The Mind Of OverlordTomala


Over the holidays I got a nice haul of tea thanks to a long time best friend of mine, and one of the many teas I got was from a nice pack of Disney’s Alice In Wonderland tea collection. It cones with six flavors total, and the one I’ve mainly been sucking on so far has been the blueberry one, and also a bit of the medley tea… that stuff is like sweet nectar. :melon:

On the inside of each triangle there are instructions for either brewing hot or iced tea as if it were written by the characters themselves. It puts a nice bit of imagination to tea time. I’m not sure what it is but I’ve mainly been drinking blueberry tea or coconut vanilla iced tea for the last few days, something about those flavors leaves me coming back for more as if it were watermelon. I have a feeling the blueberry will be going very quickly. :v:

What in god’s name have I done?

Just Like Geralt!

For quite a few things I usually have to extract models from Garry’s Mod Workshop to place into SFM, and I wanted this particular version of Geralt for an image I was making. I’m not sure why but no matter what I did the torso just didn’t want to give up its ultimate bromance with Geralt’s neck. That’s ok… I didn’t want to sleep tonight anyway!

I did work on another video tonight (the above image doesn’t reflect on it in any way, this was just some last minute brainfart that needed to be expelled) and managed to get a scene done. I’ll probably continue onto the next one after I get off work tomorrow. I’m looking forward to this particular one, its a Left 4 Dead campaign Yutram and I played not too long ago, and there is enough footage for me to make quite a few fun videos. I contemplated on making one large video instead, but I find keeping things short for a short attention span world.

Imaginary Super Highway

News like this should not be a surprise to anyone.

How much of the internet is fake? Studies generally suggest that, year after year, less than 60 percent of web traffic is human; some years, according to some researchers, a healthy majority of it is bot. For a period of time in 2013, the Times reported this year, a full half of YouTube traffic was “bots masquerading as people,” a portion so high that employees feared an inflection point after which YouTube’s systems for detecting fraudulent traffic would begin to regard bot traffic as real and human traffic as fake. They called this hypothetical event “the Inversion.”

I still remember when these bots were in their infancy back in the early 2000’s, when my family and I ran a phpBB2 forum at the time and we were invaded by tons and tons of  bots several times throughout the day. The concept was still fairly new, as the bots never typed anything but only made tons and tons of accounts usually ending in Petrov or something. It was annoying back then because there were no captcha’s, there was no need for them because nothing like this happened. I ended up having to disable account creation temporarily as a result while having to clean up warzone and block all the account names from ever being used again, as well as any IP address. These days its much more advanced just as described in the article. Their programing is sophisticated enough that they can join all these social media websites and go about the internet as actual people, and these trolls keep taking it steps further when creating websites to further mask their intent. It is so easy in this day and age to come up with a straight up legit looking business or news media site, and people fall for it hook line and sinker. I could easily build a website that looks like a local news rag, or with the right amount of words and pump a straight up legit looking news website that talks about important things, like why the boogieman won’t come out of the closet.

I’ve loved the internet since the day of its conception, but at the same time I always knew that like anything else in life it can be manipulated to cause harm instead of good. I just never could have predicted how far it has come, and I have a feeling we haven’t even scratched the surface yet.

Microsoft Wants To Improve Windows 10 Gaming Through “XBox Ideas”

Everything about this from wording to the execution is just wrong on so many levels…

Team Xbox would love to hear how you’d like to see gaming on Windows improved. How can Windows 10 enhance your gaming experience? What features would you like added or changed to make gaming on Windows 10 even better? Create suggestions, vote for suggestions, and leave comments below!

Right, because when I think PC Gaming I think of chatting in the XBox section… I’m guessing they’re doing it this way because of the way they want to tie XBox and Windows 10 gaming into each other to a certain degree while also trying to reclaim the gaming market they lost when they began neglecting it in the early or mid 2000’s when XBox became their main gaming priority. Right now there are 500 games that have been confirmed to work under Proton, something tells me that Linux is starting to catch up enough that Microsoft may want to start considering them a threat. Microsoft has always had Playstation to compete with, and Microsoft needs an OS equivalent on PC to do the same.

Of course, as someone who does still use Windows a couple times a week, my only request would be to turn off telemetry and automatic updates without the need to jump through several hoops, and stop including Candy Crush with your OS for fucks sake.

Weekend Open Thread

Well, I was going to share a picture of the Swedish Meatballs and noodles I made tonight, but I got a little too hungry and forgot to take a picture… oh well. I still have some leftovers, though I didn’t feel like making a 2nd plate just to take a picture of some high quality food porn. But I had those with some corn and it made for a nice meal, and it definitely kept the house warm. 😀 I recently found out that I have Swedish heritage in my bloodline in two different branches of my family, among other interesting discoveries. It’s really interesting to see how many people it took to get you where you are now.

I was reminded recently to work on some real life video footage I took just after Christmas at the local lights festival; a friend of ours in Australia wants to see it. I’ll probably have a video up in a day or two. In fact I think I’ll dedicate most of tomorrow to projects I need to finish, maybe a little playtime before I start. I haven’t really played much of anything this week, unless we’re counting lunch breaks… :trollface:

Rain and risotto

Today was best spent indoors out of the blustery weather, mainly doing some laundry and video work. After primary work this morning I picked up some ingredients for tonight’s dinner I volunteered to make. One of the things I like about winter is comfort food. For me a good Italian risotto can fall into that category, and there are so many ways you can prepare it. In the past I’ve added chicken, beef, ham and of course sausage of any of them as the meaty part of the dish. This time around I gave tuna a shot instead, as I haven’t partaken of any recently. Originally I tried to follow a recipe in one of my cookbooks, but due to not being able to find certain ingredients and discovering too late that some of them were missing I had no choice but to improvise. I have to say it turned out to be quite a savory dish with a nice texture given to it by the pecans.

First I was low on chicken stock, both the fresh stuff and the bullion cubes; fortunately I still had some Mexican chicken/tomato granules for a rich broth. Next came the rice preparation which went smoothly as always, mixing the uncooked rice in melted butter and olive oil with browned onions to give it a nice nutty aroma and flavor, and of course adding the stock bit by bit until I gained the desired creamy consistency that makes risotto so delicious. In a bowl I combined some tuna, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, chopped pimento, olives and then a mix of marjoram and parsley. In my broth pan I added some more butter and oil and fried some garlic and chopped pecans, which sounds weird but surprisingly tastes really good mixed in with everything else. Of course I had to add some fire roasted tomato to the mix, and made green beans for the side vegetable. Overall I was happy with the results considering I pretty much measured and improvised the ingredients to make up for the actual missing ingredients. I’ll definitely have more tomorrow. I’ll have enough for an after work lunch, and then I can plot tomorrow’s dinner menu. I’m thinking something Scandinavian inspired.

When your imagination has a stroke

I had a weird dream last night. Everyone on Steam became their avatars in real life, and Valve had some sort of hunger games competition with Gabe overseeing everything whilst sitting on a fainting couch being fed sub sandwiches with a toga draping over his frame. The winner would gain a copy of Half Life 2: Episode 3.

Well I know what I’ll want to do in a couple weeks

I heard through the grapevine that another Skyrim multiplayer mod is in the works, and it looks fairly interesting!

I remember when some friends and I attempted another mod that was aiming to be multiplayer, but during our testing I ended up between two naked men with man voices and a never ending amount of dragon souls being absorbed for no apparent reason.  I mentioned on stream recently that I would love a more successful mod, and this could possibly be that mod! It’s currently in a closed beta stage at the moment, but in a week or two it will be releasing to the public. If anyone else is interested they might want to stay tuned to this particular Twitter for more details… although with a mod like this I wouldn’t be surprised if all the big gaming news sites decided to cover this a little more extensively.

If this works out it would be a dream come true for me, and I’m sure other Dragonborn that got tired of sitting in chairs and thrones all by their lonesome.

We can all go the the spa together, and I can introduce my friends to my friend corpse buddy! We could adventure together! Sit around the campfire telling stories about the love affair between Nazeem and Jarl Balgruuf’s backside. Bonus points if it’s more stable than Fallout76, though I’m aiming for the sky at this point. :v: