I’ve got enough footage from Resonite that I’ve started sifting through the couple hundred gigs I’ve accumulated. I still have to figure out how I want to divide it up, but I have plenty for at least one video. I’ll go over it again with fresh eyes tomorrow to figure out how I want to end the video, and what additions I need to add to it… if any. So far I’m not sure if I need to add anything additional.

Each night I’ve been diving into public folders where avatars, props, and all kinds of tools are kept. This evening I scored on some Omega Mart Products! Methinks I’ll be doing some grocery shopping for my personal home. 😀

During my excursion into public folders of swag I also stumbled upon some drinkable Gatorade bottles. Another item I’ll probably stock up on… if I remember which folder I grabbed it from. I was filming at the time, so if I forget I’ll probably be reminded when I finally get around to processing the footage. 😛