The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Find the strange

Had a quiet evening to myself. I contemplated taking a nap, but ended up feeling the need to shed my creativity into the current video project, and when creative juices are ready to flow you’re a fool to hold them back. I should have a video come Monday, though I’ll have it done sooner if I have time tomorrow. I have one more thing to do in SFM and everything else can be finished up in Shotcut. This one scene I was animating tonight… I kept dying as I was trying to animate it. I had Yutram do his best Batman impression with some improv behind it, and it’s so stupidly amazing… my animation is ok as normal.

I’ll also need to take time to possibly make a meal ideas in order for Saturday. Not sure if I’ll do French, Italian, or something random.

Why yes, you can game during your lunch break

I’ve been taking a gaming laptop with me to work for about 5 or 6 years now, and it still amazes me how I can catch eyes while I’m enjoying my small escape from reality. Other people around me will shop, read a book, watch TV in the breakroom. I got into gaming laptops years ago when I got too bored during hour long lunch breaks. I tried reading, but that relaxes me too much. Watching TV in the morning is pretty boring for the most part, so I’ve had a gaming laptop at my side ever since. My choice of game today was the Crash Trilogy under my laptop’s Linux Mint install. I was enjoying 75 frames of smoothness per second when a fellow co-worker noticed me with controller in hand and seemed perplexed that of all things in the infinite universe I choose to play a game that I would normally enjoy in the comfort of my own home, with me during one of my allowed feeding times. She told me she preferred watching what I would call the murder porn channel. A channel that plays 24/7 murder stories. I can’t get invested in those shows, and you would think it would be the opposite as I have no problems killing people in a virtual space, but that’s just it. One involves the tale of someone actually being murdered and the other is some harmless venting or pillaging.

So I looked at her and went “Great.” then I gestured to the TV and said “See, you like to watch murder…” and then I gestured to my laptop and said “and I like to commit it!” In retrospect that may not have been my best choice of words, as she said “ok” and went back to doing her own thing… but I’m always amused by the reactions I get when I’m spotted with that laptop, or playing a particular game that they wouldn’t expect me to play. That said, it seems people don’t expect much of me. :trollface:

Hard at work breaking the internet

Sorry for not writing these last few days. I’ve been kinda strung out from work, was out a little late for a birthday dinner (we celebrated my brother’s a little early), and of course I’ve been doing more animation work for the next video, and today I woke up feeling nausea and shakiness. Turns out I was dehydrated for once, while also being sleep deprived.. good thing I’m on my weekend.

I don’t think I’ll have the new video out this week, but I will keep working on it and possibly release it next Monday. I completed most of the scenes tonight. I have two more to work on tomorrow if my body decides to cooperate. I’ll be sure to brew some tea for my bed side.

Back at it again!

I did treat myself to some more Crash today, but I was still motivated enough to get started on the next video. I already had some creative help and discussions earlier with Yut and DG on the next as well as some other upcoming videos. I don’t want to say what, but there are going to be some substantial changes continuing in my videos. Now that my body is confirmed to have a brain that means I might be able to do a little body shopping. :v:

Also, as I continue to do this I feel myself getting a better rhythm for it, far greater than what I’ve had in the past. I’d like to get the next video ready by Monday, but the next couple of days are going to be busy for me (and in a fun way too) but we’ll see. This is why I don’t give myself strict schedules, especially when it comes to art. :rick:

This was one of the few scenes I worked on today, and I’m looking forward to the rest of it. I’m not sure if it’ll be as good as the Ronald McDonald scene, but I plan to aim big.

The Overlord Uses Imagination: It is SUPER EFFECTIVE

Got more animating done tonight, enough to render some footage. I’ll have one separate scene to render and then I can continue the rest of my work in Shotcut, and hopefully release it tomorrow or sometime later in the week. It was fun to work on, so many ideas pouring in as I was working on animations. It’s amazing what happens when you’re chillaxin’ like a bawler and listening to you and your friend going on about stupid shit in a game, and you take this unstaged mess and turn it into some form of entertainment for lack of a better term. I think some of my inspiration comes from those old SNL TV Funhouse skits, where they took real audio and animated a cartoon around it, adding as much ridiculousness as possible… and I’m someone who loves to deal in ridiculousness. :melon:

I’m thinking I might relax in bed and play a little Crash Bandicoot before knocking off for the night. I haven’t really played much of anything these last few days, animating takes time, among other things that require my attention. :melon:

Weekend Open Thread

Once again I ate my whole dinner before managing to snap a pic. I blame sleep deprivation. :zorak: I made Seafood Chow Mein; consisting of Shrimp, Scallops, Sugar Snap Peas, Red Bell Pepper, Scallions and a light sauce with a tomato cucumber salad on the side. It was a refreshing end to a quiet day and work week. Now I can spend three days not thinking about work drama and a village of idiots. It all had a nice clean taste to it, which has been refreshing after things like Swedish meatballs, ribs, pizza etc. On the bright side it has all been homemade at the very least.

I promised myself more SFM crafting, and I did get more accomplished tonight. I finished animating another scene, another five and I can call it good for the beginning of this little saga we recorded.