The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Linux is now working on my ROG G752VT

After beating my head against the wall some more I figured out why my NVidia drivers were installing incorrectly. Disabling UEFI in BIOS seemed to do the trick, and hey! Suddenly I could install the latest graphics drivers via driver manager (with the proper PPA added)!. I now have Steam installed, plus Waterfox and some of the basics. Even got the Steam Controller udev rules sorted. Now I’m finally ready to test games on another computer and have a more portable version of Linux.

Now I’ll just need to remember to enable and disable UEFI when booting between Windows and Mint… ugh. :rick:

DMC5 + Microtransactions = Predictable

I guess Devil May Cry 5 is falling victim to microtransactions:

“With giving people the ability to purchase Red Orbs, it’s something we want to give people as an option. If they want to save time and just want to get all the stuff at once, those people can do that. But on the other hand I don’t feel you have to get all the moves. You should be able to play it the way you want to play it.”

Needless to say I’m not entirely surprised by the news; when DMC4:SE released it had a bunch of DLC you could purchase that would give you extra orbs, plus unlock all modes and versions of Dante, Nero and Vergil. I never bought the DLC because I wanted to play it the old school way (even though at the time it released on PC before I could get my hands on the HD collection). Still, considering this is a single player game it seems rather cheap to just purchase your way through a good portion of the game instead of earning it yourself. What’s to stop someone from modding their game instead? I could understand it better if you wanted to purchase new levels or maybe even skins. But to me it seems like they’re exploiting gamers who don’t have the patience to learn or are too lazy to mod cheats into their game… Yeah, I honestly believe there is more effort in modding or hacking your game than purchasing handicaps.

Today I played a good chunk of DMC1, and while I hate to admit that the game has kicked my ass more than I’d like to share, its still fun facing these challenges. I hate sounding like one of those asshats that despises new people coming into a game and making a big stink about not playing it the same way that I’m doing it, or how gamers these days need to have their hands held through every obstacle, and to be honest those people make me cringe… THIS however strikes a chord with me, and seems lazy for both parties. Capcom makes a buck off of lazy gamers that want a good chunk of stuff handed to them, and the gamers get what they want by opening up their wallets and throwing them at their singleplayer game.

Is this going to put me off from buying the game? No. Am I going to pre-order? I already said in a previous thread no. I’ll buy the game, but I’m filing it under Shadow Of The Tomb Raider status: I’ll get to it when the prices go down. I have enough on my plate as it is, like meeting up with friends in other games to smoke a fucking eyeball.

Much like this picture I just find this use of microtransactions to be rather ridiculous. Now excuse me while I smoke a fat eyeball and hit the hay.

Evening Open Thread

Tonight I decided to chip in and make dinner for everyone, this was a bit of a challenge since I haven’t felt well these last couple of days. But I had taken painkillers and candy, and was able to put together a chicken curry dish:

Originally it wasn’t supposed to have a bunch of vegetables in it, they were for a Thai salad to accompany the chicken curry. Sadly when I went shopping today they were out of some additional ingredients, which left me with combining the vegetables with the curry. I regret nothing. 😛 I used Mongolian fire oil to stir fry everything, and a yogurt curry masala. It was spicy, but just the right kind of spice. It paired well with peanut sauced noodles, everyone loved it. The best part is that there’s still leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch! :happy:


Here’s what you’ll need to run DMC5 on PC

Here’s the information I’ve been waiting for:

Devil May Cry 5 Official PC System Requirements


    • OS: WINDOWS® 7 (64-BIT Required)
    • Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4770 3.4GHz or better
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX760 or better
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Storage: 35 GB available space
    • Additional Notes: *Controllers recommended *Internet connection required for game activation.


    • OS: WINDOWS® 7 (64-BIT Required)
    • Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4770 3.4GHz or better
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX960 or better
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Storage: 35 GB available space
    • Additional Notes: *Controllers recommended *Internet connection required for game activation.

Something tells me my systems will be ready upon arrival. I probably won’t by it for pre-order or on day one, but I do want to pick this up once I confirm its a decent port, RE6’s benchmarks were impressive, and I’m hoping this won’t be any different. For now I’ll just enjoy the HD Collection, the other games, my entire game library, streaming, linux testing…

I forgot how to be bored. :v:

A wild Playstation Classic appears

I guess Sony has decided to get on the “Lets make a miniature console” bandwagon:

I’ll admit it does look pretty cool, but considering I have a PS3 that can play PS1 games that I got for a fraction of the cost of this lil guy, the original PS1 with original dualshocks AND epsxe on all of my gaming computers I think I’m pretty good. :v:

The way its meant to be installed

My new NVMe arrived this afternoon! :happy: When I first plugged it into my laptop it ate my boot order for some reason. It was reading my new 970 Pro, and then where my 960 pro should have been there was “SM_NVMeROM” instead. Swapping slots seemed to fix this issue for me.

I underwent my Linux Mint install, and it started off well. Watching it install at super speed was incredible, then once I restarted things began to get tricky… I ran my updates just as you normally would on a new install, and tried to install the latest NVidia graphics driver as the one in the default repo is slightly out of date. I tried running the .run file directly from NVidia’s driver site  and learned that it has to install at the CLI level… the fuck? I tried various tips and tricks from all over the internet but nothing seemed to work, then I saw someone mention installing a PPA and downloading the driver from choice from the driver manager… no dice.

With as easy as it was to setup Mint on my pure AMD desktop I was expecting flying colors on the greener side of the fence; after all I hear people crow all the time about how NVidia has THE BEST Linux drivers evar because they have tons of trained monkeys doing all of the programming!!!!11111… Why in the actual fucking hell do NVidia’s drivers have to be so difficult? It’s 2018… For fucks sake even AMD’s proprietary drivers have a working user interface… What’s NVidia’s excuse? Aren’t they the richer company? I shouldn’t have to search the four corners of the internet for obscure instructions on how to install a fucking graphics driver. As long as problems like these continue to exist on Linux it’ll continue make Windows look more attractive. :zorak:

At this point I can’t help but stare at my linux mint install with an angry glare… I wasted so many hours trying to get this to work, and now I’ll have to shelve it for another time.I’ll come back to it in a few days assuming I can muster up the nerve and set aside more time. Five fucking hours of my time that I could have set aside for a nap, a video, more game testing, gone… :zorak:  I’ll have to start fresh again, fortunately I mainly focused on updates and drivers so no programs or files were copied over. Would suck to do that all over again. I’m going to try and get it up and running as I really want to test Linux on another set of hardware as well as see how the new SteamPlay performs… but if I can’t get this sorted I’ll reformat it and use it for something else.

I hope the open source drivers continue to improve… NVidia can go eat a bag of polyester cockwombles.

Dear Esther, I did another livestream

This time my streaming went ALOT smoother, and not just because of the new stream deck. There was one problem when I started however… For some reason my recording drive disappeared from my list of drives. It turned out my IcyDock wasn’t working for whatever reason. I swapped it to another slot and it worked fine. I did get the dock working again after the stream, for some reason even though the light on the device was on it wasn’t doing anything. Pressing the power button on the dock a couple more times got it to work again.

But anyways the stream went alright. Tonight’s victim was Dear Esther: Landmark Edition; a first person walker where you listen to narration… so basically a serious version of The Stanley Parable. I haven’t played Dear Esther in years, and felt the need to revisit it (that and Yutram suggested it last night and the idea stuck in my head ever since). It was probably the most boring let’s play I’ve ever done, but I somehow managed to have fun with it anyways. If you’re interested in watching it you can find my vid here. It’s a little over an hour if you have that kind of time to kill, and much like the Freedom Planet stream I will be working on a video highlighting the best moments… if there were any.

Like a bat out of hell

Once again I somehow manage to make it to the end of my work week without committing any sort of violent crime. That’s what I’ve decided hack n slash games are for, or perhaps my own variant of stress squeeze ball.

Brightest Crotch In The Castle

I’ve been replaying MGR under Linux to see if I could find any bugs (so far it still runs like a native version), but today during lunch I wanted to get back into DMC1. I defeated Phantom, a giant spider a second time. They’re not kidding about this series (aside from 2) as being hard. But now I somewhat understand how to defeat Phantom, its just getting my timing down and trying to get used to that Resident Evil style camera (its almost like they’re developed by the same company or something… :trollface: ). I guess it helps to be in the right mood, this was a rough week and I’ll enjoy the next couple days not having to endure another wretched fuckmuffin’s attitude problem. The weather is supposed to suck, not that I’ve really been getting out lately on the weekends lately (unless you count going two hours out of town to get your skin removed). I’ll get cozy and spin my roulette wheel to determine what creative brain child I’ll need to tackle.

Might also try to do another stream tomorrow, or perhaps play a multiplayer game, or both.