The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Evening Open Thread

The last couple of days have been mainly relaxing with tea and working on animations. I just have a little more to do and I’ll be ready to render it tomorrow hopefully. I’ll also be going out and getting my hair tamed and returned to it’s albino settings as per the assignment, then perhaps another stream tomorrow unless the planets don’t align for whatever reason.

No stream tonight… Have some food and SFM porn instead

Today was a rainy day. A perfect time to do some laundry, a little animation, and make soup and sandwich to keep heat in them thar bones. I made my first attempt of Manhattan style Clam Chowder with a grilled cheese with buffalo chicken, pepper jack  and a couple steakhouse tomatoes inside of sourdough wheat bread. I was missing the fresh parsley, but managed to make due by using a little bit of dried parsley with a shredded carrot at an attempt at something similar. I regret nothing. :meseeks:

I also managed to edit a few scenes today and clean my bedding at the same time, that I may lay my clean head of hair on a clean pillow for what may or may not be clean dreams. I just need to make it through one more day, and I’ll be free for a little over a week.  I’ll have time to be productive on things I enjoy, and I’ll have to promise to do something nice for myself if the weather permits… like maybe take myself out for a latte or sushi or something, and perhaps a small shopping adventure either local or over teh interwebz. :zorak:

I anticipate there will be more streaming as well. :melon:

Two outta three ain’t bad

I was going to do another stream tonight, but feeling pretty tired… I might do one tomorrow if I have time. Tonight I played a little Crash Bandicoot (to warm up for a stream) and did some more video prep in SFM. My original plan to have my NIGHTS Into Dreams video as a two parter won’t be happening after all. It will be a slightly larger video from what I can tell, and unlike Freedom Planet I appear to have a lot of animating ahead of me… or so it seems. I’ve surprised myself before when working with audio/video and coming back to it at a later date and re-evaluating if you should use a particular scene in a different method or not.

Sometimes time can make you your own critic.