The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Late Night Open Thread

I had a calm day off. I made a nice omelet with a homemade tomato sauce using a pepper wine I made recently. Over the last couple days I chipped in and cooked a couple things. I made a homemade mac and cheese with Cheddar, Parmesan, and Amish Blue with prosciutto with corn on the side; and last night I made a greek tomato and shrimp sauce that also used the pepper wine. It’s basically sherry wine fused with the essence of serrano peppers for about a week, really compliments the tomatoes or almost any soup you cook it in.

The weather was nice enough that I went out for a walk, town was still a bit hazy but at least I didn’t smell any smoke today. I tested Obduction on my new hardware and it’s much more tolerable. The only complaint I have now is the LOD issue when walking in between areas. Then I tried to play some Saints Row 4 with Yutram, but there was no success. We ended up going into Quake Champions together for one frag match before bed.

On that note, goodnight.

OMG Metal Gear Movie

It was recently announced that a Metal Gear movie was being planned. With no surprise I have mixed feelings on the subject, just as I did when Ghost in the Shell’s live adaptation hit theaters and completely fucked the story. I could be wrong, perhaps the movie will be a shining example of how to adapt a video game into a good movie as the Metal Gear series is cinematic in its own right going as far back as Metal Gear Solid. At the same time that presents another problem. Each game is like a movie on its own, how are you going to take elements from each title in the series and make something coherent? Dune the movie was based on the Dune book series, and it is known for being notoriously bad due to trying to cram as much of the series into one film, and if they’re not careful this title could meet a similar fate.

Despite that I do like the concept art that was released. It looks like they’re mostly referencing MGS3 and MGS with some MGSV thrown into the mix. This also makes me wonder who they’ll bring in to play what characters? and what characters will appear in the movie? I can only think of this particular character chart someone did:

If he were still alive it would have been fun to watch him play every single character, including the women. :meeseeks: At that point it wouldn’t even matter if it were a terrible movie, people would be talking about how he played every fucking character.

In all seriousness though, I can sum up my feelings like this: You know that one episode of Futurama where the Amazonian women sentenced all of the men to death by snoo snoo? and all of them switched between faces of happiness and absolute horror?

Yeah, that’s how I feel right now.

My portable time machine

I laid out my virus prank this morning, and had interesting results. He wasn’t afraid of it, in fact it seems he wanted the hard drive to be wiped. He was bummed when I showed him that Windows was still available… and then I loaded Windows 3.11 and that still didn’t really phase him. It wasn’t until I pulled out Norton Commander that I began to hear terror in his voice.


He questioned what the purpose of said program served, and I had a fun time trying to tell him that in the old days this was a good program to do file transfers either between drives and floppies, or networking two computers together. Back in the early days of computing Windows didn’t quite take off yet, so it was either this or manually typing in each command to complete particular tasks. NC was also awesome for making a custom launch menu. I remember using this when I was younger to launch DOS games; it was this and Windows 3.1 (and eventually 3.11) that I switched between whenever I wanted to play something. You know, have to have my Skifree fix. :v:

On another note I also wore a poncho and a sombrero to work today on a dare; same co-worker said if I did so he’d give me a free lunch… I don’t think he remembered. I’ll have to remind him next time we work together. 😛

My Infected Imagination

During my spare time, when I haven’t been working, playing or anything I’ve been binge watching YouTube videos where people mess with tech support scammers, and more recently been watching old virus porn from the MSDOS to Win95 era. Then it hit me that it would be fun to play a prank on one of my co-workers using a little imagination, and a USB thumb drive with DOSBOX and a neutered virus just to see what his millennial ass will do when he encounters it… I’m a millennial, so I get to say that. 😛

I decided to download one of my favorite viruses from’s malware museum, a place where you can download and even see the effects of old viruses from a few decades ago. My favorite virus on the site is a fun one armed bandit game; in the old days if you ran this virus it would wipe your hard drive clean and store all of your data in RAM. You have a small chance of saving your data if you win the game, but if you fail you would lose all of your data and have to either rely on your old backups or have to start from scratch. In this current era the virus has been defanged and is completely harmless, all that remains is the threatening message and an addictive game… Oh! and a chance to troll my co-worker. :trollface:

I have it all setup on my thumb drive for tomorrow morning, looking forward to his reaction when he looks at the computer screen tomorrow morning. :trollface:

I also have to say this virus looks quite silly on my Amazon Fire 7 too. Yes, I have malware on my tablet… from the 90’s. :v:

Hot Fucking Chocolate

I was reading this blog post over at Fucking Recipes today, and this quote as well as the subject matter caught my attention:

with hot chocolate season on the way, there are a lot of subtle ways to work a little magic into your mug! a compiled list of easy recipes to have some magic in your day

Then I looked out my window and saw fog and felt the balmy weather, and I thought to myself “hot chocolate season is right the fuck now”. So tonight after having soup and sandwiches I made some hot cocoa with cinnamon, peanut butter, ginger and a dash of FUCKING NUTMEG… because I’m not a nord who can swallow cup after cup of the stuff.

They do have some interesting ideas for hot chocolate on that page, not entirely sure if I’m on board with the lavender type but everything else sounds good.

Sunday Evening Open Thread

A good chunk of the day was spent watching some random videos in the Gmod Cinema Server, and then a bit of No Man’s Sky. I encountered a bug where I needed to refine some materials, but for some reason they vanished one second after placing them under Input. Yutram was nice enough to donate the materials I needed. It was strange to see tons of Ferrite just vanish into the ether. I even obtained Ferrite Dust and lost it just as quickly… This game is as beautiful as it is fun, but some of these bugs make me question how this was supposed to be a $60 title, especially considering we are just NOW able to play with other people. What I’ve played so far has been relaxing up until this point. I’m no stranger to bugs, but when you reach a point where you lose your materials and need assistance from someone else it’s rather annoying.

On the brightside I did manage to customize my character. Now I wonder what would happen if I made a list of all game characters I’ve ever made. :zorak: Perhaps even a half assed story to go with each one if applicable. If I were to do that I wonder what one’s I would include… hmmmm.

From canines to cat women

If Metal Gear and Ghost In The Shell collided I would be the aftermath.

This week my interests have been between both Windows and Linux. On the Linux side I tested out Saints Row 3 and 4 with with nice results. There was also a bit of Sega Megadrive/Genesis Classics with only a minor graphical bug.

Under Windows this week I got lost in Okami, adventured in No Man’s Sky, then of course today I wandered around Fallout 4 aka Skyrim with guns. I even completed a quest and got people to join The Minutemen! One of these days I plan to escape the clutches of Preston Gravy. I think my next goal is to mod Dogmeat into something else. I’ll have to check out the Fallout 4 Nexus next time for some much needed inspiration.

What would REALLY be cool would be a mod that replaces Codsworth with Octodad, then I could get Bong to voice his lines to complete the illusion. Of course by getting Bong to voice Codsworth I mean have Bong speak into his microphone for hours with HIS ideas of what Codsworth would say… actually this is starting to sound like a bad idea. :v: