The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Early Thanksgiving Open Thread

No Morty… You don’t get to be the turkey.

We celebrated Thanksgiving a couple days early, since we’re all going to be working on both Thanksgiving and Black Friday… bleh. I came home from work today and was immediately greeted with the scent of a turkey rich holiday meal. I’ll sleep good tonight (even moreso than usual).

For the last couple of days I’ve been working on video footage. I sorted out all of the Quake Champions footage I’ve squirreled away, think I can get a couple good videos out of that. Now I’m working on our recent Serious Sam HD: Second Encounter romp recently. I’ve been working on a clip that’s almost two hours long, and I don’t even have a full minute of presentable footage yet. What little bit I’ve collected so far though has given me multiple braingasms that I’ll have to jot down on paper after I further refine my footage. After I finish editing this clip I’ll have another one to go through that’s about another hour long. Fortunately with good editing tools you don’t have to watch the entire video to get to where you want to be. :meeseeks: Then I’ll have Left 4 Dead footage to go through; Yutram and I played a custom campaign that truly lives up to its name. I know for certain with that adventure that we’ll have a good video on our hands.

I’m going to continue doing my new style of adding SFM footage (and other elements) into future gaming videos when applicable. It will take me longer to compile them, but I think the extra effort is worth it. There was something I enjoyed about Solid Snake magically growing a cigarette out of his mouth that I found enjoyable to animate in the derpiest style I could muster.


OverlordTomala and Yutram Play: Serious Box Solid: Part 2

This may or may not be my final video for awhile. With Thanksgiving and Black Friday kicking off this week there’s a good chance that I’ll be extremely busy with work as well as other real life obligations. Though if I have enough time set aside I could start doing some Penguin themed videos if ya catch my drift…

Another Miniature “Console” Joins The Battle

Ok, this trend of miniature game consoles was cute when it first launched… but now it’s getting ridiculous.

Yes, this is real. On launch it will cost $99 and come with at least 30 games according to their Q&A. I seriously don’t know where to begin; to this day I still play games from the MSDOS era (Wolf3D being one of the more recent ones), and have even installed DOSBOX on my Amazon Fire for my own small amusement. Why would you spend almost $100 to get a tiny box that plays some of the oldest old school games that ever did old school, when you can do the same thing on hardware you already own? Including smartphones? If you do a search on ebay for a raspberry pi kit you’ll immediately see cheaper options for building your own.

You could also argue that people might want to buy these because they don’t have the time to build their own, or don’t have the knowledge of using a raspberry pi and installing operating systems and then configuring them to start/run accordingly. Normally I would agree, but most of the people that I knew growing up who liked to play MSDOS games were already people who tinkered with their PC’s, whereas with consoles you just plugged them in and inserted a cartridge/disc… done like dinner.

Can’t I just buy a Raspberry Pi, an enclosure, gamepad, keyboard, and mouse, 3D print a faceplate, install Armbian, buy 30+ games, build the source for ARM or install/configure in DOSBox for each and every game, create a menu system with game art, and tell everyone about it at parties?


Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do! :zorak: I’ve actually been reading up more on Raspberry Pi’s and have contemplated getting some sort of kit… possibly of the portable variety. I’m just not sure what I would use it for. Perhaps make my own tablet if my Kindle catches fire?

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words… but I only have 406 of them.

President John Adams was always known for his epic swordsmanship.

Looking back on history can be more fun than people might realize. I was browsing my RSS feed during a break today and came across this article about American History as told during Japan’s Edo Period. It was quite a fascinating thing, looking through all of those pictures from a whole other era. This needs an anime or manga adaptation, make it happen and I’ll be on it like a bum on a bologna sandvich.

It’s funny to think that there was once a time when Japan wanted to remain closed off from the rest of the world, but at the same time they were fascinated enough to draw depictions of what they thought we were. The depictions of past presidents are astonishing… They had no idea about our culture, anything. There wasn’t much of a way for them to do so either given their strict rules about entering and leaving the country. As a result we have these artistic depictions of what life would be like in the US from the perspective of someone who has never set foot outside of their country or had any access to current events of the time.

This is both beautiful and terrifying to think about… considering I know people who feel that everyone should go back to their (dis)respected countries and stay there. Oddly enough that only seems to be reserved for folks that have skin tones of the spicy or chocolatey variety… I never see one white guy say to another to go back to Finland or England (though that would be amusing). I’m looking at these pictures, and thinking about quite a few of my co-workers or some of the neighbors that feel we can wear blinders to the rest of the world and be perfectly content with it. Hell, some of them don’t even understand why I even have international friends. I never thought that living in the 21st century, where anyone with even a cheap phone can talk to someone half way across the world, and even in this day and age we still have people that would be even the slightest bothered by the smallest speck of indifference.

Of course I would expect conflicts, especially from people that want to buy things from other countries because its cheaper… everyone seems to be all about their own home team until coins are involved.

Hell hath no fury like an Overlord scorned

Or was that stoned? :v:

I love being able to go into the dev console and head around making screenshots worthy of appearing on my desktop. I can’t remember the purpose, but my robot friend and I kicked a bunch of shiny metal ass. I was rewarded with much needed swag and further instructions. Perhaps I’ll adventure more tomorrow if I’m still feeling green under the gills.

Oh yeah, and Fallout 76 released… anyone check into it?

Adventuring through Paititi

I can file Tomb Raider games under my list of games to play while not feeling entirely well or coherent. Over these last few days I’ve felt really ill. In one part due to the tree being removed from our house, all the sawdust and the rot from the center of the tree probably isn’t doing me any favors… My entire weekend was pretty much spent in bed. Today I’ve still been fighting with sinuses and other types of pain… Fortunately I’ve been keeping well medicated, but enough about my own problems… Back to things that distract me from physical agony.

I’ve been having a romp around Paititi for the last couple of days. Mainly searching for whatever isn’t nailed down, and discovering side quests and other stuff along my travels. Tonight I actually progressed further into Paititi, even managed to kill someone performing sacrificial rituals… the most unfabulous ritual of all… I’ve also been playing a bit with Photo Mode. It’s alright I guess. I do like taking scenic pictures as well as the occasional in game selfie in adventure games, so it all works out I guess. I’ve invested about 16 hours into this game so far, and now that I’ve thought about it this seems like quite a tradition I celebrate every year. Around this time I was having fun in Rise Of The Tomb Raider, and before that playing the first in this particular trilogy. While I still prefer the originals, there is definitely something that hooks into me and keeps pulling me back into this newer set.

Coincidentally they did release The Forge DLC today. I haven’t had a chance to visit it yet, nor have I ventured into coop. Perhaps when the planets align I’ll play with another human being.

Weekend Open Thread: Bethesda Owns My Ass Edition

Despite the nice crisp weather I’ve been feeling under the weather today… I can’t tell if if its allergies or the cold going around… or if I’m just sleep deprived which is a huge possibility I’ll try to sort soon (though I’ve found some nice foolproof sleeping aids if you know what I mean :v: ). But other than feeling a little off I had a nice chill day. Played a little bit more of Fallout 4, and even managed to do a little bit of Quake Champions with Yutram for awhile. We tried out different game modes and ended up annihilating each other other over separation anxiety due to the fact that it kept placing us on separate teams… and not being able to read the damned dark red font over everyone’s head. As usual there is footage involved, but the question “will it ever see the light of day?” looms over it.

Aside from that some of the other modes were fun. I’ve always been an old school style Deathmatch or gone for some TDM, but I did have a bit of fun with Sacrifice, Hot Rocket and the gamemode that spawns you as different people. Oh! Slipgate was fun too. Though chasing that red anus sometimes got confusing, though I guess that depends on the map doesn’t it…

Here’s to me waking up without half my face feeling like its on fire. :happy:

Using my noodle

It’s been awhile since I’ve shared any culinary wisdom. Tonight I took leftover roasted ham and turned it into a dish that I made by scratch with no help from a book.

One of my favorite sauces to make is a white sauce. I added Parmesan and smoked Gouda, and also a few splashes of Marsala with Italian spices as well as the ham. Tasted like a nice creamy Alfredo by the time it was thickened and ready for noodles.

Folded in the noodles. They’re wheat noodles, while the rest of the food may be fatty the wheat will help counterbalance it. 😛

That and the corn, can’t eat pasta alone… But eating this was really excellent. I’ll have to remember to try adding different boozes to cream sauces in the future to see how well they turn out. Will probably stay away from Creme De Menthe and Midori though…