The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Launching Vacation.exe

With perfect timing! Work has been cranking up the drama lately, not getting into that though. I have one week plus another two days next week. I’m not going to attempt to think about the hell hole. In fact there’s a good chance that I’ll be really drunk tomorrow, so if I post anything weirder than usual. Or it might lead to me doing a reinstall of CentOS… That seems to randomly happen whenever I get really plastered.

This is getting serious!

It’s been 4 years since anything has surfaced regarding Serious Sam 4, now we have a teaser showing us how serious they were the entire time.

Now for the inevitable question: Will it have a battle royale mode? :v: Everyone I talk to seems to think that’s the future and classic style FPS games are a thing of yesteryear, just ask Wolfenstein II… :trollface:

I love everything about this, all the way down to the name they chose. Planet Badass just sounds so… badass. I now have a reason to look forward to E3.

I’m suffering from idontgiveafuckitis

I haven’t had much that I’ve wanted to write about lately; mostly due to fatigue, not feeling right, depressing subjects, the desire to be in a permanent coma, and the idea that my vacation is only 4 days away. I’ll be taking a week off as a birthday present to myself. :happy:

Time to see if I can remedy this with a good nights sleep. I have a slightly later shift tomorrow, meaning I’ll be sleeping in on a work day for a change. :v: