The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Preparing For Another Round Of Site Renovations

Been playing around with blog configurations this evening, thinking it’s time for another update on appearances, and eventually a complete revamping under the hood. The latter will need more time to put together, might make a autumn/winter project out of it. In the meantime I’ve been looking at newer themes to run that fit what I’m doing. This one has been nice, but I might do better with something more modern, will continue my wordpress adventures with fresh eyes tomorrow.

Atop The Mountain Of Outland

Gave my Steam Deck some much needed love tonight after I got home. I haven’t been taking it to work much, and even when I have I haven’t really been playing it. I either don’t have time during lunch to play, or have been so interested in reading on my tablet that all gaming activities can just wait until I get home. It just felt nice plopping down on the bed and playing a bit of Outland. The last time I played was back at the start of the year, my how time flies…

I gained a couple new abilities, and even thwarted a boss battle. I only died a couple times, then continued to die multiple times more during my adventures. Tonight I finally unlocked the launchpad ability! I’m looking forward to visiting past areas to see what I’ve missed. Might find more hearts and orbs to make me stronger, who knows?

Remember To Drink Your Greens

Image Taken From

With Autumn being on the horizon it felt somewhat appropriate for me to run out of my fave green cherry blossom tea today. I had the last brew of it this morning. Spent the rest of the day sipping away some green jasmine with grapefruit, perfect for the warm summer like day we were gifted.

Speaking of green tea, an interesting read popped up on my Mastodon feed this morning regarding the health benefits of green tea. It’s amazing for detox (which, as Overlord I already knew), it can help your heart, and possibly lower your blood pressure. It’s always been my go-to whenever I don’t feel the caffeinated need of black tea, and want just enough caffeine that I wouldn’t otherwise get from herbal or white teas.

Of course, if you don’t like tea this does fuck all to help you. But on the plus side it means there’s more tea for me to drink. 😛

Looming In Fog and Shadow

My weekend of zen is going great. Cuddled with an orange cat this morning, made a healthy Japanese style breakfast, sorted through some video footage and played a little bit of Aragami 2 while enjoying the last of my sakura green tea (it’s almost like there’s a theme going on, or something). I haven’t played since July, but it was easy to pick up where I left off, controls and all. Completed an assassination mission without any detection.

My latest success means that I’ve finally unlocked a forge! The visit alone gave me a couple achievements. I bought a few support items and crafted another mask, but instead of wearing it I went with the old tried and true, for old times.

While they have changed a whole bunch since the previous game I do admit I like the new features. They still have the Classic mode option, which I’ve yet to play. That will have to wait for a future session. I’m thinking of making this one of my October games to play – it would be perfect for spooky season.

Throw Them Horns

Rocked out for a bit in DOOM tonight to the new bangin’ soundtrack they included. Really enjoyed listening to E1M4 (Kitchen Ace). Totally made it worth the replay! I’ve stopped on E1M6 for tonight so that I can rest and do the adulting thing tomorrow. Have an early morning of work, then some more work when I get home with video prep and the like… unless one of my friends drags me into the many worlds of resonite again. That seems to be a reoccurring trend lately.

More Resonite Partying

Got off work and was instantly summoned into Resonite to greet a friend! I had them and a few other friends over in my cloud home for some shenanigans. We had a good time showing off all the crazy things we’ve found and/or created. One of these weekends we’ll all be gathering for video/movie sessions, not sure when but at least we’re all ready now, like old times. We’ll have to brainstorm on ideas for movies to watch together, should be fun.

A Day In The Half Life

I’m adding Half Life to the list of games I’d like to finish between systems. I installed it on my Steam Deck and as expected, it works perfectly. I also played it on Desktop tonight. Even at 4K it has a certain charm about it that I can’t quite describe. My only problem with some of these older games is the eye strain I get after awhile…

Digital Funz on Labor Day

Woke up with the ambition of working on some footage, went and had digital tea with friends in Resonite… and made more footage for later. 😀 Oh well, it’s Labor Day! Seemed like a good excuse to go on some adventures! We found a world with a (mostly) functional tea house! So we sat down with it and had a few e-drinks while also enjoying the real thing. Also explored some wooded areas a couple of really psychedelic places, and maybe Aperture Science. We’ll see how the footage turns out as I get around to it.