The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider goes gold

But not like that.


Square Enix and Eidos-Montréal have announced that Shadow of the Tomb Raider has officially gone gold. According to the press release, Lara’s defining moment is out of Eidos-Montréal’s hard-working hands & on its way to manufacturing.

I had fun playing the first two reboots, but I’m hoping they strive for some improvements… such as making it feel like a Tomb Raider game again, and Lara’s personality, and Lara being able to say something more than just “shit” when she gets scared. They should of hired me to do dialogue. :v:

Is YouTube running slow for you? This might be why.

I’ve been noticing lately that YouTube loads slower than it used to… this article shines some light on possibly why.

In a thread on Twitter, Mozilla’s Technical Program Manager has stated that YouTube’s Polymer redesign relies heavily on the deprecated Shadow DOM v0 API, which is only available in Chrome. This in turn makes the site around five times slower on competing browsers such as Microsoft Edge and Mozila Firefox. He went on to say that:

I use Waterfox and have no interest in migrating over to Chrome… do no evil my :assy:

Fallout Miami

A modding team working on their project: Fallout Miami has released this really swank trailer.

This is looking to be quite a big amount of content. I’m not too far into Fallout 4 yet apart from wandering around like a buffoon and enjoying the scenery, but I always welcome mods like these to prolong my experience, as seen during my adventures in Skyrim. :v:

Who needs the library when you have Amazon?

Everything about this statement is wrong to the point of making me puke in my mouth.

Wrong enough apparently that Forbes removed their entire article. Considering I read posts from both the left and the right, and most of them hated the idea it must have been enough for them to 86 the damn article. :zorak:

I did things

I finally had a day off where I didn’t endure any kind of pain or accidental self harm! I even managed to get a nice breakfast, a little bit of cleaning done, and even made a video of a recent Left 4 Dead gaming session plus a title card for tomorrow. I also played around some more in Source Filmmaker; mainly playing with assets. I originally wanted to have a short cold open for the video, but the Francis model kept crashing SFM making the project pointless… though I did have fun with particles.

Videos releases will continue to be semi random as I’m still in the process of grabbing footage; I just happened to have enough to release something. :trollface:

For a friend

I made another surprise for my co-worker male Bayonetta friend:

I’ve found (long before the Bayonetta incident at work) that he looks quite similar to John Egbert (or even Jake English) from the webcomic series Homestuck. I changed the shirt logo to show a Twitch logo as he does Twitch streaming. I think I’ll bring this in tomorrow morning in my latest attempt to scar him for life. :v: