The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Evening Open Thread

I never had a chance to test out my sound card let alone install it. On Saturday we had a fun meet in the cinema server, and today I woke up feeling pretty crummy. Meaning I’ve been pretty much taking it easy and letting my mind wander. I’ve been writing up a script for a future video. I don’t want to give too many details, but it will be for the end of a future video. I think I’ll keep this post short. I’m starting to feel sick again. Hopefully I can keep this under control for work tomorrow. I don’t know why, but I predict that I’m not going to have a good work week, or upcoming weekend for that matter. I have a class at work next week and I think my boss said it’s graveyard shifts, and I can’t remember how many.

I have my work cut and paste out for me

Sorry for lack of postings. Work has been making me feel worn over death lately, even doing my other after work activities. My new sound card arrived yesterday! I’m probably going to have a busy weekend with that, a video release and a few other things. I sorted through my video collection, and have an idea of what I need to collect more footage for, and what to work on next. What I can now prep for release are (these are in no particular order btw):

  • Brain4Dead (Releasing Sunday)
  • Freedom Planet (A stream from long ago… BACK WITH ANIMATION!)
  • Linux Gaming Video
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Finale
  • Skyrim (More recent stream)
  • NIGHT’S Into Dreams (Surprisingly)
  • Left 4 Dead 2 Run with Yutram and his roommate with my own assortment of mods.

Then I have other project folders that don’t have enough content yet for me to produce:

  • Broforce
  • Okami
  • Serious Sam HD Second Encounter
  • Serious Sam 3
  • Garry’s Mod Tour Of The Whitehouse
  • Fallout 4
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

It will probably be a little while before I put anything out. I’m thinking I’ll spend tomorrow going through a few projects, writing down ideas for the next videos. I’m not entirely about the MGR one, mainly because the previous ones I’ve put out don’t have any animation to them other than goofy additions I added to the videos in general. I’m not sure if I should continue it in my current style, or go back and redo the others. For now I think I’ll start off on one of the other ones, like Freedom Planet possibly.

The new hip thing on the social media scene is GIFS!!!!!

If anyone reading this blog is familiar at all with self hosted WordPress sites they may know of a plugin called Jetpack provided by WordPress themselves. You connect your blog to which can be quite handy for more than a few items, such as spam protection, the option to syndicate your posts to social media websites the moment you make your blog post, and more where that came from. One thing they’ve been pushing with the newest version of WordPress is the new Gutenberg post editor, and they sent me an email to get me hyped about an all new feature that would totally be worth switching to Gutenberg for… FUCKING GIFS!!

Animated images — also known as GIFs — have become one of the hottest social media tools.

Whoa, you mean to tell me that GIFS… a picture format that was invented around the time I came into being…. is now a hot young social media tool? That’s oddly appropriate since most people in my age group at work happen to be tools on social media!

They tell a story, add humor and emotion, and can create a lasting impression on millions of readers.

Your move Jetpack…

The newest version of Jetpack adds a GIF block for the new editor, putting the world’s largest GIF library at your fingertips.

Perhaps I’ll give Gutenberg another shot at some point just to see the gif selection sometime in the not too distant future, if I’m bored enough…

Why say something with words when you can say it with a dancing turtle?

Wait, they taught Mitch McConnell how to dance? :morty: :rick:

Another weekend comes to a close

Good news! The video will be released next week! I have it pretty much done, in fact I even got some stuff lined up for other videos. I plan on editing down my NIGHT’S into Dreams Twitch/YouTube stream tomorrow; though I have a feeling that one will be pretty small too.

This has pretty much been my whole weekend. I would have done more but the weather sucked, and today I woke up feeling rather horrid. I think I might have a stomach bug from something I ate, or the stomach flu going around at work. I considered calling in, but I think if I’m careful about what I eat I’ll be ok. I normally don’t eat much at my lunch break anyways, mornings and my stomach don’t typically get along unless I wake up naturally.

After I release the last video for Brain4Dead next week I’ll be taking a bit of a break from releasing videos just to get everything organized again. Which means there is a chance that I might blog about something that doesn’t involve crafting game pr0nz… of course I’ll still be doing it, but I won’t be able to talk much about it openly. Video plans for later on in the year, some things are going to change.

Getting close to the final chapter

Well, it took almost a week, but the animation portion is all finished for the Brain4Dead finale! I’ll begin splicing it into the rest of the video tomorrow. I won’t be releasing it until next Monday though, the extra bits of polishing I need to do will make me miss my targeted Monday deadline. I also managed to take a break from animating to play a little Left 4 Dead 2 with a friend and his roommate. We made it through the campaign, and I may have more video fodder down the line.

Today was a good hobby day. We have a bad storm outside that has been pretty much been going on for over 24 hours. and I’ve been lounging, drinking some flowering oolong and enjoying some Mushu soup and some roast teriyaki pork and rice. It was leftovers from two previous dinner nights, but worked well together in smaller portions to make what seemed like a larger oriental meal. I might take the leftover pork tomorrow and make a homemade soba soup bowl for myself.

Evening Open Thread

Did more animation work tonight. This particular scene I’m working on is a little more elaborate than my Ronald McDonald or Batman ones mainly because I’m moving more parts and bodies around in one scene. I’m enjoying it though. I’m still uncertain if I’ll make my own personal deadline.

But for now I must surrender to the dark forces of sleep, and resume my double life in another world where everything is fabulous… or else.