The Mind Of OverlordTomala

October is the time for scary stuff, like Windows Updates

Me watching everyone else install the new Windows 10 updates.

It’s a good thing I have Windows configured to not update immediately to the latest update (and an even better thing that I’ve been maining on Mint); this bug sounds a little pants shitting.

Several early adopters of the Windows 10 1809 update have reported vanishing file problems on Reddit, Twitter and Microsoft’s Community forum.

One poor Windows 10 1809 user, Robert Ziko, claims to have lost 220GB of data after updating.

Bunches of people at a couple tech sites that I read have been saying “This is why you should make backups” and yeah, backups are a good thing to do, but you shouldn’t have to live in fear looking over your shoulder in fear of the grim clippy. Hell, in most cases people don’t know how to configure their systems and will be updated unwillingly, not even giving them a chance to perform a proper backup. Most of the time I can’t trust these people with an HDMI cable, why would I expect them to know how to properly configure Windows 10 to not fuck you over?

Fortunately I have Windows 10 Pro, you can set that up to put off major updates by one year. Plus I’ve been making it a habit to only use Windows for things I either haven’t tested under Linux or haven’t been able to setup properly. Feels good to finally reach that point, it was long overdue.

If you have nothing nice to say, start an Open Thread

I don’t know what it is, but it seems like the more I work with the public, the more stupidity I seem to see on a regular basis. Today I had to explain to an old woman what “style” meant because she was confused and agitated when she saw two USB flash drives with the same storage capacity that were the same price, but (GASP!) were two different colors! Oooohhhhhhh! When I told her they came in different styles she had to ask me “WHAT DOES STYLE MEAN?!?!?!” which was rather fitting because her clothes suggested that her question reflected her fashion intelligence. She ended up buying one, but wanted to confirm that either one would work… as if color makes all the difference.

I tried going back into Windows to continue working on my video, mainly just extracting particular audio bits… but I got distracted by Halloween shopping on Amazon. I think I have an idea of what I want to wear with my mask this year. Perhaps I’ll try again on my project tomorrow… kinda kicking myself, because everything I did could basically have been handled under Mint these last two days. But that’s fine, I played Doom 2016 on my laptop in Mint during lunch today, it runs perfectly! Now if I could just figure out how to get it to see my mouse on my Desktop I’d be able to actually play it.


I had a pretty uneventful day at work. Went through the usual motions, switched things up by playing a bit of DeadPool during lunch today. I came home and went into Windows with the idea of continuing work on my video project but somehow ended up entering sleep mode for a few hours, entering areas of my imagination that I can’t seem to completely escape. Then I woke up, showered off and went to check out a new restaurant in town. It’s actually where I used to get my hair done years ago, the building was remade into am unusual Meximerican restaurant. I say unusual because you don’t just sit down and order. You go through a line like you would for a salad place or Subway, and you tell them what you want for your base (nacho chips, fries, or a tortilla shell) and what you want over or in it. I opted for nachos with four different kinds of hot sauce! They had so many sauces too to choose from… if it were the weekend I probably would have used every single one, and would of had my stomach pay the ultimate price. As it is my stomach hurts in a good way, now back in the comfort of home wearing watermelon PJ’s and knocking out a couple B52 straight shots before bed, goes down like candy.

Until tomorrow…

Making videos, for science, you monster.

I dipped my toes back into Source Filmmaker today as I promised myself, and created my little “stage” of sorts for one of the next gaming vids to be released.

Despite everything being unplugged everything just magically works!

Next on my to do list for the project is to rip all the necessary audio bits  out that I want to animate, which I’ll try and do tomorrow if work and some other obligations don’t knacker me out. Tonight Yutram and I did Portal 2 Co-op workshop, where we downloaded the craziest sounding maps and tormented our brains trying to solve them. All in all we had a good time solving puzzles and feeding our digital suicidal tendencies.

There was also a little bit more Quantum Break fun earlier, but unlike the last two previous days it wasn’t something that consumed most of my time. I think I’ve once again reached a point where I’ll move onto other stuff and come back to it again later. I’ve always had this habit of not staying on the same game and it seems to piss some people off, mainly Bayonetta man at work, but that’s how I’ve been ever since the early early days. I tell myself that I’ll get back to a particular title eventually, and in some cases I have actually beaten games or re-beat them if I have enough of a reason to revisit a particular one. Then you have games that are designed with modding in mind, and when done right those never seem to end. So in most cases I tend to savor my adventures instead of rushing through. It’s the journey, not the destination and all that jazz.

I can safely say though that I’ll never be bored… especially this week.

If time is an egg, then that egg is fucking broken!

I worked more on one of my next videos today, this one will take me longer than the others. It’ll be more than just gaming footage… I may work on some Linux based videos before releasing this one. I think I finally found something that gives me reason to touch Source Filmmaker again.

Then throughout the day I kept getting sucked back into Quantum Break, now on the 5th episode in the game. This game has definitely done a good job keeping my focus, the story is a captivating one. Though I’ve always had a thing for time travel myself. :trollface: And my god… you can tell this game was funded by Microsoft, different versions of Windows adorning many computers throughout the game, Microsoft phones in various scenes and areas, a Microsoft surface floating in mid air during a time stutter. I’m surprised I didn’t find any Mountain Dew or Dorito’s scattered throughout the game.

But as I’ve said this game has done a good job keeping my attention, in fact I’m up later than I should be as a result… Good thing I don’t work tomorrow.

It’s not a lake, it’s an ocean.

I found myself at a crossroads earlier; I could either continue working on a video, or I could relax in bed and take a nap. Then I woke up, played a bit of Quantum Break and had a good time gaining achievements and progressing.

I learned tonight that the DirectX12 version of this game was never released outside of the Microsoft Store, which actually isn’t a loss considering some benchmark information I read in a few places stated that the DX11 version performed with a better framerate and fewer bugs. So far I’ve enjoyed all of the visuals, and Remedy once again impresses me with excellent storytelling. You were invited over to your friend’s business to help with an experiment involving a time machine; one thing leads to another, and now there is a fracture in time and you have time powers.  It plays like Max Payne but with more than just bullet time.

I remember as far back as Max Payne there were in game “TV shows” that you could stop and watch, and in Quantum Break you get actual full episodes of “The Quantum Break Show” which is used to show you what is happening from within Monarch (the company responsible for this time fuck up). They took an interesting approach in using live action acting instead of their 3D modeled variants. Given Remedy’s past with using real people to not only model all of their characters but to also use real people in every other aspect of their games (such as during the fake in game TV shows in Max Payne to the in game “comic panels” I don’t really find it that jarring. One thing I should note though, is the episodes are almost a half hour from what I’ve seen. If you finish an act in the game you might want to grab a snack or something. Maybe play this game on a TV for the full episodic experience.

Remedy needs to bring back Max Payne, and also make full episodes of their old in game shows. I would kill for live action Address Unknown or Lords and Ladies.

Bonus points if Sam Lake plays every single character, including all of the women. :v:

Typical day in ‘murica

So there has been this local loon going around lately spouting off political randomness to us at work, mainly about how we need to get rid of rich people who are fucking up the country, and how Reich translates into wealth (dafuq?), and apparently Germany is still nazi land according to this insufferable twatwaffle. He even asked my co-worker Bayonetta-man about working in Germany, to which he replied that yeah, he’d like to go there… and then he proceeded to call him a nazi and declare that the entire town is full of them. Fucking Sphincter Gurgling Christ what the seven hells is wrong with us… :rick:

I don’t know about anyone else, but I never really hear anything pertaining to nazi’s in modern day Germany. Does that make me a nazi? I’m only one quarter German, and that makes me one quarter offended. Dammit, now I want to play Wolfenstein II again…

On a lighter note I’ve been working on a video, ran into another audio problem. This time my mic and mumble audio were recorded but nothing from the game itself can be heard. I still plan to release it, but I think I’ll have to give it some more polish and a touch of zazz. I’ll probably work on it more tomorrow after work. I have a short shift which means my weekend will be starting early. :v:

One more time… with feeling!

I’ve been having another on and off week. They’ve been screwing every week and its been putting me off, not to mention that I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. I’ve put in to take a small bit of time off at the start of November, the place is wearing away at me  moreso than usual.

I’ve also been pitching in with a computer project. My Dad built a computer out of his and my old computer parts (my old processor and R9-290 so its still rockin’) and we’re donating them to him. I’ve been working on it over the last couple of days getting emulators and some older games. We’ll have another one to add to our list of local card carrying PC Gaming Master Race card members. :v:  I tried installing the PC version of MGS1 but kept running into errors despite applying the patched exe’s. Then I remembered that “Duh! Just use the PS1 version! You can tweak it to look better anyway!” But I noticed one weird thing when going through quite a few of the files with the datestamps specifying they were created on my birthday in the year 2000. I sense a conspiracy theory coming on…. here are some facts:

  1. I was born the same year the first Metal Gear game came out
  2. I hate seagulls
  3. My copy of MGS1 has my birthday on a bunch of files
  4. I like watermelon
  5. My birthstone is a diamond
  6. One of my best friends magically becomes Otacon whenever I pose an odd question in voice chat (and Jack Black in other forms of spare time)
  7. I really like watermelon
  8. I know my way around a cardboard box, even how to kill them
  9. Did I mention that I hate seagulls?
  10. My hair went from purple to white in a weeks time
  11. I’ve had my chin scraped against pavement
  12. Did I mention watermelon?
  13. One of my nicknames was Major Tom (before I got promoted to Overlord)
  14. I FUCKING hate seagulls

I think it’s time to just come out and face the music…


I dunno why it took me so long to figure it out. :morty: