The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Evening Open Thread

I wanted to do a livestream of Serious Sam Fusion Beta, but due to some audio issues that creeped up whenever running the program I currently can’t go about playing it. I’m too exhausted to think about playing anything else either. A long day of work and horseplay at the river on only 4 hours of sleep have left me in a listless mood. I think it’s time for me to lay my weary head to rest and accept whatever my imagination decides to fuck me over with tonight.

While I do that, here is an Open Thread.

Looking into the streaming scene again

One of the many things I read about Ryzen CPU’s is their ability to stream AND leave you with plenty of resources for your game or anything else you could think of. On my old Xeon Skyrim never looked good enough to me unless I wanted a higher quality setting, which caused my framerates to dip periodically. With my Ryzen 7 I only used about 19% to 23% even while recording via the GPU at the same time. I guess this means I’ll have to look into doing livestreams at some point. 😛 No facecam though.

I’m compiling a list of games I want to publicly embarrass myself with, and so far I have these:

  1. Broforce
  2. Skyrim
  3. Saints Row Series
  4. Doom/Quake/Wolfenstein Series
  5. Shadow Warrior Series
  6. Serious Sam Series
  7. Hard Reset
  8. Windows 3.11 For Workgroups

If anyone has a suggestion feel free to add it to my list via the comments.

It’s good to have hobbies

The temperature was much cooler today, resulting me staying in , resulting in me spending several hours editing over three hours of footage into a seven minute clip, took me the whole afternoon but it’s all cut up. All I need to do is refine it and add some finishing touches, then I’ll have another one in the can. I’m starting to get low on video footage again, gonna have to fix that. I already have another video lined up for tomorrow; I’m sure some of you can guess what it’ll be. :melon:

Of course it wasn’t all work on my day off! I played a bit of Okami HD. I’m not sure if it’s the art style, music, or the whole environment in general but playing it is very relaxing. It felt good to play while listening to the wind flow through the tree outside my window. The only thing that might complete my immersion would be putting it on my laptop and playing it in the middle of a forest… though that would just make me look like an ass. :assy: Although other people enjoy their smart phones and other handhelds; why deny me some balanced time with nature and technology? If it were warmer today I probably would have done something of that caliber.

First Open Thread Of Summer

Today’s 30C weather didn’t put me in much of a mood for gaming today, that and I was worn out by the time I got home today. I took one of those accidental naps that seem to happen from time to time. I’m not sure what I’ll do tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be about the same. I may take my gaming laptop outside and play in the front lawn. :trollface: At work today I played some classic Tomb Raider (because that’s what you do when you buy a gaming laptop with an i7 6700-HQ and a GTX 970m, you kick it old school obviously), actually had someone ask me if I used Steam… which was funny because I was playing using the Steam Controller. Kind of got into an argument with them over Ark Survival, they seem to think that it’s $100 when off sale? Maybe in another country, but not here… yet.

I did play a bit of Alpha Protocol tonight. Controls seem to take a little getting used to, may even remap them or make an attempt playing with the Steam Controller instead. Seems similar to Deus Ex in some cases, especially when hacking alarm systems… and the computer hacking? That’s going to take some getting used to. It also has dialogue options similar to Deus Ex but on a faaaaaar more simplistic scale. Seems to have the basics for your typical espionage game, it’s a bit early in the game for me to offer much of an opinion on it though. Good or not it was a freebie though, so I can’t complain too much. :v:

My brain continues to somehow make me money

I took the liberty of doing a factory reset of a Samsung Galaxy tablet this afternoon for one of my Dad’s computer customers, my Dad doesn’t play with Android and with my $1 experience with an Amazon Fire 7 I figured I could use some extra pocket change. The hardest part was gaining access to the interface after doing a factory reset as per his request, though in about an hour I had it up and running again with him and his daughter’s help (thankfully she remembered the password for her Samsung account). Reconfigured and installed some apps for him, now it just needs a good polish to get the finger prints off and he’ll be ready for his business trip come Monday. This could be the start of another type of service I could offer, website building, computers and now Android service. :v: The funny thing is this will actually cover a good chunk of what I bought during the Steam Sale. :trollface:

Mission Accomplished

A Fantasy my co-worker bud had…

It has been decided that if my fellow co-worker still lives in the area by October that I will have full permission to do his makeup for a Bayonetta costume. He’s been fighting it ever since everyone at work decided he was Bayonetta, and now we have reached an agreement. It may not happen due to other reasons now but hey, it is something. :v: