The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

If you want this carry weight you’ll have to put a ring on it!

I worked on cutting footage from last night’s broadcast this morning, still have a ways to go in getting it cleaned up and I might even have to split it into two videos. Then I took a break from that and did some work in Source Filmmaker; Yutram was kind enough to spend a couple of days porting a ring he made for me in Skyrim to Source.

Somewhere down the line it will make an appearance in future videos, though probably not right away. Instead I’ll share a sneak peek of what I’m working on!

I’m not going to explain what the hell is going on in this shot, nor will I divulge what game Yutram and I were playing when we decided to get down with our bad selves. Any guesses are welcome. :melon:

Now for your viewing pleasure: My melons

Suck on deez melonz.

I streamed Skyrim this evening, now with more melons! I’ve discovered a watermelon atronach spell and just HAD to install it. You can either watch my VOD on Twitch, or watch my YouTube video below:

With help from Yutram we explored realms of Skyrim not meant for mere mortals (or console peasants in this case). We went to secret or forgotten levels that Bethesda never took out of Skyrim’s game files. I don’t even think we’re even halfway through the list of different cells, which means we’ll have more streaming of Skyrim in hopefully the not too distant future. 😀

I did manage to score a higher res copy of the stream for future editing. Will get to that as soon as I finish up my other works, though I can already tell this is going to be a fun one to go through, and animating it… 😛

The Elder Troll

According to the instruction manual I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Instead of doing anything halfway productive today (instead of showing up for work… and leaving) I futzed about in Skyrim with console commands. Originally I planned to do an impromptu stream, but dinner ran late and I ended up having fun doing weird things to my Skyrim install! Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures, but I now have some ideas for a future stream. :v: Tomorrow is my Friday, perhaps I’ll indulge a little. :melon:

Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a sausage festival.

Once again we arrive at a time where I am given one chance to poison my family by preparing something most sinister. Behold:

I made a warm German/American potato salad with bacon. The saltiness of the bacon mixed with the sweet yet tart flavor from the apple cider vinegar all coming together on the holy canvas that is the fucking potato. I’ll have to remember to make this again sometime.

Instead of doing plain ol hot dogs I invested in some nice chicken sausages with fancy cheeses mixed inside. They were sauteed alongside some peppers, onion and garlic with some splashes of Marsala for a little more flavor.

I also opted to get Hawaiian hot dog buns. It feels kinda funny having food like this during the winter, but then again it’s all nice, warm, and different from the everyday hot dog and cold potato salad. It’s also less salty despite the bacon’s involvement. 😛

“I’m sending regional manager Darth Maul”

If you haven’t seen these videos yet I highly recommend doing so. This is by far the best telling of the Star Wars saga ever done, and should be considered official canon.

I look forward to their own spin on the newer Disney films should they decide to include those in this amazing story. There are six episodes in total so far, all of them glorious.

In Other News: Pain Still Exists

I’m trying to at least write a post once per day (or at least have one scheduled), but the last couple of days I haven’t had a chance to. I spent most of yesterday in bed not feeling well, though at least this time around I was able to at least sleep it off instead of spend the day in agony. It was an entire day stuck inside my own imagination… it’s as horrifying as it sounds. Perhaps I should consider writing about some of these brainchildren that accumulate deep within my psyche… but where would I begin? :morty:

Ok… I guess now that I can move properly I can go back to doing Overlord shit. :melon:

First Weekend Of The New Year

I was going to get some stuff done today, but ended up feeling uneasy for most of it. I ended up napping while it stormed outside. Perhaps I’ll have better luck tomorrow, though I anticipate between how I feel and the weather I may have a nice long extended date with a bed and a controller assuming I don’t awaken with motion sickness… hopefully the cookies and cream will take care of that. Maybe if I’m feeling good and get some things done I’ll do a livestream of some sort, or play a multiplayer game, or both? We’ll see where this goes…

Crash Bandicoot Mods? Yes Please!

I got curious yesterday evening and ventured around the internet to find if there were any mods for the Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, and I was not disappointed. I’ve already installed a mod that bypasses the annoying start screen, meaning it will only play the optional cutscenes. You can download this mod from the Nexus. They have other model swap mods (like swapping out regular Crash for Bker Crash or Scuba Crash for example) too plus an edited level by the looks of it. I didn’t see many mods, but it would be cool to see if this is further expanded upon just to give more replay value on top of the replay value that’s already there.

Soulja Boy made me side with Nintendo for once

One of the things people have been talking about a lot in the gamer realm recently is Soulja Boy and his totally legit non ripoff console that came bundled with a bunch of roms. It was later found out that the console was actually already being sold as a generic classic console, and was changed up slightly to fit his brand. Of course when it was pointed out to Soulja Boy that it miiiiight be a bad idea to have Nintendo’s game rom’s on his console without Nintendo’s permission he couldn’t give two shits…. until Nintendo forced Soulja to bend over.

Rapper Soulja Boy seems to have had a change of heart when it comes to advertising his ‘consoles’ and putting them on his SouljaWatch website. He has since taken them down presumably because of an impending lawsuit. The ‘consoles’ looked suspiciously like other consoles on the market and included games from retro Nintendo platforms and others, which he didn’t have permission to sell or obtain.

I still have to wonder though, how did this shit get passed Soulja Boy’s PR people? I don’t think you’d need to be a gamer to think about the copyright aspect of it, especially as often as Nintendo is brought up for being the Oprah of lawsuits and cease and desist orders. I just don’t see how something like this could have been instantly marketed, the damned console looks like a ripoff XBone.