The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Games and agony

Kept you waiting huh

I took to wandering the wasteland today, didn’t feel like doing much else. I somehow managed to conjure up pain in my shoulder blades this morning; I can’t remember how exactly, but once it happened I heard a crack followed by an intense pain that I’ve only been able to get the edge off of with painkillers and candy. That and playing a bit of Fallout 4 with 2Boss. 😛

I also ventured into XCom 2, a friend of mine from work recommended it to me during the summer sale. I’m not really one for RTS games, but when he mentioned modding and the amount of customization you can put into making your own characters that made my ears perk up. I don’t have any screenshots yet, but give it time. I think it might even be worthy of recording, or streaming at the very least.

Oh, also on the subject of games I revisited Myst Online: Uru Live yesterday. It was interesting to see how it performed on my new processor, for some strange reason one of my cores was pegged at 97% at all times. It wasn’t that big of a deal considering I have 16 threads total, it’s just really bizarre. Then of course there was Cards Against Humanity with friends. Something I really shouldn’t play before bed, as that caused some really strange dreams I’d rather not go into detail about. :zorak: We’ll just say that I turned Gollum Hitler into a potato by stabbing him with my sword. I can’t really say much else because I’m afraid the internet might not be ready for what my brain churns out during a nightly sleep session.

Video Hiatus

After doing a good job of releasing one video per week for almost two months I’ve found myself needing to take a break. I have stuff that I need to put out, but it’ll require further polishing and analysis before getting to a point of release… unless some miracle happens where I find something to upload, such as cat porn. :morty: I’ll be sure to continue making regular posts, would have done one yesterday but was stuck in bed for most of the day. :rick:

Oh, forgot to add there might be a chance of me streaming. :v:

They call it paradise, I don’t know why.

As usual I had to work on independence day… could have switched with someone to have it off today if I wanted to, but I don’t mind the extra money while working with one of my favorite co-workers. Plus unlike the others I managed to get out before the mad rush. :trollface:

I watched people around me, customers and employees alike all dressed for the holiday. Wearing clothes and jewelry that reflect the holiday, shirts saying “American and Proud”, which I can’t deny are two things I have a hard time being and feeling at the same time over these last couple of years.

It’s hard for me to have any sense of pride relating to my country when I have to wake up every day and read about something embarrassing, depressing, and various acts of stupidity with a high chance of them all being rolled together into one cancerous growth. It’s hard to celebrate independence when you have to read, or even deal with the established inequality we so desperately seem to crave, and forcing it onto unwilling participants, all to make themselves feel relevant in their own shitty day to day lives. Then you have the people who couldn’t give two shits about current events and our world. People are being shot? Kids are being separated by their parents and being sent to camps? The trade war may have an impact on sending gifts to your international friends? It doesn’t effect me, therefore it shouldn’t effect anyone else.

I too try to keep myself distracted, usually by what I blog about here, it helps keep me somewhat sane in an insane world; That and it’s unhealthy to keep glued to all of these stories knowing you can’t really do anything to change the situation. It also doesn’t help being surrounded by apathetic people who would rather continuously bury their heads in their smartphones instead, only relying on word of mouth, or one news source entirely for their news just leads me to more depression. Unlike them I have to at least recognize what we’re doing, and how morally bankrupt it is.

I know I’m not the only one that thinks this way. There are other websites and blogs that I frequent that are finding it hard or even pointless to celebrate. On one they did mini posts of the constitution, on another there was an upside down flag, signaling distress.

My country doesn’t fill me with pride, but at least I can say I have enough of my own knowing I didn’t vote for this to happen. We need more younger people to do the same.

Meanwhile, in Fallout 4…

I’ve basically been doing to Fallout 4 what I’ve done to Skyrim; Installing as many mods as possible both ridiculous and not.


One of the clothing mods I stumbled across was a set of Motoko Kusanagi outfits from Ghost In The Shell;. Since I already had some MGSV armors and masks installed it only made sense to add Ghost In The Shell, as finding mods pertaining to that series is rather difficult. If I had known about this mod sooner I would have given my character purple hair, although in some way the white hair seems to work fine. So far I have this (and Motoko’s other outfits), Deadpool, 2B, Big Boss, Quiet, XOF armor, Parasite Unit armor, Octocamo armor and solid eye, and much much more. I have no desire to stop looking at mods either. 😛

I may have to record my adventures as I’ve done with Skyrim. After all, Fallout 4 is basically Skyrim with guns. :v:

Lara Croft And The Temple Of Amnesia

I’ve been meaning to play this for quite some time (preferably with friends) and was lucky enough to do so this afternoon. Unfortunately, I’ve discovered a bug that seems to randomly happen on certain systems that prevents the application from saving your progress. :zorak: I read around and discovered this bug has existed since release, and for whatever reason the devs never bothered fixing it. There isn’t even word of a fan patch that could fix the issue. Shameful…

This game had potential (I say had because it has pretty much been abandoned), and I was hyped to be able to play with more than just two people even with it being as buggy as it is during multiplayer. Oh, and surprise surprise it appears the console versions didn’t share these issues. :zorak:

I’ve uninstalled the game for now. Additionally I could install someone’s save file, or delete a particular folder, start the game, change a setting, and move some save files to get it to work… but I could invest that kind of time into playing and modding games that actually work. I guess I could test this on my laptop or the HTPC. If it works I could always play local coop with my bro.

I wanted to continue with recording the game to continue this style of series:

Alas, twas not meant to be I guess… I’ll have to apply this style to another game, if I can find something comparable.

Wandering the wasteland in high heels.

On a whim I had an itch to return to Fallout 4. On my previous build it wasn’t very well optimized, but this time around it runs a lot smoother despite not detecting my hardware. There are still some hiccups in certain places, but I think those can be tweaked with mods and ini variables.

Fallout Automata

I’ll have to make a second attempt at getting this to work on my laptop. On my previous one I got it to work fine, but no matter what I tried it outright refused to use most of the mods I downloaded in NMM. I’m thinking last time it was a permissions setting, and I’m hoping that by playing around a bit more with the desktop version I’ll have a better time getting it ironed out.

Real Life Overlord Sighting

I received some pictures from Princess Barbie (best friend since childhood) from here most recent visit in town, and would like to share one of them:

There is a bench in the local park that you can sit on and it makes it look like whales are kissing your bum. I’m not sure if this was the intent, but creative nevertheless.