted me all the way to dinner. I had less rice today to make room for some yogurt that I mixed with some chai spices, honey and nuts. I also made some caramel apple chai with coconut milk on the side. All this talk of breakfast and I haven’t even had dinner yet… I’ll try and write more tomorrow.
The laptop was a no show. I ended up occupying my time in SFM after all, mainly smoothing out animations on a particular character. Unfortunately I don’t have a picture to share just yet, this will have to wait for the final reveal (unless you’re one of those privileged people persons). I’ve done some trimming on the script so far, Part 2 is estimated being about 7 or 8 minutes in length when I finish it… and I’m thinking I could save some of the other ideas for future videos, and I know I’ll have videos where those jokes and ideas will be put to good use. It’s always nice to have some extra arrows in your quiver, that and doing this will shorten how much I’ll need to animate for this particular video, getting it out the door faster and more optimized.
If I don’t see a laptop materialize tomorrow I’ll probably continue with animation plans, and move closer to presenting more pr0n to share.
I made quite a bit more progress through Okami once more, didn’t get too far area wise though. Whenever I gain new abilities I try to go backwards and see if I can unlock anything. The latest brushstroke I’ve learned so far is Kaze, or Wind. So I’ve been giving blow jobs to piles of leaves, windmills and the like. Being a wolf god is weird… I’ve decided to shelf the game for now, the digging sidegames got a little too annoying for me, and I wanted to do a little more SFM related stuff for the hell of it. Tomorrow is looking to be a busy day so every little bit I could knock out of the way tonight is gravy. I have another computer to look at tomorrow too! It sounds like it needs to be upgraded to 10 Pro with proper configurations. Kinda weird getting all of these computer related side jobs lately, but I won’t complain. It’ll be good money towards the road trip in a few weeks (no delays this time). I’m not sure if I’ll have a video done by the time I have to take off, but hopefully that just means I’ll have less to do when I get home. :v:
I really need to stop starting my weekends with a coma… I came home yesterday and wasn’t feeling particularly too well, and ended up taking a nap all the way into the next day. Needless to say I feel better now, still feeling a little out of it though… Ended up washing my bedding and playing a bit of Okami. The neighborhood dogs convinced me with all the barking they’ve been doing lately…
I had to disguise myself as an Imp in order to gain entry to a door being guarded by Imps that thought I was too ugly of a wolf to let in… When I discovered I could draw whatever I want on the mask I had to admit I thought that was pretty cool, much like most of this game. After having a good laugh I decided to make another attempt:
Then I ventured off, made myself a more powerful Wold Goddess, got a multiheaded dragon drunk and had fun at the local festival…. and there’s still so much to do! I’m on such a good roll that I might press forward a bit more tomorrow.
I’ve been making some serious animation progress over the last couple days, and still have quite a ways to go. I don’t have much to really share from it yet that hasn’t been seen already in the last post. I really should consider getting to bed soon, kinda screwed myself out of some sleep last night due to an overactive imagination and being in good company of another person with an overactive imagination, and it feels like my brain and eyes need to rest themselves before they break out of my skull and go skinny dipping out the window.
I made a couple yogurt parfaits for the next two work days. This time I took plain yogurt, matcha and honey, added sliced banana to one cup and blueberries to the other, and filled the separate plastic dome of each one with some vanilla almond granola. Should make for some grade A land fill to get me through the morning.
Open Thread!
I accomplished quite a bit today! I got a good chunk of animation done (if you can call what’s happening in this scene animation, but I digress), and I spliced up some more audio. Other than some intense lag in SFM I seem to be moving along, will probably pick back up on it again if I don’t accidentally take a nap.
You can have a meatless breakfast and still come through satisfied. I took some leftover produce and ingredients from my Thai dinner the other night and whipped together a breakfast sandwich. I mixed together a scrambled egg mix that consisted of 4 eggs, a pinch of salt, some grindings of pepper, some grindings of shichimi togarashi (Japanese pepper spice), red pepper flakes, fresh cilantro, fresh grated ginger and some green onion. Before adding it to the pan I sauteed a purple shallot with some chopped ginger and deli red peppers (for added color) in salt, pepper, more shichimi and some lime juice. Then I stuck it between two slices of bread with some swiss cheese and sweet red pepper sauce (which also has a butt load of ginger) and I fried it like a typical grilled cheese. I was beyond impressed with the results, it was packed with the right amount of flavor, and meshed well with the cheese and the bread. How can you say no to that ooey gooey mess? I even made up enough for a breakfast wrap tomorrow.
The worst thing I could think of happened… there was no bacon to fry this weekend. But I still had some leftover ham. I made up one scrambled egg with paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, pepper, onion, garlic powder and some parsley, with some ham and swiss on top with a little bit of deli sliced red bell pepper, and secured between two crusty slices of French Bread. Wasn’t what I had in mind for breakfast this morning, but it was actually quite good.
I was going to write something yesterday, but ended up taking a 12 hour nap by accident. I feel well rested, but a bit sore… rough work week and all that.
Also managed to do a little livestream this evening; You can watch it here, as this one is a Twitch exclusive. If I have time to do a stream tomorrow I will, probably something else tho. Gained a couple new followers tonight too and peaked at 4! It was a good night I’d say.