The Mind Of OverlordTomala

New Video(s) In The Works!

My character impaled by a palm tree.
Impaled on a palm tree.

I’ve got enough footage from Resonite that I’ve started sifting through the couple hundred gigs I’ve accumulated. I still have to figure out how I want to divide it up, but I have plenty for at least one video. I’ll go over it again with fresh eyes tomorrow to figure out how I want to end the video, and what additions I need to add to it… if any. So far I’m not sure if I need to add anything additional.

A bottle of Root Beer Flavored Vape Juice Flavored Root Beer.
Root Beer Flavored Vape Juice Flavored Root Beer

Each night I’ve been diving into public folders where avatars, props, and all kinds of tools are kept. This evening I scored on some Omega Mart Products! Methinks I’ll be doing some grocery shopping for my personal home. 😀

Bongmaster enjoying some Gatorade.
*Glug Glug Glug*

During my excursion into public folders of swag I also stumbled upon some drinkable Gatorade bottles. Another item I’ll probably stock up on… if I remember which folder I grabbed it from. I was filming at the time, so if I forget I’ll probably be reminded when I finally get around to processing the footage. 😛

More Sunday Adventuring

More Resonite shenanigans! Yutram and I worked on our avatars a bit with some science, and then we spent the rest of the evening adventuring through more worlds. We followed a cat to a hand drawn spirit realm. I’m sure it looks even more amazing in VR.

Then I ended the evening listening to records with Bong and one of their friends. Twas a nice evening overall. 🙂


Our movie night was a success! We decided to watch the 1977 Japanese Comedy/Horror Film “House”. It was one hell of an experience that taught me that even horror films have their super sentai moments. It’s about a young girl who travels with her friends to visit her Aunt’s house, and then things get really interesting. It was full of 1970’s campiness, and managed to hold anime/manga vibes. We had some good laughs watching it tonight! We also did some world building afterwards, and a bit more exploration. We found a dreamscape world that dances to music. The skybox even has audio visualizers, the trees and rocks dance in tune with the music and it’s just a whole vibe I can appreciate!

Every Evening Is Another Learning Experience

I may be playing a lot of Resonite, but I’ve at least been learning about model porting and Blender along my travels. Tonight I successfully ported over the lotus I wear in the YouTube vids, and thanks to the help of Yutram and Bong they helped me retexture it. There will be plenty more opportunities for me to burn more knowledge into my brain as I bring over more accessories and models. We’re thinking of having another weekend movie night in one of the cinema worlds tomorrow, now we just need to decide on what to watch…

Mysteries of the VR World

Tonight in Resonite: We accidentally stumbled upon a world with puzzles to solve. We got through quite a few of them before deciding to call it a night. Other than that I’ve been continuing to learn how things work. My nameplate now has a custom font, and I’m learning how to attach models to other models so that I can recreate the nightmare fuel from my SFM sessions.

Zoos and Gardening and Cinemas Oh My!

Today in Resonite we paid a visit to a cursed looking zoo map. It had a mix of moving animals, non moving animals, a couple talismans that turned you into animals… and an exhibit for feral lawn chairs. It had quite a bit going on in it.

Then we decided to take up some gardening! We grew tulips, carrots, wheat, and most importantly of all… watermelons. It was a nice relaxing map, the three of us had a good time. Then after we completed all of our farming for the day we went cinema hopping.

We still have a few more cinema maps to explore, but I think we’re on the right track. We watched a couple small videos before calling it a night. I wasn’t even planning on hopping into Resonite today, but when a friend mentioned they were wanting to do some science there it was hard for me to say no.

Resonite is basically a more modern hybrid of VR Chat and Garry’s Mod. I doubt it will fully replace GMod for me, but it does offer unlimited possibilities. So far we’ve been to a zoo, became farmers, went diving for records, visited the cinema and there’s SO MUCH MORE to explore! I’m looking forward to my next excursion! 😀

For The Records

We didn’t mean to spend the entire weekend in Resonite… but here we be! Started off by showing a friend the world where we found the VHS tapes and player, then watched them take it apart to understand how its coded, then we ended the evening by visiting a record store, with working records! I saved some to my inventory to play in my digital home. Found some oldies, new stuff, game soundtracks, and all kinds of other crazy stuff. I’m liking the amount of variety this game offers.