With perfect timing! Work has been cranking up the drama lately, not getting into that though. I have one week plus another two days next week. I’m not going to attempt to think about the hell hole. In fact there’s a good chance that I’ll be really drunk tomorrow, so if I post anything weirder than usual. Or it might lead to me doing a reinstall of CentOS… That seems to randomly happen whenever I get really plastered.
Happy 4/20!
Even if you don’t celebrate 4/20 I hope everyone had a happy day. My day started being happy when I got home from work and fell into a pizza and watermelon induced coma.
This is getting serious!
It’s been 4 years since anything has surfaced regarding Serious Sam 4, now we have a teaser showing us how serious they were the entire time.
Now for the inevitable question: Will it have a battle royale mode? :v: Everyone I talk to seems to think that’s the future and classic style FPS games are a thing of yesteryear, just ask Wolfenstein II… :trollface:
I love everything about this, all the way down to the name they chose. Planet Badass just sounds so… badass. I now have a reason to look forward to E3.
I would like to thank everyone that joined in on the private stream… all one of you. Hopefully it can be done again soon.
I’m suffering from idontgiveafuckitis
I haven’t had much that I’ve wanted to write about lately; mostly due to fatigue, not feeling right, depressing subjects, the desire to be in a permanent coma, and the idea that my vacation is only 4 days away. I’ll be taking a week off as a birthday present to myself. :happy:
Time to see if I can remedy this with a good nights sleep. I have a slightly later shift tomorrow, meaning I’ll be sleeping in on a work day for a change. :v:
What case would you put this system in?
Damn, would have killed to have one of these back in the 90’s…
This was an April Fools video but still… I have to love the effort put into the whole thing.,especially that wind… god damn.
Happy Friday The 13th!
Hope everyone had a great day. Mine was pretty calm, worked, napped, washed off the stench of mediocrity. Windows Update didn’t buttsex my machine, and I got the other set of watermelon PJ’s! Now I feel complete.
This Nendoroid is simply fabulous!
Not gonna lie. I kinda want this:
Admittedly I have been looking at Nendoroids lately. I’m not sure what one get, possibly one of these? Those eyes… and that hot tub.
Evening Open Thread
Came home from work early today, then I ate and went into a rain induced coma. Woke up, ate again and now I’m readying myself for another coma.
Anyways, open thread!