Had my longest livestream yet this afternoon/evening. Yutram and I were having a blast just blasting away at anything that moved. We finished the latest DLC and began tackling one of the other DLC’s, where we’ve discovered new hoverboat vehicles.
Other than that I made a nice breakfast, had a relaxing shower, and went through my wardrobe to refine things. I’m still good on clothes for awhile, unless I encounter that rare occurrence where I see something to add to the collection. I think tomorrow I’ll play around a bit in Sekiro or something, and then get back to SFM stuff.
I haven’t had much to write these past few days. I’ve been pretty beat the last couple days, with yesterday being a real ball buster. I won’t go into any details, but these last few days I’ve been eating really light, even skipping dinner a couple times in a row… I’ve been that tired and I don’t like it. At least last night I had a sandwich. I’ve also recently found out I’ve lost about 30 pounds, which I wasn’t really trying to do but… hooray I guess? I’ve had both customers and employees at work ask me if I’m losing weight, apparently they’re more observant than I am.
I’ve purchased a couple games during the steam sale, and even got a late birthday gift. I got the rest of the Borderlands 2 DLC, and I also decided to buy Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, which from what I can tell is basically Dark Souls in Feudal Japan. I played it for a little bit, and even figured out how to mod the game in a matter of minutes. I can tell it’ll take me some practice, but at some point I’d like to livestream it. I also leveled up my Melon Overlord Goddess Thing in Soul Calibur 6 earlier, that game is hella addicting.
I just finished exporting some SFM work not that long ago. It looks to me like I’ll be using SFM under Linux from now on, alongside Shotcut and Audacity. Finally nice to be able to make a video from start to finish, and all under one OS. :zorak:
Yutram and I pretty much had the weekend off together, and what better way to spend it than to tear into some new free DLC that recently released for Borderlands 2? It was so fun that we ended up doing an encore stream! We’ve finished it, or at least the main quest line. There are still quite a few side quests to complete.
I’m not sure why, but Unreal games (Borderlands series, AMID EVIL) that I’ve played so far don’t seem to like me stream and recording on the same system. Fortunately I have my laptop setup just in case something like this happens. There is this handy NDI plugin you can use if you have two computers in your house and a fast network connection. I streamed my desktop game to my laptop via OBS Studio, and had it livestream out to Twitch and YouTube… I’m contemplating Mixer too, but I’m not sure yet.
Aside from my own nerdy hobbies I did take the time to give myself a good breakfast, and even painted my toenails for the first time in years. Been wearing sandals moreso during the weekends due to the crazy summer weather we’re having. It was nice to have a relaxing weekend though, no pain or stress. I’m thinking next week I’ll do a little more cleaning, or perhaps some baking some breakfast muffins or something. I’m thinking of packing breakfasts for lunch since my appetite is pretty dead in the morning, and yet I still need some form of sustenance to keep going. If anything it could be an extra accompaniment to my daily yogurt lunch. I was also thinking about yogurt parfaits and smoothie bowls. For now I’m experimenting with some meal bars and shakes.
I’m thinking after work I’ll get back into animating the next video… maybe make an after work snack if I’m up for it.
Well, I did a livestream tonight… which kinda flopped. For whatever reason the Borderlands games don’t seem to like me recording from my GPU, though I did finally fine tune a workaround using OBS and an NDI plugin on another computer to get that to work. Then I discovered going over it after the stream that I only had my audio recording… So that was all a waste. -_- Oh well, at least I had fun blowing shit up. I can offer you cat pics instead:
It was a pretty zen day all around. The weather was nice, I woke up and didn’t move right away, made a ramen bowl, had an afternoon nap. Managed to snap some pictures of da boys as you can see. I even got a bit of Morty footage that I may put up at a later date. 😀 He was on my bed purring his head off, he loves sunny spots.
I’ve also added more photos to the pet gallery, as well as added a couple new galleries in case you didn’t see them at the bottom of the page.
It has been a long work week, I think tomorrow I’ll have a chillaxin’ Sunday. Just make the day up as I go. I played a little bit of Betrayal earlier under Linux, just to do something a little fun before tearing into an animation project. It’s playable, but certain areas have strange rendering issues. Like the large rocks will sometimes turn into ghost boulders, or random sparkly rocks. Running it on ultimate seems to hinder performance in areas with lots of trees, don’t remember that happening on Windows. I did get further in the game than last time… I think I might want to stream this one at some point, so I won’t go into much detail about the game; other than maybe to say its a first person shooter of sorts, and its a little trippy.
I spent a good chunk of time animating a back and forth scene with Yutram and myself. Took a couple hours to get it the way I liked it. I might continue on it again tomorrow, but it might be awhile. I have some other things I’m thinking of doing first.
Finally got everything I needed transferred around, now I just need to organize everything on the new drives, that will be a project for another day. I once again have an impressive stack of drives I can use for hotswapping, and considering I’m running low on my recording drive this would be an opportune time for me to utilize my older drives for scratch recording.
Think I’ll pick around at my new gallery plugin and call it a night.
I’ve taken the liberty of adding a couple galleries, and plan to add a couple more down the road depending on what I want to showcase. But if you want to see them I’ve added a new drop down menu that’s easy to access on desktop browsers, and also a couple links at the bottom of the page for those on mobile. I’ll look further into rearranging at a later date, but so far I really like this plugin. It was pretty easy to setup and seems to deliver some nice results, looks quite nice on my tablet too.
I figured a gallery would be nice, and its something I’ve been contemplating for awhile. I have a feeling it’ll be awhile before I can properly finish a video, and I figured it would be nice to display pictures from projects and other strange ideas.
I pushed myself into Windows today with the idea of playing a game in my library that I haven’t played before. Give myself a break from video making, if only for a day… So I figured I’d give the newest Soul Calibur a shot:
All Praise To The Melon Goddess
Most of my time was spent in character creation seeing what all the options were, and I finally settled on this appearance. It’s kinda sad… I spent two hours in the game and most of it was on the character creation screen. I guess next time I play this I’ll be ready at least.
I also decided to chillax in Quake Champions with Yutram. We found a new mode called AAArena, where everyone is B.J Blazkowitz with lightning guns. Apparently when it comes to anti nazi’s with lightning powers Yutram and I are gods of thunder.
We have always joked about being the same person… :melon:
Today was a stay in bed day. I got up long enough to make breakfast, and do a little internet shopping (purchased a couple 4TB Hitachi’s) plus some script writing. Then suddenly an accidental nap happened, still feeling a little on the feverish side… hopefully I’ll feel better in the morning.
I also managed to do a little scene prep today. So far SFM still seems to functioning, though it still lags when moving a camera or a model. That may prove a bit problematic when animating, will have to test that theory tomorrow; I’m feeling sleepy again…