I came home exhausted today. Partly due to work, partly due to a light sunburn across my face, partly due to the reminder that I live around a lot of stupid people, and partly due the rain. I took one of my many accidental naps, and now I smell pizza.
I’ve mentioned a few times in passing that for the most part I do my video editing with Shotcut, an open source alternative to Premiere or Vegas. I still keep Premiere installed on the off chance I need to keyframe something (like the THX logo in last weeks MGR video), but now it seems that miiiiight change considering they have officially added the ability to add keyframes to your projects!
Perhaps the most requested feature is the ability to move or smooth pan-and-zoom images or digital photos. We chose to address that in a more general manner by allowing filter parameters to be key-framed and animated rather than build something specific. Well, after long wait and much work, this has been introduced with a new Keyframes panel. It has an icon on the main toolbar to open the panel. There is much to say about this new feature and be sure to watch the videos as they become available. Keep in mind that this is new, incomplete, and a little unstable. Here are more caveats:
No support for undo/redo (pending filter support for this)
No keyboard shortcuts yet
Not yet available for transitions or generators
Only the following filters support keyframes at this time:
Gain / Volume
Circular Frame (HTML proof-of-concept)
Color Grading* (no simple)
Size and Position* (simple only, no curve UI)
It’s new, so I expect it to not in perfect working order, but a great start nevertheless. If they keep it up and get it at a point where it’s on par with other non-linear editors I’ll have a reason to retire premiere completely. :happy:
By the powers that be I have a new graphics card coming in the mail. I’ve managed to score a RX Vega64 to surpass my current R9 Fury. It was a toss up for me to either completely switch to Ryzen or upgrade graphics. For now I can still get by on my Xeon, and throughout the year I’ll just scout for parts individually as they get cheaper. I have a goal to completely go pure AMD on my desktop by next year. I’ve read and seen enough about Ryzen processors, with threadripper continuing to make me drool.
I wonder how many Bungholio Marks I’ll be able to score? :v:
I’ve been experimenting with an all in one patch for the PC version of MGS2 that I stumbled upon whilst browsing the Steam forums. This was an oddly timed find as I was considering getting my hands on the HD collection for the PS3 version and play it that way. But after experimenting with this fan patch it has been smooth sailing. I can play it at any resolution I want, I can choose between an XBox Layout or a PS2 one. I can’t seem to get the game to run through Steam properly, making it more of an annoyance to try running it with the Steam Controller. Not too big of an issue, after all I have plenty of other controllers to subject it to. For the test I used my old reliable standby: The Logitech G510. It performed quite nicely using the PS2 layout (the G510 is basically a hybrid of the XBox and Dualshock controllers). Got rumble support and everything. I’ll have to install it on the HTPC for a nice big screen experience. Now if I could find a patch for the MGS1 PC version, it wouldn’t need much other than the ability to run it in resolutions above 1024×768 and not corrupted cutscenes. I do have the PS1 version, so it’s not too big of a deal though. :melon:
Sadly OBS doesn’t let me record or stream MGS2 unless I have it record the entire desktop. Fortunately I have my laptop setup to do remote capture over the network, gotta love plugins. :v: I figure if I’m playing MGSV, MGS4 and MGR I should go as whole hog as I can. After all I can definitely see MGS2 being worthy of recording. :trollface: I could hear the gears inside my head turning, they were metal… or was that mental? :melon:
I do find it funny that taking this to a prom is bad, but cosplaying in this stuff is totally ok. As someone who collects a bunch of things relating to the orient and enjoys wearing other worldly clothes I took an interest in this article about this girls prom dress.
Like many other teenagers preparing for prom, Utah senior Keziah Daum wanted to find a dress that would stand out, “something that would be more unique and bold and had some sort of meaning to it,” she said in an interview with The Washington Post.
I always find it rather amusing how people can get bent out of shape over articles of clothing. I collect Kimonos (and even bought one recently), Cheongsam’s, Hanfu’s, etc. To me if you’re not supposed to wear a particular garment due to your heritage then why are these items being sold worldwide? You never really hear about people complaining about the origins of the T Shirt, and how people around the world wear them. They originally started as undergarments and eventually evolved to a point of everyday wear. We should learn and embrace other cultures and what they bring us… like good food. 😛
He looks like a happy old man. :happy: Why would I want to rob a happy old man of his 8 legged life? He looks like he’d be happy scurrying across a Monopoly board with a top hat on.
The latest thing in the gaming world for people to be really pissy about is the new upcoming Doom movie. My memories of the original Doom movie were never really that great, but like when most movies are announced or coming out I take all information with a grain of salt. It already sounded a bit off that it was going to be a straight to DVD/Blu-Ray movie… but that’s not what the big focus seems to be. There have been arguments in the fanbase over one detail… the protagonist is a woman. Oooh! How horrible! These same people have even been posing the question: What would happen if Hollywood cast a male to play Lara Croft? Considering Tomb Raider is actually heavily inspired by Indiana Jones, who last I checked was a dude… that argument is invalid. Plus there is a male Lara Croft out there, his name is Nathan Drake and he’s part of the Uncharted series… Not that it matters to these people, these extremely manly men need their safespaces unlike the rest of us. :zorak:
Throughout the Doom lore (yes, there is actual lore believe it or not, even more than I realized) there are female characters. Maybe not directly involved with the original game, but in the novels there was Arlene Sanders, and one even existed in Quake III Arena by the name of Crash (not the bandicoot). Of course that still isn’t enough for these so called manly men. I personally could care less if it were a male or female leading in a movie, hell I still don’t understand the anger around last years Ghostbusters being all female.
Back to the argument about gender flipping and how we should all totally be outraged about it. I could name a few movies ideas of my own. What about Pretty Woman, Driving Mr Daisy, Marvin Poppins, or lets really get crazy and make a male version of Juno where the guy gets pregnant, and maybe Legally Blonde where the guy is a bleach blonde surfer dude trying to become a lawyer, or my personal favorite The Brotherhood Of The Traveling Pants! The point I’m trying to make is that like many things this can go both ways, so why not have fun with it? :v:
I’ve been mentally gearing up for my return to work tomorrow. I have all of my clothes laid out, tea has been brewed and the laptop and tablet are charged and ready to go.
I played a bit of Doom Snapmap today which turned out to be more entertaining than expected. Snapmap is a built in map editor/community version of the 2016 Doom you could say; people make their own maps and share them with the community. Some of them ranged from awesome, to what drugs were these wanks on when they made this? At some point I’d like to go into CoOp in these maps and have a good time.
Then I did another stream of MGR, nothing noteworthy there… Or at least I’ll be the judge of the footage I captured. As short as the game is I somehow manage to have fun with it still. I think it’s because there are multiple ways to attack people, like distracting them with 3D porn and running into them with a barrel and then finishing with some epic poledancing. I have to say, playing this after playing DMC1 and DMC3 feels more like a cakewalk, an extremely fabulous cakewalk, and Dante is fabulous to begin with… or at least he was until they Justin Biebertized him.