I’ve been taking a gaming laptop with me to work for about 5 or 6 years now, and it still amazes me how I can catch eyes while I’m enjoying my small escape from reality. Other people around me will shop, read a book, watch TV in the breakroom. I got into gaming laptops years ago when I got too bored during hour long lunch breaks. I tried reading, but that relaxes me too much. Watching TV in the morning is pretty boring for the most part, so I’ve had a gaming laptop at my side ever since. My choice of game today was the Crash Trilogy under my laptop’s Linux Mint install. I was enjoying 75 frames of smoothness per second when a fellow co-worker noticed me with controller in hand and seemed perplexed that of all things in the infinite universe I choose to play a game that I would normally enjoy in the comfort of my own home, with me during one of my allowed feeding times. She told me she preferred watching what I would call the murder porn channel. A channel that plays 24/7 murder stories. I can’t get invested in those shows, and you would think it would be the opposite as I have no problems killing people in a virtual space, but that’s just it. One involves the tale of someone actually being murdered and the other is some harmless venting or pillaging.
So I looked at her and went “Great.” then I gestured to the TV and said “See, you like to watch murder…” and then I gestured to my laptop and said “and I like to commit it!” In retrospect that may not have been my best choice of words, as she said “ok” and went back to doing her own thing… but I’m always amused by the reactions I get when I’m spotted with that laptop, or playing a particular game that they wouldn’t expect me to play. That said, it seems people don’t expect much of me. :trollface: