Had a short work day today. Been pretty much taking it easy most of the day, haven’t really been feeling too well. I made up a bowl of Pho and had a nap. Also spent some time with Yutram in the cinema this evening watching what was easily the best E3 presentation, once again by Devolver Digital of course. :v:
I always seem to enjoy their presentations the most for some reason.
I played around a bit in SFM under Linux. So far the only issue I’ve seen crop up so far is some fps issues when manually rotating the camera. I’m thinking of transferring SFM to another one of my hot swap drives to see if it happens to be a matter of an old hard drive showing its age or if that’s just a thing with running it through Proton. I did a test render under my old Linux install and didn’t run into an issue… then again I’m starting to export my SFM projects as tga stills. I will say it does seem to crash a lot less under Linux, especially when downloading workshop files.
I also found time to jot down some silly idea scribbles, about four videos worth. One of them I don’t have much animation planned for though (related to the After Dark livestream). I might just take a break from it for the weekend though, depending on what I have planned.
As a way to chill Yutram and I decided to play a little bit of a custom L4D2 campaign during livestream this evening… big mistake:
While I like the aesthetic so far, the whole map seems difficult to navigate, and not just because of the endless hordes this game creams its jeans over. I like exploring levels, and they make it difficult in this game to do just that… I’m not sure if this is in the map design itself, the AI Director executing the commands, or a little of both. But I do remember a time when L4D2 didn’t use the endless horde routine, it seemed less boring to have random hordes instead of just an endless crowd.
Other than our misadventures in L4D2 I did finish setting up SFM under Linux the rest of the way this afternoon if I don’t get myself lost on “script writing”, or rather taking notes on which segments to animate, and how to start and end each video. Probably my most favorite part next to doing the animated portions.
But for now sleep needs to happen, that also seems to be when my brain becomes its most creative it seems… as most of the things that come out of it aren’t things that I would typically ponder during daylight hours.
Started and finished my Linux SSD setup today. Everything is back where it should be, and faster than ever before. I’ve taken the liberty of clearing off the old OS drive and plan to re-purpose it into a game/program drive for Linux, for anything I don’t want to run on an SSD. My first program is going to be SFM, of course. :melon: I may leave my computer on to let it copy over my assets from the Windows install. Now I can be just as fast going between two OS’s, just like on the gametop. :v:
I’ll get back into looking at video stuff tomorrow, maybe if I’m up for it a livestream or something. I’m in dire need of sleep mode.
My SSD arrived as scheduled, and it’s even the correct one this time! I’ve been experimenting with a few things, even tried a newer version of Mint. I think I’ll stick with 18.3, and I’ll see if I can make some time to do another reinstall tomorrow… the hours really flew by. It was a good thing to focus on today though, it was too warm to really do much gaming. I’d continue but I have to do that work thing in the morning…
I felt a little artsy today which resulted in things such as scene building in SFM, and writing down animation points for two upcoming videos. I’ll extract some audio tomorrow if I have time. My second attempt at getting the proper SSD should be taking place tomorrow, and if I’m not completely wiped from work I’d fancy installing a clean Linux install on it.
I did a little dusting and cleaning around my work/play area today. It was too hot to really do any work or gaming and it made sense to do something productive, and dusting needed to be done so… here you go. I’ll also be adding a desk mount for my Kindle Fire, it’ll come in handy during streams when I want to see the chat, and it’ll free up some screen space for me to place other stuff.
As you can see I’ve acquired a new controller, a red Dualshock 4 to be precise. We had a sale at work and I figured $35 was a good price for a coloured controller. I can use it to emulate older Playstation games, sometimes its a bit difficult to remember which button is triangle and which one is square etc etc.
Didn’t do any video editing today, which is fine… I’m going to keep it as more of a main focus during weekdays, and if I have nothing better to do in general. I finished Episode 2 of AMID EVIL tonight and got a couple achievements.
For tonight’s stream we did more L4D2, but with the addition of mods. We did our old school admin shenanigans, and wandered the streets of Japan to try and complete a Daedric Princes’ shopping list.
Part of the stream appears to be missing on YouTube for whatever reason (at least at the time of posting this).. however you can watch the full version on Twitch if you want.
Had another Skyrim stream this evening. I think I’ve cut up enough footage that I can start taking a pen and paper to write up what madness I’ll unleash in SFM. I haven’t figured out which video project will be my main squeeze yet, though perhaps tomorrow I can draw up the blue prints and determine which one would be the most suitable. I’m thinking in the future of having polls for people to vote in to determine what video I could focus on next, but that’s still a ways off. I would need to figure out what the best method would be.. perhaps implement a polling system.
The last couple days have been pretty peaceful. I managed to de-tangle some jewelry, work mostly on my art and even did a bit of a livestream yesterday; unfortunately it was not without technical difficulties. I ran some tests today, and I’m thinking updating my GPU driver under Windows fixed it. The only thing I updated under there recently was OBS, and sometimes newer versions conflict with older drivers. I recorded Skyrim for about an hour and a half and didn’t get any crashes. Hopefully it stays that way next time I go to do a stream.