The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Project Diary: Getting closer to finishing

Got most of the polishing done! Also managed to do a small recording session with Yutram and did a little photoshopping. I even took a nap earlier in the day, felt nice. Been snacking on pralines all day, think that might be my current sweet addiction. I was thinking of using them in a muffin recipe, but ended up eating the entire tin by mistake (small tin but still). My muffin experiment will have to wait another day…

I may or may not make a post tomorrow. Things are looking pretty busy.


Sometimes You Can See The Stars But Never See The Light

Finished piecing my latest SFM work into the current video project. Right now I’m rendering another SFM composition to add as an “intro” for this particular video I’m working on. I won’t make a habit of doing that (or at least I’ll try not to) but since this video is pretty pointless I see no reason not to include an “introduction” of sorts. I still need to do some polishing on the audio and start a recording session for the final bit. I think I’ll have time for that tomorrow; it’s gonna be a short and early day which will present me with an opportunity to get some more stuff done, video or otherwise.

Sunday Night Open Thread

I was feeling a little artsy today and decided to play around in Shotcut and build the final scene for this episode I’m working on. Just need to find the time to do the voice recording and then off to animating. I also took a break and played the Linux port of Trine, Played a bit of Left 4 Dead as well, and we ran into one problem after another. We downloaded a fan campaign and it was so out of date that it caused both of us as well as the server to crash, resulting in us playing vanilla. We played public and got some new people that did a good job holding themselves throughout the game. It’s always nice seeing new blood in an old game, really shows its success.

Unfortunately my stream audio was futzed up, so you mostly just heard game audio…  I’ve since fixed the issue, hopefully we won’t have a repeat next stream… and we’ll actually test the campaign before launching it in the first place.

For Every Minute I Have To Work I Need a Minute To Play

I survived another holiday work week, and celebrated by playing some Sekiro and TF2. I also decided on a whim to look into modding the Dark Souls games… my god what a bountiful harvest. Definitely adding to my leisure to do list. I can’ believe it but apparently I’ve spent over 8 hours in Sekiro.

Get Shrek’t

I’m thinking that I might take a break from it though, at least for the weekend. I got to the Madam Butterfly boss battle and died after a long fight that demanded my hands and ego take a break. I really do like the game, as hard as it is it feels good when you finally figure out how to take down the bosses. One of the mods that I have installed gives random status effects, and for some reason I managed to earn permanent regeneration that would only run out if I died. Even after respawning this regen effect would continue.

Now onto the next favorite part of my weekend…. sleep!

Yep… still here.

To everyone in the US who reads my blog; I hope you all had a happy 4th. I took a nap after getting home yesterday so I could stay up and watch the fireworks (may as well, the noise alone would keep me up anyway). We had a nice view of the fireworks from our backyard now that we are minus a giant tree. I spent today finishing up animating the dialogue. It’s all exported and ready to compile in Shotcut.

Now I just need to think of what to end on.

My Shadows Have Died More Than Twice

This was quite satisfying to play today. Work was a little rough (though not as rough as yesterday), and I think I might be improving at this game. Maybe playing during my lunch break is paying off? :melon: I’m still having issues timing certain moves on enemies, but every time I play I seem to get a little further…. and not just through the air:

Send help…

I’ve also been continuing work on an upcoming video. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to work on it tomorrow but I’m hoping to have all the SFM work finished up by the end of the week… or at least animating the livestream dialogue.

The Breakfast Of This Champion

I’ve been working mornings for a good number of years now, but I still don’t consider myself a morning person. I can just barely do fine waking up at 3am everyday, but god forbid if I wake up two hours later… for some reason on work days my stomach isn’t a morning person either. For years I’ve pretty much abandoned not bringing anything to work to eat and just lived off of one yogurt  for the morning, and every once in awhile for the whole day…. or a salad, or anything I can keep down. I’ve also been doing meal bars and diet shakes for when I’m not hungry but know that I should probably eat something. That changed today:

Over the weekend I made a nice pile of three pepper scrambled eggs with bacon and some feta cheese sprinkled on top… don’t judge me. Then for my work week I’ve decided to wrap them in tortillas for a more portable breakfast lunch. I also had some watermelon and salad with me for small nibbles. I’ll probably bring one or two to work again tomorrow, they were really good. Much cheaper than the diet bars too. :v:

I’m coming up with other ideas too for a good breakfast to have at work. I’ve been contemplating some Miso Soup and a Japanese Tamago with some rice on the side. Maybe even breakfast muffins. I was looking through some recipes for matcha nut muffins and a few others.

Who the hell is Shock Entertainment Pty?

I received a couple copyright claims from last night’s stream… because of copyrighted ambience?

Hi Overlord Tomala,

A copyright owner using Content ID claimed some material in your video.

This is not a copyright strike. This claim does not affect your account status.

There are either ads running on your video, with the revenue going to the copyright owner, or the copyright owner is receiving stats about your video’s views.

  • Video title: Back to the Bawderlands… 2
  • Copyrighted content: Wurmwater Ambience
  • Claimed by: Shock Entertainment Pty

The second one was “Oasis Ambience” and claimed by the same company. Last night Yutram and I were playing some Borderlands 2 DLC, and there were two areas in it called The Oasis, and Wurmwater. Apparently streaming this DLC will earn you more than one copyright claim should you venture beyond the oasis. What’s strange about this is Shock Entertainment Pty doesn’t merit much of a result for me on search engines, other than a link to a video website in their name and a video by Angry Joe with Shock Entertainment Pty being in the description for the video under the list of copyright claims that were not resolved. They don’t even have a Wikipedia presence, something smells fishy. :morty:

This begs the question; why is an Australian website that primarily deals in video releases (if it’s even them) trying to claim copyright on ambience that game developers put in place in a game that I paid, and have every right to stream? How am I, a consumer, supposed to know ahead of time what I can and can’t stream based on ambient tracks? Music? I can understand them copyright claiming something if I’m using a song or something… but ambient tracks? This might make me consider ditching YouTube for streaming and going with Twitch, and maybe syndicate to Mixer. I don’t want to cut my streaming ties with YouTube, but if they want to lay claim to something that I can’t even control apart from completely removing the background audio then I’d rather just use YouTube for video releases only. As it is I get more traffic on Twitch than I do on YouTube, so it wouldn’t really be that big of a loss. I just wouldn’t want to part with the few people that have no reason to join other platforms like Twitch or Mixer… unless of course Twitch offered me the big bux. :trollface: Can’t be choosy in this economy.

I’m going to ponder this a bit more before coming to a final conclusion, but here’s what I’m thinking; I could either drop YouTube completely, or do it on a case by case basis. If one of my streams receives another copyright claim I will no longer stream that game on YouTube. Borderlands 2 is already on that list. Perhaps I’ll even generate a list of games not to stream on YouTube just to have as a reference. I’ll even give it a page all its own. This doesn’t really do much harm to me since I need 1,000 subscribers before I can even think about making a penny off YouTube (a number I doubt I’ll ever get to), but for those that do this is poses a problem. What if I did make money off that platform and I edited down my video as I usually end up doing, and I find that whatever background ambience playing in the background gets a copyright claim or a strike and now any revenue made on the video that I put my own time and work into will go to the copyright owners of background noise instead?

Well, now I’ll have something to watch for when I do finally get around to editing the video footage, :zorak: I’ll also look further into Shock Entertainment Pty to see if I can find out anything else, and I’ll write about my findings.

Pandora Fever

Had my longest livestream yet this afternoon/evening. Yutram and I were having a blast just blasting away at anything that moved. We finished the latest DLC and began tackling one of the other DLC’s, where we’ve discovered new hoverboat vehicles.

Other than that I made a nice breakfast, had a relaxing shower, and went through my wardrobe to refine things. I’m still good on clothes for awhile, unless I encounter that rare occurrence where I see something to add to the collection. I think tomorrow I’ll play around a bit in Sekiro or something, and then get back to SFM stuff.

Evening Open Thread

I haven’t had much to write these past few days. I’ve been pretty beat the last couple days, with yesterday being a real ball buster. I won’t go into any details, but these last few days I’ve been eating really light, even skipping dinner a couple times in a row… I’ve been that tired and I don’t like it. At least last night I had a sandwich. I’ve also recently found out I’ve lost about 30 pounds, which I wasn’t really trying to do but… hooray I guess? I’ve had both customers and employees at work ask me if I’m losing weight, apparently they’re more observant than I am.

I’ve purchased a couple games during the steam sale, and even got a late birthday gift. I got the rest of the Borderlands 2 DLC, and I also decided to buy Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, which from what I can tell is basically Dark Souls in Feudal Japan. I played it for a little bit, and even figured out how to mod the game in a matter of minutes. I can tell it’ll take me some practice, but at some point I’d like to livestream it. I also leveled up my Melon Overlord Goddess Thing in Soul Calibur 6 earlier, that game is hella addicting.

I just finished exporting some SFM work not that long ago. It looks to me like I’ll be using SFM under Linux from now on, alongside Shotcut and Audacity. Finally nice to be able to make a video from start to finish, and all under one OS. :zorak: