The Mind Of OverlordTomala

My week of me time begins

I’m officially on vacation now. The weather was nice, and for my first day of vacation I decided to clean the bedding and take it easy. I even played a bit on the couch today, and even got back to my old roots in TF2. I even got enough junk to craft this butt pirate hat!

I have to say that TF2 has aged considerably well over the years. Hard to believe that it’s over a decade old, though the deliberately cartoony graphics make it timeless.

I also had a nice quiet Halloween. People at work liked my costume, quite a few were baffled by it at the same time. What baffled me though were people telling me my costume was “cute”. I fail to see what is cute about me wearing a metal jaw with a sombrero and poncho. :rick:

As for the rest of the week I haven’t really planned anything special. I just wanted to get away into my own world for awhile. Probably tackle some errands tomorrow, then do something evil. :zorak:

There isn’t enough time in a day

I had plans to head to the post office today, but the weather had other plans. I only had time to take a stroll down to the bank to make deposits, I’ll probably try tomorrow… and if I don’t get them mailed out then I’ll definitely do it during vacation when I have a large amount of time. :happy:

I did spend some time in SFM this evening, readying myself for some additional animated segments for another upcoming video, I have a lot of ideas for how I want to go about it… but I think this particular project will involve at least talking it over with another person…

I know I’ve said quite a bit that I’m working on videos and haven’t really published anything yet, but that’ll change next week for sure. I already have a video set aside to release on Sunday or Monday, and some others to follow… hopefully. :trollface:

Amazing what a little sleep will do

I rested so well that I ended up popping out of bed, finally finishing up packages that I need to mail of the birthday variety, did some tidying, took a shower, had a nice brunch, worked on a video and rewarded myself with some more Shadow Of The Tomb Raider. I haven’t had a chance to really play much apart from lunch breaks lately, can’t be all work and no play… It would make me duller than I already am, and we don’t need that. :morty:

I’ve been busy

The last few days have been particularly soul draining. Work has been wearing me out more mentally than physically lately, and I had to finish up after getting confirmation to pick up an SSD to replace a damaged 5400RPM drive. I have a feeling they’ll be really happy with it,

I had quite a bit that I had planned to do today, but do you ever decide to take a nap to prepare for it, only to find you pretty much into the early evening? Yeah, that happened… and on accident. I came home, made up my bed, had breakfast then went from watching a youtube video to waking up in a cocoon of covers. Of course it did rain today, and something about that particular form of weather places me at a sense of calm.

Of course, now it’s the weekend. Next week I only work two days, then I’ll have vacation to look forward to. I’m not really planning to go anywhere, just need to detox a bit from work is all. Will probably marathon blog all of the stupid shit I plan to do. :rick:

A Series Of Tombs

With the weather being cold today it felt nice sitting indoors, drinking a hot beverage, and playing games to keep warm. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider does a good job of making my fans spin much like the other two games in the trilogy.

I’ve also been wanting to play Tomb Raider 3 again, but every time I try to play it I run into one problem or another. During my last attempt I could only look left to right, and the forward button was the number two for some reason with there being no button to go backwards… and when I try to change the key bindings the game just crashes despite trying out different compatibility modes. For the hell of it I tried to run the game under Linux via Proton and surprisingly had better results (though the cutscenes never play properly). I was even able to run it with the proper widescreen patch at 1440p, making old Lara look less stretched out on the screen. Speaking of old Lara I didn’t know it was possible to mod the original game:

This person has a bunch of other mods on their YouTube channel that replace the regular Lara with other versions of her, as well as some other abominations. Definitely worth a look, I might even have to install some of them for my own personal enjoyment. 😛 Would probably be fun to stream/record too.

Forgive me wallet, for I have sinned.

I bit the bullet this morning and made my purchase. I figured that getting the entire game for $58 is better than paying full price for just the base game. I’ve already played a bit of it and my system handles it quite well with everything but tessellation turned on. I made it past the day of the dead festival, and now I’m saving it for a later date. Find something else to do for now…

4 Days Later

I’ve been really busy these last couple of days. A co-worker of mine wanted me to look at her husband’s two laptops to see if they could be fixed. I managed to factory reset the first one (and took pity on the poor bloke and installed Waterfox because no one should suffer with Microsoft Edge), and the second one I’m working on at the moment seems to have a bad hard drive in it. Both laptops seem to show signs of being dropped just by reading the hard disk information, with the latter one being the worst of the set. I’m going to recommend for him to upgrade both of his drives to SSD instead of the 5400 RPM drives that currently inhabit both systems, they’ll perform much faster AND won’t be as susceptible to large bumps and drops (and tell him POLITELY to take better care of his shit). :trollface:

Meanwhile at work, one of my co-workers told me that the new Tomb Raider has 1980’s Lara Croft, and when I asked him about it he meant Lara from the original game, then when I told him that came out in 1996 he said he thought the graphics looked “80”s like”. O_O He has now been demoted from nerd to digital dork. :trollface: I was entertained by his excuse of being “just a kid when it came out” to which I replied that I was only one year older than him… then it turned into a conversation about me not looking entirely ancient (despite having white hair). 😛

Speaking of Tomb Raider I did notice that its having quite a sale right now despite only being out for about a month. I’m still a bit on the fence in getting it, mainly because of my own time constraints and using Linux more lately, resulting in another game in an ever expanding library that I still need to sift through. Ohhhh but it is indeed a test.

Rats with guns?

Felt like playing a bit more Max Payne tonight. I’m playing it on the new Proton branch, now the game sees my correct graphics card as an RX Vega instead of the good ol ATi 2900XT. :trollface: I’m thinking of doing a serious playthrough, but that isn’t stopping me from playing in the dev console. I wanted to activate the special Easter egg that happens when you throw a grenade in the hole at the start of Chapter 2. Doing so will treat you to gun toting rats further in the level.

I only learned of this Easter Egg recently, can’t remember if I posted it or not but having rats suddenly pull guns out is quite a random display. It may not be Watermelons but it is just as memorable.