Taking a break from one metal gear game to play another. I only have one question: Will I get my five dollars? :happy:
Old games catch me off guard to this day
I wasn’t aware there were dedicated flying levels in Spyro. I’ve been having fun trying to get all of the treasure. I’m not sure yet if there is a dragon to free in this level, but it has been amusing trying to grab all of the rings and other stuff. It also looks like everything is made of giant gems. :happy: Of course up in the top right is a counter, you have a limited time to collect everything and everything you can collect time for each item you destroy/fly into. That I have yet to properly time. :zorak:
It’s kind of a weird transition if you think about it. For most of the game you can’t really fly, glide yes but never fly… Now all of a sudden for this level you can fly? I wasn’t aware there was a Spyro that could put the entire Superman64 game to shame. :v:
Devil May Cry 2 lives up to the not hype
I always heard that Devil May Cry 2 (unless you count the reboot with a Justin Bieber’d Dante) was the worst game in the entire series, and after playing it today I can see where people are coming from.
The Devil May Cry series is notoriously known for stylish hack n slash, and encourages you not to use the same moves over and over again to defeat your enemies. In Devil May Cry 2 however it seems the best way to defeat enemies is to do just that… So far all of the boss fights I have encountered have been rather simplistic, a chop here and gunshot there, definitely seems off-putting compared to the other games. I mean I knew something was amiss when I realized I wasn’t getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter. :v:
I can’t say it’s a terrible game, but at the same time I have to say it comes off really lackluster. I still have a bit of a hard time with the other games, but when I finally defeat a difficult boss it feels much more satisfying than anything I’ve encountered thus far. The last boss I fought was an infected helicopter, which was basically a helicopter possessed by a demon. To get through that boss battle I mainly just kept shooting the shotgun over and over again. Another boss was a giant gorilla orangutan hybrid demon. The game seems to have a thing with monkeying around as I’ve also found small monkey looking demons, as well as other animals and abominations.
Dante’s personality also seems too serious to me. In all of the other games he has a laid back personality, even tries to eat pizza while being stabbed at by a bunch of monsters, but in DMC2 he’s all serious all the time, and has the whit and charm of a wooden plank. No sarcastic lines, no comical retorts, no terrible puns that make me want to throw a shoe at my computer screens. It’s no wonder they made DMC3 similar to DMC1.
I guess now my remaining question is which is really worse? DMC2 or DMC: Devil May Cry (The Reboot)?
Lets Rock Baby
So, over the last week I’ve mainly been playing Metal Gear games, Okami, and today it was The Devil May Cry Trilogy. I’ve been on a Japanese game kick, what can I say? :melon:

I’m finding that for me the Devil May Cry series lives up to its difficulty curve, you simply don’t wave your sword around like an idiot (my default strategy) with most of your enemies. The best way I’ve been able to think of it so far is that Devil May Cry is like an extreme game of Simon, an extremely deadly version of Simon. When this enemy attacks here do this. When enemy runs after me press left and Y. I left off at a point now where I need a second Rusty Key, and I didn’t feel like continuing any further due to the traditional sweaty hands and tired button presses. #FirstWorldProblems

I remember when I tried to play Devil May Cry 3 from the 2006 PC port and being extremely disappointed. Granted you could mod it to fix some of the issues, but it still wasn’t quite right. While this HD remake isn’t perfect DMC3 in this years remaster is definitely a step up with better controller support and resolution up scaling. I definitely like the combat in both games, although if I were to complain about anything it would be the camera. I’m sure I’d still have the same problem if I played on console, but in certain areas of each level the perspective changes, and sometimes the direction you’re running may or may not change when you want it to. This makes it really annoying for me during boss fights, I’m actually surprised they don’t list the camera as a final boss for the game. 😛 Of course if I can learn when what position shifts to which angle I can eventually figure it out. Streaming this publicly would be an embarrassment for me, though I could say that for just about any hack n slash… or most games I’ve played.
I keep telling myself I’ll stream more public stuff one of these days, and I think it’ll happen. The planets just haven’t quite aligned for me yet.
Today’s Watermelon Sighting Brought To You By Okami
Not much to write. Played a bit of Okami tonight and came across a very important item.
I was reading a thread over on the Steam forums, people were complaining about the 30fps cap, and honestly… as someone who likes getting as many frames as possible (60 or up) I didn’t really notice. Maybe it’s the art style but the 30fps seemed fine for me, granted I would be happy if they or someone modded the game to run at a higher framerate, but the game performs fine enough that I’m glad I bought it. People were boycotting it because it wasn’t 60fps though… pffffft. :melon:
Another night of video edits comes to a close
I’ve finally caught up on all of my video editing, although in my foolishness I’ve somehow overwritten one of my videos. So that particular one will never see the light of day… it was one of the MGSV ones. Fortunately MGSV is a large game, I should be able to find everything I lost naturally, still doesn’t stop me from kicking myself in the head over it.
I’m now back at a point where I can start doing other stuff.
Hunting the internet for recipes.
In pursuit of a new BBQ sauce recipe to go with some chicken nuggets tonight I turned to the internet and caught wind of this little recipe.
To give it a little more kick I added a couple drops of hot sauce and some grated ginger. I’ve never had Sweet Baby Rays (Last time I checked they didn’t use real sugar), but this was sweet as the name it was trying to mimic. Has a nice bit of tang to go with it too, it was pleasing to all of the senses. I even had it all over my chicken and even dipped fries in it.
Highly recommended overall. :meeseeks:
An entire day of editing cardboard box porn
I’ve been going over video footage I’ve accumulated over the last week, and surprisingly I have quite a bit to share. I’ve been dividing it all up into small videos of course, it feels weird to actually have footage in the can so to speak, if only I had more time for this sort of thing.
I did commit a sin tonight though, for almost an entire year I’ve only used Shotcut for my videos as that offers the ability to edit my OBS recordings along with their individual audio tracks, while newer versions of Adobe can handle this I don’t think it’s worth it to me to pay a monthly fee when I can achieve what I want out of an Open Source program. But tonight I had to take one of my clips into Premiere Pro to do some keyframe work, something Shotcut lacks at present. I also had to use it to loop an animated gif into another format as Shotcut kept having a stroke whenever I tried to import it. So I guess ye olde CS6 still serves a purpose… although Shotcut has been kicking all kinds of ass when it comes to video editing options, filters, multi-platform support and a thriving community.
I definitely recommend Shotcut if you’re looking for a video editor on the cheap, or an excellent Open Source competitor that runs on Linux, which Adobe doesn’t. 😛
Just when I think I’ve had enough…
I’ve had a hard time trying to escape the Metal Gear universe lately. I’ve managed to get pulled back into MGSV, and beforehand I was having fun running around in MGR with a machete and doing deadly pole dancing. I think what I like about the series as a whole is that it plays off as a world that takes itself way too seriously, but if you look closer into it the level of seriousness is on par with Serious Sam, seriously!
Today I mainly focused on side-op missions, by the time I made it to doing main missions I began to falter. There was one mission I tried to do, and no matter what I did prisoners died. I tried to do stealth, a prisoner died, I tried to go full blown gung ho, a prisoner died, I tranquilized a sheep, prisoner died… Then I tried another one, kept getting caught. At that point I felt I needed to take a break from kidnapping Russians for my own amusement.
I also got some highlights for YouTube that I’ll post at some point. Depending on what I feel like doing tomorrow I may work on some videos, unless I decide I want to do more recording or something else entirely. I’ll be off until the 30th (which oddly enough is a Metal Gear holiday) so I’ll have plenty of time to piss about as I please.
It’s a bit different for me to see an Easter Egg like this:
I managed to press a little further into MGSV. Found a weapon called The Honey Bee, a really badass rocket launcher.
Things kinda got hazy when The Parasite Unit arrived and brought a giant stink cloud with them. I was face to face with The Joker’s father:
Then after my escape from the battlefield I returned the Honey Bee to Motherbase. Where I then decided to order things from Amazon:
Or at least the Diamond Dog equivalent. This series continues to blow my mind. :happy: