The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Combining My Two Latest Obsessions

Moved the plot along in HZD tonight, and not by much when I found some more sidequests. Also made time to clear one trial, only a few more until I get allll of the suns.

Then Yutram and I went into Resonite. It started with us watching my next YouTube video together to see if it passes the necessary tests to be deemed export-worthy. Next thing we knew we were exploring Japan as Godzilla sized tourists, it was educational… I think?

Video Content Update

Video production is going well. So far I have two Resonite videos compiled and ready to release. The Resonite videos won’t have any additional animation to go with them, unfortunately. As much as I’d like to add something extra I can’t find the reason. As it stands though I think they’ll be fine enough on their own. When I have more energy tomorrow I’ll start working on the video thumbnail(s)

Until then I’ve been diagnosed with sleep.

Playing At Our Local Cinema

A couple weeks back we found a VHS player in one of the worlds in Resonite; it turned out to be leftover from the Neos VR era, so it ran on older code. Yutram managed to get it working on Resonite’s more current code. We tested it out with The Cowboy Bebop Movie, one of many anime movies I can recommend. Other than some volume issues at the start we had it sorted in a few clicks. Apparently they have it available on!

We continued the adventure into a few other worlds. We went to a circus, a Minecraft village, and ended the night at a fancy resort that had a lot going on. A working pool, bumper cars, a beach with working showers, and a bunch more that has yet to be explored. The bumper cars had to be the funniest part though, unfortunately I forgot to film… but we will be returning with Bong to show him a good time, and have another laugh. 😀

Overcoming The Heart Of Darkness

Finished American McGee’s Alice tonight, overall I had a good time with it. Some of the game mechanics haven’t aged well, but the story, music and overall weapons made it all come together. I think my favorites were the deadly jacks. They did an incredible job with the idTech3 engine, I kinda wish they had a multiplayer deathmatch mode. 😛

Now I can properly begin Alice: Madness Returns next time I need to get my fix of Alice. Not sure if I’ll start a new game, or if I’ll continue on from the save I already had. Might be a good idea to do the latter to refresh myself on the controls. Save that for another time though, tomorrow I have a few digital science experiments to tackle, and maybe continue a video project.

Sunday Resonite Get Together

Life is like a box of melons.

Yutram and I went for another round of world exploration tonight. We found some old relics from the past, including an NFT Cryptobro Museum (it was just as bland as it sounds). Then we hopped to a few other small worlds until we met up with a couple other friends and watched a bit of a documentary before calling it an evening.

We also made a new friend along the way, and they were the only one playing in actual VR! Watching them gush over the working record player and other items was great, exactly what I did when I started playing around. Hard to believe I’m already 100 hours in, and I still feel like a n00b. 😛

Distorted Memories

It’s strange… I had another one of those dreams where I was back in the mid 2000’s with a friend that never existed, introducing them to Team Fortress 2 on a laptop that I never even played it on. Maybe it’s the music I’ve been listening to at work, we’ve been on a mix of the 90’s and 00’s and it’s been SUCH a THROWBACK. Either way it’s still better than those annoying dreams about being late for work. Those ones are always the most irritating.

The Red Queen Awaits

What’s this? A game that isn’t Resonite? Apparently I still play other games? I finally made it past the Royal Rage in American McGee’s Alice. The boss was a total thorn in my side until I figured out what I needed to use to thwart the bastard a second time. Now I’m on my way to the Red Queen… who knows how long it’ll take for me to get there. I’m close to the end, but how long until I decide to play it again? At least I got through the boss battle…