The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Touched by noodly appendage


After a busy work day I set aside special plans to make my own variant of dinner tonight. I originally planned to buy some smoked salmon for a salmon pasta dish, but there was none to be found. I also bought a potato rosemary loaf of bread that I made my own garlic butter mix for (unsalted butter, Italian herbs, garlic powder and a small pinch of sea salt).

I didn’t realize that I was nearly out of parmesan cheese, and had to resort to making a three cheese sauce instead consisting of the leftover parmesan, plus generous portions of danish bleu and smoked provolone cheeses.

It tasted good, though feedback afterwards suggested that I add something more to the sauce in the future… I might try using wine for additional tang next time. 😛

With the addition of a bunch of carbs I felt like a nice salad would be a good balance. This is a spring mix with a homemade raspberry vinaigrette using my own homemade raspberry vinegar! There are also grape tomatoes, danish bleu cheese, and mixed nuts crushed with a mortar and pestle for additional flavor and crunch.

Colder than a bitch’s tea

We’ve been having some really cold weather these last few weeks. In fact it’s the coldest in all the years I’ve lived here. I’ve been drinking Earl Gray for most of the day, staying by the computer under a poncho for warmth, finishing up my third episode of Brain 4 Dead. I just need to acquire one more thing for it and be done with it… I need a friend to lend me their voice. :v:

Like it never happened

I got Mint all sorted out. I’ve stuck with 18.3. For me stability is more important than testing the bleeding edge, especially since Linux lately has become my #1 OS to use for most things with Windows being still somewhat useful for certain games and programs. It didn’t take me long to get it all back up and running either despite being installed to an old 7200 RPM drive. I never did get to do much video work today though, mainly due to fatigue. I didn’t sleep well last night, and had an early morning of work. Fortunately it was short, but I ended up working on my computer and a little cleaning. I’ll probably sleep like a baby tonight, and hopefully it’ll give me enough energy to do other things tomorrow.

Minor setbacks

I was going to do some more polishing on my video tonight, but tried to compile the latest RC candidate for OBS and totaled my Mint install. Rather than sort through what went wrong it would be faster for me to do a clean install and then follow it with an image. On the bright side I backed everything important off using my portable Linux drive. I’ll see about doing a reinstall tomorrow or maybe over the weekend depending on how the chips fall. I should have made an image before experimenting, but things have been running so smoothly when I’ve compiled other programs… Still, it was bad on my part. If I wanted to I could work on my project file under Windows, as I do have Shotcut installed between both OS’s… but it’s late. 😛 Well, maybe just a little trim. :v:

I’m not sure if I want to stick with 18.3 or if I want to venture into 19.1… I’ll probably stick to 18.3 for stability purposes. I guess Windows will be keeping me warm tonight…

This is why I have two OS’s. 😛

Valentine Open Thread

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope everyone celebrating had a good day. I had a quiet day at work apart from the usual pervy old men that go around checking to see if women are married today. I celebrated it when I went home by accidentally taking a nap. I guess that counts as self pampering? I haven’t had a chance to take a good nap for a couple weeks now.

I’m almost done with trimming and editing. I had it refined to about 5:15, and now after adding additional elements I’ve trimmed it down to 4:36. I can’t wait to release it; Part 3 features my favorite part of the entire shit show of a campaign… the pool. I’m not sure if I’ll make it by next Monday, as I’m contemplating a couple more animated scenes to throw in or to just save it for the finale video. I have one idea with how to end the episode, but may consult my council first.

For now I’ll have some steak and lobster and ponder it in the dark abyss.

More data collecting… for safety

I was handed another hard drive today by a fellow co-worker to recover data from. Thankfully I got all the important stuff off of it, as it seems to be dying at an alarming rate… gotta love those Seagate Barracuda’s. This and the other drive make for a nice quick $50 job that can buy me some inspiration for a good few months.

I’m thinking I’ll lay back in bed and play a play a little more Crash before I crash. I don’t have much time left do do much else, and I feel like I need a little play break before I become too dull. If I have time I’ll start on Episode 3 tomorrow.

Right on queue

I finished my project last night! I’ll be releasing it tomorrow as planned, and have also done some prep work for Episode 3. I’m hoping to release it next Monday, but we’ll see… My To Do List for that particular episode build isn’t as large as the previous two, and that’s mainly because the pool map in that entire campaign has to be the most entertaining.

Since I was already in Windows working in Source Filmmaker I decided to take a break and end the evening with some Yakuza 0. I haven’t played much of anything lately apart from whatever I can get away with during a lunch break, and according to my stats on Steam most of my time has been spent animating. All work and no play makes me a dull Overlord, and playing this gives me something else to write about. I’m really liking the game so far, quite a stress release. I’ll admit I was surprised by the Karaoke mini game; I’m about as good at karaoke in the game as I am in real life… I’ve never played a Yakuza title before, but I think I’m going to enjoy this. I like punching simulators… in fact this is reminding me that I still need to check out that MGR mod that replaces the sword with fists. I want to see how far I can get by punching my way through the entire game! I wonder if I should stream it…

Evening Open Thread

I had a nice sidejob today, a co-worker of mine wanted me to recover some files from a hard drive for him. He wasn’t sure if the drive itself was failing or if something just went awry in Windows. It turns out the drive itself is fine, despite being made a decade ago and having 50,097 hours on it. The only crime is that it was running Windows Vista when it choked. I got all of his requested files and some other stuff that may be of possible value off of the drive, and also made a mirror image of the drive just to be on the safe side. I’ll have to see if he’s still running Vista on his computer, as he told me that he hasn’t touched this particular drive due to issues. Perhaps I can get him onto Windows 10 Pro and make a little more money on the side, and also do a good deed in proper security. He says him and his wife like playing WoW and a few other games, and you really shouldn’t be surfing the web on OS’s that are past their prime due to numerous exploits and issues at both hardware and software levels. I’m glad I have an AMD system with primary Linux use.

It looks like I won’t be blogging about any food porn of my own tomorrow. I’ve been invited to a farewell party for a friend and former co-worker who is moving out of town. There will be margarita’s involved, and no I won’t be bringing a sombrero; that is only worn once a year… I’m sure watermelon margaritas will play a small role in the evening. I’ll also finish up my next YouTube release; assuming I don’t have one too many. 😛