The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Soulja Boy made me side with Nintendo for once

One of the things people have been talking about a lot in the gamer realm recently is Soulja Boy and his totally legit non ripoff console that came bundled with a bunch of roms. It was later found out that the console was actually already being sold as a generic classic console, and was changed up slightly to fit his brand. Of course when it was pointed out to Soulja Boy that it miiiiight be a bad idea to have Nintendo’s game rom’s on his console without Nintendo’s permission he couldn’t give two shits…. until Nintendo forced Soulja to bend over.

Rapper Soulja Boy seems to have had a change of heart when it comes to advertising his ‘consoles’ and putting them on his SouljaWatch website. He has since taken them down presumably because of an impending lawsuit. The ‘consoles’ looked suspiciously like other consoles on the market and included games from retro Nintendo platforms and others, which he didn’t have permission to sell or obtain.

I still have to wonder though, how did this shit get passed Soulja Boy’s PR people? I don’t think you’d need to be a gamer to think about the copyright aspect of it, especially as often as Nintendo is brought up for being the Oprah of lawsuits and cease and desist orders. I just don’t see how something like this could have been instantly marketed, the damned console looks like a ripoff XBone.

Happy New Year!

Now that we’ve arrived at the doorstep of 2019 I feel this would be an opportune time to post about what my first plans are for starting out the new year:

I’ll be possibly looking into redecorating the blog. Last time I designed this place I was minus a tablet and had no idea how it would look on mobile, fortunately I did quite well designing it as it looks just fine whenever I go to check on the blog via my Kindle. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll tweak the current theme or to move onto a different one. I’d also like to add back in a feature for clicking on images, something about this theme seems to prevent it from happening. But if anyone has some suggestions for what I could change feel free to post down below.

There will also be videos coming, especially now that the Holidays are over. It should be noted that they will take longer now to produce since I will be putting animated scenes and other stuff into them. The intro for my current project has taken up most of my time so far, but I think it will be worth it once it arrives at completion. I want to pour as much of my imagination into this as possible. Linux videos are still in my quiver too.

Streaming is also another thing that I keep telling myself that I want to do more of, but again… time constraints. Yesterday I had a lot of fun streaming Skyrim, and would love to do that again with different games too. I don’t think I’ll have a proper schedule for streaming, or even videos for that matter. But I will try to stream if everything comes together, like if I have the right game and friends for example.

Of course with every new year we just have to take it one day at a time, and if anything noteworthy appears I’ll be sure to put it up for all to see. :v:

Games I’ve Finished In 2018: Nazi’s And Demons Edition

We arrive at that time of year again where I go over games that I’ve actually finished, yes! I actually found time to finish a couple!

I picked up The New Colossus late last year during one of the steam sales for an excellent price. I never finished The New Order, although I did play enough of it to get the idea of what I was doing PLUS the game does a good job rehashing enough of the previous installment to get you where you need to be. I completed the game on the Fergus timeline because I found his personality to be more entertaining (although I’ve been doing a replay on the Wyatt timeline to see what that’s like). In The New Order you have to sacrifice either Wyatt or Fergus to the Nazi’s, but unlike the previous game your choice can make all kinds of differences in cut-scenes, enough that it really is worth playing through a second time just to see another perspective. The gameplay itself was a whole lot of fun, and I’m glad they finally gave us the ability to save wherever we want instead of relying on autosaves and checkpoints… that was one of the reasons why I got annoyed with the first game, especially when trying to stealth my way around a really active area. I enjoyed finding the original game in its entirety, Wolfstone3D instead of Wolfenstein3D. I really enjoyed the story too, though I’ve listened to a lot of people complain about the overall story-line being similar to a Quinton Tarantino film, not being historically accurate, having a “mouthy” black chick join their ranks, and of course my personal favorite to poke fun at Nazi Fatigue… apparently having Nazi’s in a Wolfenstein game is a concept lost on some. :zorak:  Another excuse I’ve heard in similar vain is that there are too many games where Nazi’s are being shot, and somehow that’s a bad thing. To me it had a message; stand up for what you believe in, don’t let your friends or your spouse think for you, analyze a situation or a story for yourself… you might even find something that someone else missed. Also nazi’s are bad, that was the shorter message. :v:


Then of course after finishing the New Colossus I was still in a Nazi killing mood but didn’t feel like doing an immediate play through again of the same game. A lot of people that I read were butthurt by the sequel to this game said this had the better story of the two, and that it was much more serious… did they forget the part where BJ drops acid and has a drug trip? Of course that also depends on which timeline you choose… but I actually enjoyed the stories of both games, despite this port not running as smoothly as its sequel. I’m definitely intrigued by the new Wolfenstein game Bethesda announced at E3, and I’m hoping they don’t screw the pooch with it as they’ve done with Fallout76 thus far… though this is a different property to them I will still wait for the final result. The great goddess Beth Esda works in mysterious ways.

When I heard about the Devil May Cry HD Collection coming to PC I was stoked enough that I bought it for day one release, in fact it was funny because I was contemplating buying a copy for my PS3 so I could see what I’ve been missing out on from that particular era. Everyone that played the series always told me that 2 was the worst and I never understood why, now that I’ve had a chance to play it I fully understand. I knew there was a problem when I managed to beat the game. Contrary to what at least two people might think, but as much as I love this genre I’m terrible at it, and I’m willing to admit that. So I was surprised that I was able to hack, slash and shoot my way through the game in no time flat. Everything from gameplay to story to how everything was executed was just wrong. They made Dante too serious, and they made the game easy enough to a point that you could probably beat all of the demons and bosses while blindfolded six feet under the earth in A DARK ROOM. I haven’t worked up the nerve to play as Lucia yet, perhaps I’ll pick it up again if I find the right amount of medication to play a game that would even bore grandma with its game mechanics.

I played the Landmark Edition. It’s just like the original… moving on.


As someone who enjoys the Homestuck comics, this was something that I highly anticipated. You don’t have to read any part of the comics to play or understand this game (although in some cases it might help already explain things, like what are the grey children doing with candy cane horns?). Hiveswap is a love letter to the 1990’s, including Easter eggs scattered throughout the game pointing to older games of that era, such as Myst. Much like Homestuck, Hiveswap does an excellent job nailing that 90’s aesthetic. My only complaint was that I found it to be too short, though I look forward to the next act when that eventually comes out.

That pretty much covers what I’ve finished this year. All other titles I’ve played are games that are not played to be completed, like Skyrim or Quake Champions, or I’ve been replaying games for the sake of replaying them, or for testing under Linux via Proton… or both. 😛 I hope everyone has a Happy New Year, and if anyone wants to share or reflect on something you’ve played this year feel free to write it down below.

Happy New Beers!

Cyborg Jedi Skyrim Party

I livestreamed some Skyrim tonight. If you have some time on your hands you can pop over to my Twitch here to watch it, or wait for when I get around to releasing the highlights. I’ve been having fun discovering new mods to further enhance the experience. It also felt really good to stream it all, glad with how it all turned out. Hopefully I can do more soon.


It is also on YouTube:

Cute Morty Pics

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any kitty pix. Here are some recent snaps of Morty auditioning to get centerfold status. :v:

He laid like that for about 20 minutes, just lounging around on the floor feeling good about himself. I was surprised, when I went to grab my camera I figured he would have gotten back up and started trotting around just like cats do. But no, not Morty. Not a day goes by that I praise the holiest of watermelons for ever having a chance to know this critter.

Playstation Classic runs better with RetroArch.

At this point it’s more than obvious that the Playstation Classic hasn’t been as well received as other miniature consoles, especially since discovering that it is nothing more than Sony’s own version of a retro pie. But to add insult to injury someone installed RetroArch on it and got faaaaar better results.

It probably would have been better in Sony’s interest to have proper emulation enthusiasts tweak and setup their mini console. It’s no wonder they’ve gone on sale so quickly after launch.

Belly of zen

It’s been awhile since I’ve done much in the kitchen. During the holidays we were so pressed for time that we had to live on unsatisfying pre packaged food just to fill ourselves, but that hell is over or at the very least reduced. I bought a bunch of vegetables today and made soba noodle bowls with a cucumber salad and some pot stickers on the side. I would have made my own sauces but was sorely lacking in the soy sauce dept, fortunately I had my emergency Asian sauces to save the day!

It felt good to eat a healthier meal, plus its been so long since I’ve done anything Asian. Everything had the right amount of seasoning and spice to it.

Now to plot my next dinner menu…

Auf wiedersehen Gutenberg

In a recent update to WordPress (starting with 5.0 IIRC) they changed the text editor style to a new version called Gutenberg that changes the way you write your posts. This was being tested in earlier versions of WordPress as a mere plugin, out of curiocity I took a quick look at it during that period and went back to the regular style at the time just because I didn’t have much time to scope it out. Fast forward to the 5.0 update and now everyone has to use it (unless you install the classic editor plugin). I was tempted to go back to the classic editor myself, but then I decided to test myself by writing some posts with it.

Upon immediate glance I can tell this is designed for posting via smart devices… that’s strike 1. It’s great to include more devices so you can give writers a chance to post their thoughts or content from almost anywhere, but at the same time you shouldn’t neglect your other audience that holds a powerful tool that most mobile users sorely lack, a well sized keyboard to type on.

Gutenberg’s most praised feature is the “block” system… because this is 2018 and blocks are a thing. Instead of having a small toolbar and clicking an icon, like blockquoting something or posting an image, you click a plus and choose if you want an image, a quote, hell even a paragraph! You know, something you could write NATURALLY! Again, it makes more sense on mobile… but on PC that’s just an added step. Though not to completely bash it I do like being able to move paragraphs and other blocks around if I feel the need to arrange something.

I’ve mainly gone back to using the classic editor plugin. I like some of the ideas they’ve put into the new editor, but the inconveniences outweigh the new features. I’ll stick with the classic editor for now.

Holiday Open Thread

I hope everyone is having a good holiday. Mine was nice and quiet, opened presents, ate holiday candy, drank tea, and enjoyed not having to work. The only drama I had to endure was Humble Bundle’s failed attempts at gift receiving from another friend. For whatever reason I’m not getting Humble Bundle emails, and apparently this is a common issue mainly with people who use Microsoft’s email service, which is interesting since I run my own private email server. Meaning that if I want to receive games through humble bundle I have to have someone send the key to me straight.

I also made some more game purchases, both for myself and others. They’re downloaded and ready for whenever I’m ready. I was more in a Crash Bandicoot mood today… ok there was also a little Skyrim and Quake Champions… also visited TF2 long enough to get my free swag.

Tomorrow I’ll see about getting back into working on gamer porn, but not without having a little fun first. :trollface:

Dipping into my childhood

With the Steam Winter Sale in full swing I gleefully used my free gift card to pick up something I’ve had my eye on ever since they announced a PC release. I’ve been playing the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy, and so far I have to say it’s a really solid port, and I’m not even playing it on Windows. I’ve been trying my best to Crash Crash under Linux, but I manage to keep a rock solid 60 FPS for most of the game, and even then I only see dipping in few areas, at as little as 43 FPS. I played a bit of it on my laptop too, and that stayed at a steady 30 FPS on battery. I spent a good chunk of my day in bed continuing to find some break point where the game might self destruct, but it keeps trotting along just fine. Given this title came out on PC back in March and it runs this well is extremely impressive.

I forgot that you could play as Coco in some of the levels (more so than the originals), which I thought was cool. It was actually around this time years and years ago that I got a Playstation 1 as a gift with some games, and Crash Bandicoot 2 was one of them. I never did get to play games 1 and 3 unless I was over at a relatives house. So it’s nice to finally get a hold of the trilogy. I do plan on playing this along side roms of the original games just to see how different each one is. I’ve had them in my collection for awhile now, but with my vast and infinite library it can be difficult to keep up with.

I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll do something Christmasy. I can think of a few games depending on who happens to be around at the time.