The Mind Of OverlordTomala

AMD Trades Oculus Support For SteamVR Support

AMD released their new 18.12.2 driver; Featuring a new addition to AMD’s Radeon Adrenalin Software that will enable users to stream their games to Android and iOS via the AMD Link App, including SteamVR across a wide selection of VR Headsets, however… it appears Oculus headsets will no longer be supported by AMD.

AMD’s Radeon ReLive for VR feature won’t support Oculus devices, despite at first being claimed to. The functionality allows for Radeon graphics card owners to stream PC virtual reality games to standalone headsets. Unfortunately, this is inherently tied to SteamVR, which puts it on Facebook’s bad side. Therefore, as AMD has now informed us, it will not support any Oculus devices.

Apparently AMD’s choice to support SteamVR was a step too far, looks like NVidia now has their own exclusive headset… and they didn’t even have to bribe anybody! :trollface: But seriously, that move is going to cost Oculus a pretty penny

Not that any of this matters to me. Facebook’s involvement was enough to discourage me from ever buying into it. The HTC Vive looks sexier by comparison… although I’m not sure if my eyes could handle VR.

Paying to be guinea pigs

As if Alexa sharing a local neighbor’s echo information wasn’t bad enough…

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Millions of users of Amazon’s Echo speakers have grown accustomed to the soothing strains of Alexa, the human-sounding virtual assistant that can tell them the weather, order takeout and handle other basic tasks in response to a voice command.

So a customer was shocked last year when Alexa blurted out: “Kill your foster parents.”

I’ll admit, that line really pulled me into the rest of the article. It also reminded me of a story that I heard from one old man who owns one of these Echo’s, apparently his was shouting out “Praise Satan” among other things.

Meanwhile the news just keeps getting better:

Alexa has also chatted with users about sex acts. She gave a discourse on dog defecation. And this summer, a hack Amazon traced back to China may have exposed some customers’ data, according to five people familiar with the events.

Companies like Amazon and Microsoft are blatantly making average everyday end users into beta testers for their products. Microsoft has recently stated that they’ve made it so that every single person using their operating system is a guinea pig. It seems that modern day devices, programs and projects all seem to be stuck in the alpha or beta stage, and Jeff Bezo’s is taking a fairly similar stance with Alexa:

The project has been important to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who signed off on using the company’s customers as guinea pigs, one of the people said. Amazon has been willing to accept the risk of public blunders to stress-test the technology in real life and move Alexa faster up the learning curve, the person said.

Translation: Thank you for beta testing the future!

The privacy implications may be even messier. Consumers might not realize that some of their most sensitive conversations are being recorded by Amazon’s devices, information that could be highly prized by criminals, law enforcement, marketers and others. On Thursday, Amazon said a “human error” let an Alexa customer in Germany access another user’s voice recordings accidentally.

Right now the only “human error” that I see is owning one of these if you value your privacy. Again, this would be another case where I would look at building my own, or at the very least hack these devices if applicable.

The Internet Of Things and Stuff

Oh Canada…

Leave it to the Canadians to hack into someone’s security system and politely tell them that it’s insecure, then finish it off with an apology. :v: 

Seriously though, it was a nice gesture and better than the alternate universe version where someone hacks into his security camera and starts livestreaming it to Twitch. Stuff like this is the reason why I wouldn’t want to invest in the smart-enabled setups. If it’s connected to the internet there’s a good chance someone will see it.

All of these electronics are made overseas, on the backs of cheap labor with the idea of turning a profit while providing some form of convenience to the consumer. Things like security are not going to be a top priority in most cases, unless you decide to make your own. If I were to buy a security camera or system I would probably make my own setup using a Raspberry Pi kit. It would be cheaper, have no hidden fees and ideally it would be much more secure.

But, if you thought the above story was bad enough…

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – A user of Amazon’s (AMZN.O) Alexa voice assistant in Germany got access to more than a thousand recordings from another user because of “a human error” by the company.

The customer had asked to listen back to recordings of his own activities made by Alexa but he was also able to access 1,700 audio files from a stranger when Amazon sent him a link, German trade publication c’t reported.

There’s this funny thing I’ve noticed over the years. A good chunk of the people that I know who happen to own these devices and praise how convenient they are also happen to fear things like the government spying on them (as if they were that important to begin with) and yet they have no problems signing over their privacy to corporations that collect data on their users to sell them more stuff.

We seriously need to have laws put in place that encourage companies to do a better job securing their merchandise.

One is silver and the other’s dead

Life is like a box of melons

I got an extremely small portion of one of my videos done today. I spent a good couple hours on animating one character in one scene that still needs refining. I took a break and played a little Skyrim, one of the many games installed onto one of my new drives. It seems to be performing better, key word being “seems” since I’ve crashed twice, but its been about an hour in between each crash.

Do you get to the red light district often? Oh what am I saying… you never left!

I mainly did the same thing that I did in Fallout 4, wander around from place to place killing a bunch of bandits, and Silver Hands despite not becoming a werewolf.. Given that I have more silver than they do I would think they would hire me and make me their leader… but alas, they made the pitiful mistake of trying to slay me with their tarnished silver weapons. I only fall at the sight of extremely polished cutlery dammit. :zorak: 

All work and no play makes me a dull Overlord

After fixing all of my websites, and doing the dusting I wasn’t able to get to last week I felt I deserved to goof off for the sake of goofing off. I’m currently in Vault 75 snooping around. It was a vault located under a school, making it easy for children to get to safety when the nuke went off… or so it starts out that way, further reading makes it look like when the children got older they met a not so happy ending; their organs were harvested and were used to put a curse on Vault 76! Anyone is free to leave the vault, but upon doing so they are forever doomed to wander a wasteland that contains unspeakable horrors like no other! Such as moon walking enemies, immortal enemies, phantom painus in the anus, and sudden disconnection from The Holy Goddess Beth Esda. .. I might be paraphrasing.


Soooo I had an almost pants shitting experience… during my lunch break the other day I checked my email only to discover that my website(s) have been deactivated due to a malware attack. :rick: Imagine having to mentally process this while being stuck a mile away from being able to do a fucking thing. :zorak: Eventually when I did get home I went through the malware scan provided by my webhost, backed off all of my files is, deleted everything, installed a fresh version of WordPress via FTP and got a hold of BlueHost to scan my server and give me the go ahead to go back online. I cleaned out the infected files in my blog install (I only had 4) and as you can see I’m up and running again with all of my posts and settings in check. Other blogs that I run through this domain will be following suit, with my brother being the next one to deploy. Fortunately it only added three files to his install, and I didn’t have to edit any lines.

Once that is taken care of I’ll have a lot of catching up to do on not just blogging, but all of the other shit I put off to try and fix this. I guess it’s another blessing I got those new hard drives. I’ll be planning to make backups more frequently. Setting the blog back up was easier this time around.

I may have more good news too; I found my old database holding my old posts among other things, and I may be able to recover those and make my blog whole again. I’ll experiment on a test site to see if I can get it to work, but if I can that would make me really happy.

Two Days Later…

I still haven’t been feeling too hot lately. I’m not a morning person, but I’ve had to be one for a few years now due to my current line of work. Every morning I get up at 3am and never have the desire to eat anything… sometimes as an added bonus I get a sour stomach, though thanks to some candy I’ve been taking I’ve been able to tone it down along with some inflammation.  Today I think it was more than just an acidic stomach, there have been some bugs going around and I think I got the one that makes me shit laser raptor beams.

I had a hair appointment today, its still there! Just enough to piss off all of the old people around me that are intimidated by my white hair. While getting worked on I pretty much read through my RSS feed just to see what was happening in the rest of the world, conversed with a couple people in chats.

I was going to work on a video tonight, but I’m thinking after today’s craziness at work and having my head worked over at the salon (don’t read too far into that) I’ll just have some fun for a couple of hours.

I swear they plan it this way

I went from feeling good on Friday to feeling like absolute shite all weekend. I pretty much spent most of Sunday and Monday in bed trying not to stab my abdomen with a sword or my other favorite eating utensils. Thankfully I can shake these feelings off with more than just advil now, but I hate that I pretty much wasted a weekend lying in bed, only feeling comfortable when the medicine kicks in.

I didn’t start moving until the afternoon, which for me is bad since I have to be a morning person 99% of the time. Of course I’m feeling better now, just in time for me to return to work… I predict things are going to suck for me tomorrow.

This post is brought to you by someone who needs more practice

Played a little HL2DM tonight for the first time in ages. I seem to do a better job wielding the crossbow or the revolver than I do with the shotgun or the assault rifles. I did get in a good couple of gravity gun kills though, so that’s something. I only played one match (and I think I joined the server in progress, everyone was nice. Every time I’ve gone to this server I’ve never had trouble. Everyone is too busy fragging to talk shit, there were also some lol’s, oops’ and other shit being thrown around in game chat from time to time, reminds me of a more innocent time for gaming on teh interwebz.

HL2DM is simplistic in design, but somehow its nice to just come back to from time to time.

Combining different parts of the world for one meal

After the holidays we’ve been having issues eating properly around the homestead due to work fatigue and everyone’s busy schedules. My stomach can only take so much emergency food, though finally we have managed to get somewhat back on track for prepping actual meals. The above is what I made for dinner last night. I took a chicken breast, cut it up and cooked it in caramelized onions and garlic, then added them to some rice cooked in butter and oil and homemade chicken broth with peas and carrots. I also have a salad with Russian dressing on the side with a little touch of chipotle, so it’s more of a Mexi-Russiantalian meal. I got the idea to make this meal from a Russian cookbook that I picked up years ago as part of Time Life’s Foods Of The World Series, and was inspired by a Lamb Pilaf recipe. But I don’t care much for lamb, so opted for chicken instead. The recipe also called for raw carrot and onion, but I opted for caramelized onions, carrots and peas for added flavor and color. For additional flavor I threw in some Italian influence by cooking the grains in butter and oil first, the rice is jasmine, giving it a little boost of flavor and overall aromatic goodness, and much more welcoming to my stomach.

It was either going to be this or panko crusted chicken breasts with fries, but we’ve had too much potato substance recently and needed a severe break (something I’d never thought I would say). Tonight we’re going to have pizza, it’s cold outside and it’s definitely a good night to either bake or get baked.