It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in on The Ocelot Unit…
It would be funny if they also replaced all of Mother Base with Ocelot. All the way down to the platforms. :v:
It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in on The Ocelot Unit…
It would be funny if they also replaced all of Mother Base with Ocelot. All the way down to the platforms. :v:
It’s comforting to know that if I ever can’t make up my mind on playing Spyro The Dragon or Half Life we can now have the best of both worlds thanks to a mod:
I watched the video, and for the most part they did a good job getting the game mechanics from the original Spyro down to a T. Magic Nipples (the creator of the mod) will be releasing it on October 26th. I might have to install this and give it a go. :happy:
Well, I managed to complete not only the last of the animation, but I’m also very close to wrapping up the project. I need to play with audio levels, render and make a thumbnail for when I finally get to upload. Probably won’t release it until at least next month. If I can I’d like to try and focus on spooky vids, and even if I don’t get to do that I can work on other things instead.
My next projects will hopefully involve something Linux related, and also a recent Portal 2 play-date. Yutram and I played custom maps made on Steam Workshop and we had quite an interesting adventure. I’ll have to sift through the footage and see what I can come up with. 😛
Yesterday (and today) I spent more time in SFM trying to get more of my project accomplished. When I went to try and export a scene for the first time I was greeted by some living nightmare that looked like a live action Andy Warhol painting live broadcasting from Satan’s anus when opening the avi file. After doing some research it seems it’s better to just install Quicktime Alternative to add mp4 and mov codecs as an option to the export process. I just need to animate one more scene and then I should be done with SFM, then I can focus on polishing it all up in Shotcut.
Speaking of Shotcut, tried to run it on Linux the other day but it failed to launch. I uninstalled it and downloaded the portable version instead, that had no issues for some reason… Oh well, at least I have more than one way to install it. :happy:
On my final night of trying to poison people that live in the same living space as me I took the steak from last night and made vegetable soup. Chopped up some carrots, bell pepper, onion, shallot and added some mashed potato from last night too, and also threw in a can of chopped tomatoes. I also wanted to try making a bechamel sauce for a bit of creaminess and additional flavor. Then of course you have your herbs and spices… more paprika! I’m not sure why I like paprika so much. I seem to go for sweet Hungarian for the most flavor.
That will be enough cooking blog posts for awhile. I’ll get back into writing other stuff tomorrow. :zorak:
Ordinarily I don’t do steak two nights in a row, but that seems to be the majority of what is in the deep freeze. I seasoned them with salt, pepper, and lemon pepper. Then I sauteed some onion with balsamic vinegar, and made homemade paprika mashed potatoes and paprika green beans. I have to say, today’s weather combined with dinner made me feel like I was still in the summer months.
If I have enough for leftovers I’ll come up with a good dish to recycle them into tomorrow, if not I still have shrimp as a backup plan. 😛
Meanwhile, I’m making good on my SFM project for an upcoming gameplay video. I’ve segmented the audio and animated the characters, now I just need to work on lighting and camera positioning. From what it looks like I’ll probably have to perform three separate renders for particular scenes. I can’t do it all in one go because SFM doesn’t like it when you have too many keyframes on a particular model. So what I have to do is animate what I can, then split off what I need and save two different files. It’s kind of annoying, but I’ve dealt with this before and know my way around it. I spent a good few hours animating a 46 second clip, granted a good portion of it was me trying to get good positioning but, wow… it adds up after awhile..
I have dinner duty for the next few nights. I started early this morning by making a nice Korean/Japanese marinade, and I let them soak until the evening. This was my first time working with Gochujang (a spicy Korean chili bean paste), it has quite the kick to it. There was also lime juice, garlic cloves, sugar, soy sauce, mirin (sweet sake), rice vinegar, ginger, and Korean spice powder with just a couple touches of salt and pepper. The end result is a sweet spicy steak, in fact this would probably taste great on beef too. Of course you can’t live on meat alone…
To compliment the spiciness of the steak I made a cool Korean cucumber salad with shredded carrot, toasted black sesame seeds and a ginger sesame soy vinaigrette with garlic, spring onion, Korean and Japanese spice powders and a touch of sriracha. Then of course there was white jasmine rice, one of my all time favorite rices to use.
I would count this dinner definitely among one of my better ones, but then when it comes to Asian cuisines I always seem to get the savor and spice just right. I’m not sure what I’ll do tomorrow. I have beef fillets defrosting, if they’re not ready tomorrow I may use shrimp as a backup plan…
I had a short shift today, but with company over and a couple chores I didn’t get around to everything that I would have liked to. My weekend starts tomorrow after another short shift, so maybe I’ll get some more stuff done. I’m also in charge of dinner stuffs for the next few days… perhaps I’ll share some food porn? :trollface: I’m thinking of marinading some pork chops in a Korean marinade tomorrow, maybe with some rice and a cucumber salad on the side. If I get into SFM I may progress enough to share some screenshots. :trollface: I’d also like to gather with some of you guys on the cinema server to see if we can get the video player working again, instead of that soulless HTML5 error that stares into my soul. :zorak:
It’s a good thing I have Windows configured to not update immediately to the latest update (and an even better thing that I’ve been maining on Mint); this bug sounds a little pants shitting.
Several early adopters of the Windows 10 1809 update have reported vanishing file problems on Reddit, Twitter and Microsoft’s Community forum.
One poor Windows 10 1809 user, Robert Ziko, claims to have lost 220GB of data after updating.
Bunches of people at a couple tech sites that I read have been saying “This is why you should make backups” and yeah, backups are a good thing to do, but you shouldn’t have to live in fear looking over your shoulder in fear of the grim clippy. Hell, in most cases people don’t know how to configure their systems and will be updated unwillingly, not even giving them a chance to perform a proper backup. Most of the time I can’t trust these people with an HDMI cable, why would I expect them to know how to properly configure Windows 10 to not fuck you over?
Fortunately I have Windows 10 Pro, you can set that up to put off major updates by one year. Plus I’ve been making it a habit to only use Windows for things I either haven’t tested under Linux or haven’t been able to setup properly. Feels good to finally reach that point, it was long overdue.
I don’t know what it is, but it seems like the more I work with the public, the more stupidity I seem to see on a regular basis. Today I had to explain to an old woman what “style” meant because she was confused and agitated when she saw two USB flash drives with the same storage capacity that were the same price, but (GASP!) were two different colors! Oooohhhhhhh! When I told her they came in different styles she had to ask me “WHAT DOES STYLE MEAN?!?!?!” which was rather fitting because her clothes suggested that her question reflected her fashion intelligence. She ended up buying one, but wanted to confirm that either one would work… as if color makes all the difference.
I tried going back into Windows to continue working on my video, mainly just extracting particular audio bits… but I got distracted by Halloween shopping on Amazon. I think I have an idea of what I want to wear with my mask this year. Perhaps I’ll try again on my project tomorrow… kinda kicking myself, because everything I did could basically have been handled under Mint these last two days. But that’s fine, I played Doom 2016 on my laptop in Mint during lunch today, it runs perfectly! Now if I could just figure out how to get it to see my mouse on my Desktop I’d be able to actually play it.