The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Food Balance

I dug out my old bento box and decided to put a chirashi sushi kit together for tomorrow. It’s in my lunch box along with some miso soup, soy sauce and some satsumas. I enjoyed my yogurt cup this morning, it satisfied. I’ll have to start coming up with other ideas for yogurt cups… I already have a few of the tropical variety I want to try. I’m contemplating either a tuna curry for after work, or a Thai Tuna Salad in some pita bread shell.

I don’t have much else to share. I worked a tiny bit more on the next video, it wasn’t much but I think I might have more time tomorrow.

More foodage and games

As planned I made a good hearty breakfast of oven fried Potatoes O’Overlord (Basically Potatoes O’Brien with some of my own spices) and some scrambled eggs and prosciutto with some tomatoes, onions and shrooms. I topped it off with a homemade white sauce, served some sourdough English muffins on the side and it was breakfast… and dinner later on. I did make a sweet and sour chicken stir fry earlier, but my stomach is feeling a little on the egg and potato side of things this eve.

I purchase a few portable yogurt parfait cups from work a couple weeks ago, and finally put together enough ingredients to create one. This is Greek strawberry and honey yogurt layered with homemade plum and nectarine sauce and some roasted mixed nuts ground with a mortar and pestle. I decided to spoil myself a little bit with some white chocolate morsels on the top of the parfait. Plus there is a little satsuma mandarin in the little dome for a juicy snack. If my stomach is up for it I’ll probably eat the leftover curry for lunch when I get home tomorrow. That was really good, but this morning it kinda killed my stomach. Fortunately I had my special candy to calm my stomach.

Played some ol Quake 3 with Yutram earlier on a whim. I even took the time to install the HD packs and did a few cfg tweaks for my own liking. We have a nice selection of custom maps that I forgot about, it was fun to play them again. Still feels more fun to play than Quake Champions, maybe it’s the old charm, maybe it’s the ability to mod it how I please… I don’t know.

One of the things I’ll have to test next time we play: Increasing the amount of frags. We seem to go through the maps too quickly, and upping the bot strength… currently they’re set to Hurt Me Plenty, but I seem to be mowing through them like a nicely sharpened blade through a watermelon. Refine things a few more and I might actually stream this at some point. Might be cool to show off some old and new mods. You can tell a games worth by how much people play it,and also by how many mods are made for it. To this day people still mod the old Doom and Quake games, and that’s something cool to see with a 20 year old game.

In Today’s Episode Of Breakfast: Bacon Will Be Played By Smoked Salmon

Eating like an Overlord

For the first time I finally made a tamago I could be proud of. I made a chirashi sushi bowl with sushi rice, cucumber, smoked salmon and a tamago omelette made in an authentic tamago pan to get the dimensions just right. I also had some pickled ginger that I haven’t torn into yet, and finally got to break it in. Then there is also a garden salad with sesame dressing, and some greek strawberry honey yogurt with mandarin oranges. For me in the morning this is quite a feast, but felt really good for most of the day.


Then later on in the day I took the leftover tofu from yesterday, as well as the leftover scallions, sliced a bell pepper and made a noodle curry. It was really spicy, but not too sweet. I also had a nice green chai a bit ago, something sweet sounded nice after browsing Amazon for teas. My flowering teapot is already giving up the ghost after only being unboxed for a few months… so I purchased a more durable one with a better handle. While I was there I also decided to purchase a few teas. There aren’t any good blueberry teas locally, and I also wanted to see if I could hunt down a maple syrup tea, and Holy Twatwaffles Batman! I found a really good candidate. That just sounded too good to pass up, and it’s a Pu Erh! Those are great to have in the morning for a high energy tea. I also found the flavors Caramel Nougat and Apricot Amaretto to be quite intriguing… then of course there’s the original tea that I thought of. I haven’t tried this one before, but it sounded like a good blend to try.

I have a short day of work tomorrow; I’m thinking when I get home of making a scramble of eggs with some tomatoes and mushrooms… maybe some homemade Potatoes O’Overlord with a cream sauce… something hearty. Then perhaps a nap and some SFM work, did nothing but cook and play games today. Do something hearty and somewhat serious tomorrow.

Miso Soup And a Hidden Valley

Been awhile since I’ve made a good miso bowl, figured this morning I’d do a different kind of breakfast. It might seem weird to have miso soup for breakfast, but from what I’ve read it can be an accompaniment to breakfast. I added some shiitake mushrooms to mine and it had a nice robust flavor. I also made fixin’s for chirashi sushi (scattered in a bowl instead of pressed). Maybe I’ll use the leftover miso soup along side it at breakfast tomorrow with a tamago.

For my weekend game I decided to play Valley and a little bit of Quantum Break. I was more interested in Valley today, despite it giving me motion sickness a few times… fortunately puffing the vape pen seemed to help calm my stomach. I think I’m nearing the end of the game, but I’ve been taking my time exploring any area I could find. It’s a big place with many places to go and the more you run around the more upgrades you can find for your robo suit (or as it’s called in game a L.E.A.F Suit). It grants you the ability to give and take life to sustain your suit, and most of the life around you is vegetation.

There are also these weird spirits with horns and weird masks… I think you can consume them into your suit but I haven’t tested that theory. There are plenty of blue orbs around to sustain my suit, so I haven’t really felt the need to take life from anything. I think I’m almost to the end mainly because I’ve gotten like, 13 achievements on the game today. I wanted to play something relaxing today, and it seemed to fit the bill with keeping me thoroughly entertained. Plus it’s quite different from other games in general. I love running around (especially when on rails, you generate a nice bit of electricity for a super run), double jumping in the air, grappling from place to place when applicable, and my most recent suit upgrade lets me walk on magnetic surfaces!

Something tells me that I’ll be giving this game a thumbs up when I finally finish it.

I’m a Sourcerer

I got quite a bit done in SFM today! Rewarded myself by getting my ass pounded in TF2 alongside Yutram… They have definitely changed the AI a considerable amount since we used to play regularly, that and the AI behavior seems a little off, the bots are really good at detecting spys to the point that the bots don’t seem to want to go spy. Last I checked the bots were set to medium difficulty, Yutram and I are wondering if Valve decided that the cool kids deserve MLG mode bots or some shit. While we were playing we were treated to an interesting message:

In TF2 you have the option of wasting $100 or some shit on a digital ring that you can give to your friend or partner as a sign of friendly gay marriage or something, and not only do you get to personalize the message, but everyone playing the game will see it regardless of server. I’ve seen quite a few of these over the years, and it’s nice to know the tradition is still going strong. I never received one myself, and hopefully never will.

I accidentally a nap

Got off work today, had a health shake for lunch and opted to get into working on the next SFM project, and then next thing I knew I was waking up from a nap with SFM still on the computer screen… That was productive. Well, I still managed to get one scene animated so far… so there is that. I’d give a snapshot from it, but it’s similar to some of the other ones that I’ve done recently… so here’s one of my previous ones:

I guess this can be an open thread.

One nerdy ass day later

I somehow managed to survive work. Stocked up on some flonaise and bought some more tissues. I can’t tell if I’m getting better or not. I also preordered the new Wolfenstein, see how that goes. I also played a bit of TF2 this evening, after doing a little prep work for a couple future videos though nothing big yet, just the starting points. Tonight was more of a play night to make up for not much play during the weekend… that and Yutram and I owed ourselves some form of game together.

Nonsense w/commentary

Here’s a little video. I have another one with animations that’ll be released on the weekend. :melon: I have a couple teaser pics in the Tomala Fanclub Chat and a little Discord server I put together for anyone interested.



I can breathe

I’ve pretty much been sick with hay fever since last weekend, between that and work becoming more and more of a pit of  everlasting despair I’ve been mentally and physically wiped. I spent a good chunk of the morning in bed today doped up on antihistamines, and trying not to gag from this damned sinus infection. After some rest I’m feeling a little better now. Maybe I can actually do something to make up for the first half of my weekend going to shit.

I did manage to complete my video! But it wasn’t easy… For some reason when I went to export the video it would die at around the 56% mark when rendering under Shotcut. I tried all kinds of tricks like lowering the resolution, changing from one preset to another, among other tricks, but it wasn’t until I added a blank video track that I found success. Finally, I can sleep knowing I did one thing right today.